


3 years, 7 days ago


Name Maekawa Shika

Titles Great Staghorn

Blossoms Out At Sea [Banner] 

Age ~22

Gender Male

Birthday December 24

Constellation Cervus Forti

Region Inazuma

Affiliation Tenryou Commission (former)

The Crux

VAs Matthew Mercer

Hiroshi Kamiya

  • Archery
  • Relaxing
  • Smoking

  • Sakoku and Vision Hunt
  • Extensive exercise
  • Being disrupted

  • Shika is a name that means gentle deer, it's generally a more feminine name.
  • Shika's constellation, Cervus Forti, roughly translates to "Great Deer"
  • His mother was from the Kujou family, so he has a blood relation to the Kujous.
  • Shika is very tall, standing at about 189 cm (6'2") which earns him the name "Great Staghorn."
  • Shika was fairly young when he received his vision, in fact, it saved his life and his parents when they were in danger so he is very thankful for it.
  • He has a vision familiar that he talks to, it's pretty similar to Fischl and Oz.

I don't wish to do much anymore now that I've been given the will to roam this world free as I please.

Maekawa Shika is an original character made for the game Genshin Impact. An Electro Bow user from Inazuma, he has found himself a place in Beidou's Crux Fleet after fleeing from his homeland.

Shika appears as a rather laidback and chill man, and that he is indeed. Before taking on a more relaxed lifestyle on the Crux, he was rather calmly into his work in the Tenryou Commission. He was serious about his work back then, and he still can be when he thinks the time is right. Now, he tends to be lazier and really doesn't like to do all too much work unless he feels it absolutely necessary. He can always be seen resting alone in front of enjoyable scenery to enjoy his peaceful times.

Shika was born into the small Maekawa clan working for the Tenryou Commission. His family was tied to the Kujou Clan through his mother's bloodline, the Maekawa clan already having been a vassal family to the Kujous. Shika lives a rather monotonous and repetitive life, always being caught in military training rather than getting his own free time, and eventually the reality of war. As boring as it was, Shika thought it wasn't too bad serving the Raiden Shogun. He worked hard for his own and the Kujou family, and that's all he was ever seen for.

Over the course of a couple of years, Shika was starting to see what the Shogun had been brewing — the Sakoku and the Vision Hunt Decrees. It became more than fighting ancient monsters and Abyss-ridden creatures. It formed into fighting Inazuma's own people and even punishing them if they refused to hand over their vision. Quickly, Shika found himself disagreeing with the Shogun's actions and beliefs. It was then he decided to work against the Decree, disobeying the order to force Visions away from their holders. He'd let them free when they would refuse to turn their Vision over, and having done so got him into some serious trouble. He put himself at risk of having his own Vision taken away from him, and it leads him into a duel with Kujou Sara.

Originally, Shika lost the duel to Sara. Obediently, he handed his Vision over to Sara's hands, the woman on a rather sadistic streak having seen Shika lose to her hands. But the next thing she knew, the man attacked her. He was able to successfully get past her and grab his Vision back. Knowing his punishment would be far worse for trying a move like that, Shika fled as fast as he could. Successful in his escape, he finds himself in front of the Crux Fleet from Liyue, right in direct contact with its Captain Beidou.

Kujou Sara[acquiantances]

Sara and Shika have known each other since they were fairly young, and their neutral views on each other have stayed the same. It's not that they dislike each other, it's just that Sara is wary of how lenient and lax Shika is, while Shika is annoyed at how much Sara always wanted to work hard to show loyalty to the Shogun. Their last interaction with each other before Shika flees was a duel between the two for Shika's disobedience and his Vision. He doesn't see her again until Kaedehara Kazuha and Beidou join forces with the Resistance to turn the tides on the battlefield.

"damn shorty what's up?" Kazuha and Shika first meet when Shika has a run-in with him and Beidou. He really liked Kazuha's vibes, so he continued to linger around him only to find out they had some stuff in common. The two never really expected to catch feelings for each other, and they kind of pursued it naturally without ever stopping to talk about it directly. They can be found lingering around each other quite a bit, often looking very calm because they enjoy each other's vibe.

Beidou [respectful relationship]

Without admitting it, it made him a little nervous to meet the leader of the Crux, Beidou. He knew he wanted to join their ranks as a place to stay after fleeing Inazuma, but proving he could be there was nerve-wracking. He managed to pull through with a tough battle, earning Beidou's approval.

Kamisato Ayaka [respectful relationship]

Ayaka and Shika interacted only when it came to business matters. He enjoyed how polite and almost princess-like she was, thinking it to be rather cute. He also does agree with her in her views against the Shogun's recent decisions, and admires her will to take action upon making a change in inazuma.

Kamisato Ayato [respectful relationship]

Just like with Ayaka, Shika only really interacted with Ayato when it came to business matters. The two men got along pretty well and were very professional with each other. Perhaps at one time or another did Shika have eyes for the man, especially because he was very admirable to Shika. It didn't work out all too well when he found out Ayato was with a man named Mizuho, plus given Shika's situation of disobedience to the Shogun.

Raiden Shogun [complicated]

At once did Shika think like everyone else, to praise the Raiden Shogun as Inazuma's precious Archon. He always says that was when he was too naive to realize what had been brewing for the government, and she had then become cold. He was one of the many that disagreed with the Sakoku and Vision Hunt Decrees. He didn't take it too lightly though, given that he turned from his loyalty to the Shogun and got caught in a battle for his Vision.

Shikanoin Heizou [acquaintances]

In a typical Shika manner, he once had his eyes on Heizou. They got along just a little bit, which was quite a surprise to a lot of people considering Heizou is how he is. However the more time Shika spent around this rebellious little soul, the more he was off-put and rather irritated by him.