Shika (ShiKazu♥️)



3 years, 7 days ago


Gender Male
Orientation Homosexual
Birthday December 24
Star Sign Capricorn



Gender Male
Orientation Bisexual
Birthday October 29
Star Sign Scorpio



Height Difference
32 cm
189 cm
157 cm

Age Difference
2 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Shika and Kazuha first met when Shika, having just run away from the Tenryou Commission, finds himself in front of the Crux Fleet. He was frantic and desperate in asking Beidou to let him aboard the Alcor, only half concerned about whether or not they let him into the crew. Upon being let in by Captain Beidou, Shika was greeted by the polite and soft-spoken young man.

Their Relationship

Kazuha and Shika have made their relationship with each other very open to others around them. They are sweet, gentle lovers and tend to just enjoy every moment they can get with each other.

Upon being greeted onto the Crux by Kazuha, Shika was instantaneously intrigued by the gorgeous young man in a typical Shika manner. He was wary though, careful not to try anything in case Beidou never let him into the Crux Fleet's team. He had to prove himself worthy through a tournament held by the crew, and he took that time to try and show off a little. Kazuha at the time said he was "a little too much of a show-off," but he'd never meant it in a rude way. The young man himself even faced off with Shika just to prove it, and the outcome of his victory left Shika not only embarrassed but completely head over heels for this guy.

When Shika is welcomed into the Crux Fleet, Kazuha happened to be the one he wanted to linger around with. They'd had stuff in common so they found, and overall their lax vibes went hand in hand with each other. Kazuha wasn't really expecting at all to feel for this man, but it ended up hitting him anyway. He never spoke up about it though, leading to the relationship happening as naturally as possible without any direct words spoken about it. There was a point where they'd been getting intimate with each other but were still left unsure of what was even between them.

The only words between the two men that could be of any indication of a confession or a relationship were during Omnipresence Over Mortals. Both men were let into Inazuma to help alongside the Resistance in battle. Shika reminds Kazuha to be safe because he wants to see him come back home. Although they don't really have a solid place to call home, Kazuha carried the words with him through the battle in Inazuma. 

How Shika feels

"This is as easy I can put it but Kazuha is simply just... perfect. He's polite, beautiful, and best of all, poetic. It brings a smile to my face waking next to his gentleness in the morning, I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's safe to say, he has me wrapped around his finger."

How Kazuha feels

"It has been a great amount of time since I have called anything my 'home,' but truthfully I must say Shika feels like home to me. Sure, my lover is lazy and too laid back sometimes, but with a freedom-seeking soul such as his, I feel all too lucky."


  • Kazuha never fails to impress Shika with his poetic ways. Shika never gets tired of listening to Kazuha.
  • Coincidentally, Shika bears some similarities to Kazuha's dead friend, which is part of the reason why Kazuha kept company around the man.
  • When Shika speaks to Kazuha, he tends to speak more gently to him because of his sensitivity.
  • There are many times when Shika quite literally will not let Kazuha walk on his own. He carries him in his arms or on his back, claiming that he doesn't want Kazuha to "overexert" himself.
  • Yes, weed. These two like to smoke weed with each other. The first time Shika smoked with Kazuha, he started to cough so bad that Kazuha sat there laughing at him. He still makes fun of Shika for it.
  • In turn, Shika makes fun of how EASY it is for Kazuha to get tipsy.
  • Kazuha is understanding of Shika's laziness and tends not to mind, but he'll get a little mad if he has to keep tugging Shika to get up and take care of business.
  • One of their first interactions happened when they were setting sail, and it was Shika's first time out at sea. He was trying so hard to hide the fact he was nervous, but it backfired on him and he ended up having to puke. It was really embarrassing for him with Kazuha just standing there awkwardly, hoping he was okay.
  • After the battles in Inazuma, Shika attempts to tell Kazuha he loves him, but he screws it up which makes Kazuha laugh. Kazuha took it over and completely one-ups him by telling him something poetic.
  • Shika tends to be very touchy with Kazuha, and he typically doesn't mind. He always needs to have his arm draped over Kazuha's shoulders when they're outdoors.
  • With how Shika is, Kazuha tends to feel a little jealous of his boyfriend and sometimes will feel as if Shika sees Kazuha as something temporary.
  • They like to try and cook meals together when they can. Kazuha often enjoys grilled fish, and also likes when Shika can manage to throw together some kind of soup for him.
  • When behind closed doors, Kazuha likes to wear Shika's clothes as his pajamas. They are quite oversized on the man's smaller form, which Shika finds super cute.
  • Kazuha, in a poetic manner, once or twice has brought up marriage. Shika, to Kazuha's surprise, actually agreed to it if they can one day afford to do so. Shika told Kazuha he would take Kazuha’s family name.
  • NSFW
    • Okay so Kazuha was a virgin and Shika obviously wasn't. So he promised to do good for Kazuha <3 which he did keep his promise, his boyfriend was certainly impressed. And no he will not live that down.
    • Shika got to top for that one (1) time before Kazuha was like "actually" and rocked Shika's entire world. Goodbye.
    • Both are fairly dominant in their own ways, however, they are both gentle even in bed with each other.
    • They have a lot of clothed and/or risky sex, as I am sure it's not too often they actually get a decent enough space to relax and have sex.
    • Yes, semi-public sex. They do it in rather risky places aboard the Alcor.
    • Kinda to add to the above, Shika has a bit of a kick for exhibitionism, so yes they have been somewhat caught but it didn't stop Shika.
    • Outdoor sex happens a lot, too, if they're wandering around with each other and happen to find the perfect enclosed area.
    • Both men manage to stay pretty quiet during sex, at most soft moans and heavy breaths come from them.
    • Kazuha loves to keep things lighthearted, so they probably throw around a lot of body worship for each other.
    • Shika loves leaving marks all over Kazuha's body just because he thinks it's pretty on Kazuha's light skin.
    • On a more playful side, Shika likes to get Kazuha worked up in public out of nowhere. It's gone as far as him giving him handjobs or oral in some sneaky area.