#362 Shun Rakuyama (Shun Rakuyama)



3 years, 7 months ago




Name: Shun RakuyamaNicknames: Snowflake, Shu-Shu, Shunny.
Age: 25Species: Human
Gender: MaleSexual Orientation: Homosexual
Height: 179 cm | 5′ 10 inchOccupation: Demon Slayer
Partner: ZephyrusRank: Mizunoto
G O L D  T R A C K E R 

Shun isn’t a complicated guy, If you want to have a chat then he wouldn't mind being your companion at all! 

Straight as an arrow when it comes to saying the truth. He won't hide things from others, also why he doesn’t mind saying what everyone is thinking and take the blow.

He can be a little aggressive in his way of meeting others. If Shun wants to get to know someone, he may just approach the person right ahead.

The slayer sounds and has the looks of someone who doesn’t have any interest at all, but don’t be deceived! Shun finds many things exciting.

He is a bit of a snowflake. He doesn't always just fit in, as his actions quickly can make others lift a brow in wonder but it's also a part of his charm.

He can be a very competitive person, who does not show mercy. Not even for children or elders.

  • Netflix & Chill
  • Friendly fighting
  • Games in all sort of forms
  • The smell of tobacco
  • DIY projects
  • Sarcasm
  • Getting tricked
  • Dull colored & hot food
  • Large groups of females

The boy was a quiet child with a big temper, which means a lot of fights and a hard time playing with others, because of that most of Shun's time was spent with his sisters, though siblings will always be siblings, they ended up teasing Shun to a point that he became traumatized by them. It quickly made his life harder than it should be. He isolated himself from his family and the outer world in a period because of that, the only "social" connection he had was from the internet and the stray cats he fed through his window. At one point he ended up getting forced out of the house to do delivery for his family's food shop. Oh, how the world could be cruel. 

Most people took their time to eat the food in the shop. However, they had gotten a delivery from a particular person, it was from a woman nobody had talked with, beside Shun's father. The customer believed that she was sick somehow, maybe something mental. As much as Shun didn't want to go. he had to or else his lovely box life will end up impossible without his parent's support. He never saw the woman's face directly, since she talked to him from behind her front door. Fairytales about demons and how even they searched for a happy ending.

 One delivery ended up as two, then four and many more. Before Shun knew it, she proposes she wants to do an exchange for the next delivery. And just as promised, the woman had shown herself for the first time in front of Shun, with a sword in her hand, showing him a sad smile."Rakuyama. What will you say, if all the stories I have told up to now were real? Will you be willing to help them? or even sacrifice yourself?" This was the lunatic side of the woman speaking right now. Although, it made the man realize there was something prickling in his chest. This was either the start of a heart attack after seeing the woman with the sword or a new chance for him if he dared. He never got to answer. The woman pinned him down in a second, cut his palm and shaking it. "I already know the answer - let's go". She didn't, she surely didn't. There was a mistake here somewhere and Shun didn't know where to start.

- 3 years later -
He never dared to confront the misunderstanding with his teacher. As Shun got forced to learn the blade better and the more he learned about it, the more he discovered about the woman too. To start with, her name was Naya. Her learning abilities were.. Unique - always threaten with doing seppuku if he couldn't do the techniques she showed him or how she mistook him for his father. He knew why and every time he dared to mentions it, just a tiny bit. His world would be spinning and his face kissing the dirt. Yeah, he got beaten up. Naya was crazy, but at the same time under all the beating and weird talking, Shun thinks he grew to understand Naya's principals, how she ended up as a demon slayer as she did. Shun never understood her obsession with his father and him and what their relationship really was.

- Modern time -
He eventually decided to move out after all the torture he had to go through. Even still, he was holding contacts with Naya waiting for the final selection to begin. It was either that or having the woman doing double suicide with him involved.

Keen sense - Taste

First Form:  Bite of Frost 
Slayer uses irregular slashes to immobilize the target with cutting off limbs at first, freezing the parts to reducing blood flow to the particular area.
Second Form: Icy Breath of The Last Angel
Slayer swings their sword upwards then downwards in quick succession  - Merciful end
Third Form:  Eye of the Blizzard 
Slayer let lose a series of exceptional quick stabs without moving were they stand when one crosses the slayer's exact length of their sword
Fourth Form: Black Ice 
Precision slash - The Slayer goes low himself to slash the enemy's feet as low as possible
  •  - The alternative use - his sheet with the sword in it to sweep the target's legs under them.
Fifth Form: Cold-Hearted Strike: 
Slayer sends out six crossed and diagonal slashes that mimic the vague shape of a snowflake, starting from the center of their enemy’s chest.
(LOCKED) Sixth Form: The River of Styx 
The slayer moves their sword, starting from the ground, in an upward motion. While it makes look like they only let out one slice, they sent out four, giving the appearance that their one slice has separated.
☼Voice Claim☼: Makoto Furukawa 
Theme☼: Hanafubuki Reflect (花吹雪リフレクト)
  • - He has no geographical sense of where he is most of the time.
  • - ‘Personal space’ is a thing he will never understand.
  • - He doesn't handle compliments very well.  (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
  • - He likes to play with makeup.
  • - Shun doesn't like using his original haori (He is using it now)
  • - His whole right arm is tattooed and he wishes for more.
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