#362 Shun Rakuyama (Shun Rakuyama - Pokedani)



3 years, 3 months ago



"Hm.. most good sake should be enjoyed slightly chilled. Cheaper sake is served warm."

 N a m e  


 N i c k n a m e ( s )  

Snowflake, Shun-Shun 

 A g e  

25 Years

 H e i g h t  

179 cm | 5'10" 

 G e n d e r  


 P o k é m o n  

#362 Glalie

 A b i l i t y  

Inner Focus

The Pokémon’s intensely focused, and that protects the Pokémon from flinching.

 M o v e s e t  

 Iron Head | 

 The user slams the target with its steel-hard head. This may also make the target flinch.

Spikes | 

The user lays a trap of spikes at the opposing team's feet. The trap hurts Pokémon that switch into battle.

Ice shard | 

The user flash freezes chunks of ice and hurls them at the target. This move always goes first.

 Frost Breath | 

The user blows its cold breath on the target. This attack always results in a critical hit.

 J o b  


 P e r s o n a l i t y  

- Social - 

Shun isn’t a complicated guy, If you want to have a chat then he wouldn't mind being your companion at all!

- Truthteller - 

Straight as an arrow when it comes to saying the truth. He doesn’t hide things from others, but of course, it will make some awkward situations.

- Forward - 

He can be a little aggressive in his way of meeting others. If Shun wants to get to know someone, he may just approach the person right ahead.

- Don't beat around the bush -

 Shun is the kind of person who doesn’t mind saying what everyone is thinking and take the blow.

- Poker face - 

He sounds and has the looks of someone who doesn’t have any interest at all, but don’t be deceived! Shun finds many things exciting.

- Oddball -

The Glalie is...a bit different. He doesn't always just fit in, as his actions quickly can make others lift a brow in a surprise but it's also a part of his charm.

- Competitive -

He can be a very competitive person, who does not show mercy. Not even for children or elders.

- Low self-esteem -

He doesn't always handle complement very well and sometimes won't even believe it was meant to him. Sadly, Shun does not see any future with his own love life. 

 S t o r y  

Shun was a quiet child with a big temper, who had a hard time playing with others. Because of that, his two older sisters played with him instead, but siblings will always be siblings. They couldn’t stop teasing Shun to the point that he became traumatized for women, which quickly made his life harder than it should be.

Years later did he move around to find his right "place", it wasn't easy. The Glalie had worked in a kimono shop, making unique designs that he had learned from his father, only to come out for an uncomfortable

event with a Persian that made him quit. after a few small jobs, he began to feel more like himself and started to work with what has more or less been around him most of his life- alcohol. 

The Glalie is currently working as a bartender. Though, he still has some problems with showing a warm expression, even if he enjoys the company of all those around him.

 L i k e s / D i s l i k e s  

【 Likes 】




"Friendly" fighting


【 Dislikes 】

Getting tricked

Dull colored food

Women in larger groups (3+)


  E x t r a  

Shun has no geographical sense of where he is most of the time, so it is not unusual to find him at some random places.

‘Personal space’ is a thing he never will get.

The entire left arm is tattooed + a tattoo on his back and uses eye makeup normally.


 Status: Single - and ready to mingle

 Theme: Hanafubuki Reflect (花吹雪リフレクト) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

 VA/CV: Makoto Furuwa

 R P  P r e f e r e n c e  

Media: Discord   - Skype  - Google Docs  - Notes  - Comments  

Method: Paragraph  - Literature  - Script  - Headcanon  

Timezone: UTC +2h | CEST (Central European Sommer-Time)

Art © me

Pokémon © Game Freak

App © Traumlaterne