


3 years, 2 days ago


"I have lost so many things in life. But I won't give in"


Name: Daitan
Age: 27
Birthday: December, 26
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Nationality: Japanese
Clan: Silent forest
Relationship: Taken, in a relationship with Miyako
Profession: Ninja / Vagabound


1.70m tall
Black hair, ponytail (length when lose: to the shoulder blades)
Light blue eyes
Scar on the right side of his chest
Some scars on his back  



Sure of himself, Strong-willed, Careful, Kind, Can be serious too, But mostly jokes around

TeaAbuse of Power
Calm placesPeople who give up easily


Great swordsmanship
Material arts master
Throwing knifes
little knowledge of simple explosives


Daitan is a ninja, who fled from his clan and has betrayed it because of the corruption and bad conditions there.

He was an outstandig fighter but went to be a wanderer since there were  many cases that were not handeled the right way. His father and mother  have always been strict to the content that he hadn't even had a proper  childhood growing to be an adult in young age and ignoring bad feelings  or feelings in general. Even some other ninja have feared him, not only  because he was very skilled but showed no emotion at all.

This changed gradually when he had shared time with his childhood friend  Miyako, who was the daughter of the medic there. He thought of her as  annoying all the time. But at some point he realised he gained some  social skills thanks to interactions with her and found a friend in her.  Towards her, he would not be just an empty shell.

When he left the clan, he left Miyako behind but after years and years have passed they met again.
by the way, they are a couple now!


Daitan and Miyako are Childhood friends, they origin of the same Clan
Daitan was already married once.  His wive has been killed in winter when the first snow fell. Snow  reminds him of her, so he does not like it. It makes him sad
Daitan was one of the best at young age. He could fight an adult as a child without problems
His father was very strict, his mother did not like him for character traits but for achievements
As a child, he did not talk much and has been very antisocial
His first mentor was not his father. The mentor died on a mission