Lumi's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

RosieDraws Global Rules

Last updated: Oct.. 23rd, 2021

You May:

-Use the design for gore/violent situations

-Make edits to the design (ie; changing the species, adding/removing accessories, changing the markings somewhat, editing the color pallet, etc.)
-Add yourself or another as a designer if major changes have been made (I must still be credited as the creator though, please!)

Gift or trade the design if you don’t want it anymore

-Resell it for a price equal or less than what has been spent on it (ie; acquired a design worth $10 + spent $50 on commissions, meaning it can be resold for $60 or less)

-Co-own my designs (ownership issues must be hashed out with the design’s respective owners!)

Please Speak with Me Before:

-Using the design commercially

Do Not:

-Use the design for NSFW art (at this time, I just don’t feel comfortable with it)

-Use the design for bigoted purposes against other users (ie; racism, anit-LGBTQ, etc)

-Hide or delete them (if you really feel like you must hide them, please let me know! I’d appreciate (aka: please do this) being authorized so I can keep an eye on them, too ^_^)

-Resell them for higher than what’s been spent on them

-Do extreme redesigns. As I’ve said above, please make sure they’re still recognizable after the redesign!

-Be considerate, and don’t reupload my designs to steal credit or change permissions

*Please PM me if you need the permissions of a character to be changed, or have any questions! I don’t bite, and I’m happy to help you out!*