Eden Mika Pierre



3 years, 13 days ago


Basic Info
Eden Mika Pierre
Spring 21 [March 3rd]
New Zealand
Blood Type
Relationship Status
  • Has a green thumb. During her college years, while living in her dorm, she made the room brighter with a number of plants.
  • Her favourite desserts are beignets and fluffy pancakes… both are so good!
  • Loves a simple vanilla flavour, for both baked goods and candy!
  • ?
Chatty . Down-to-Earth . Scholarly

Fun and personable , Eden is just your casual down-to-earth kind of girl! However, despite her generally chatty personality, she's quite blunt when it comes to some off-hand comments, having a hard time reading the mood at times. This pairs hand-in-hand with her denseness which somehow feels fitting to her…! What most people don't expect, is how well-read and scholarly Eden is as a result of her parent's occupations and having been surrounded by books most her life.

  • a head in the clouds

Eden grew up in Auckland, New Zealand to a Japanese father and a Haitian mother who couldn't afford much, but did what they could and spoiled Eden with stories of romance instead; especially the one involving her parents.

Eden's father was an aspiring screenwriter and her mother was a novelist, albeit an unknown one at the time who fell in love on a trip to Paris. Her mother was walking down the streets of Rue de Rivoli when she tripped and her father had also fallen while trying to catch her and it was love at first sight. Throughout her childhood, Eden dreamed of her own fairy tale story as well. She wanted to experience the love her parents held for one another, even if just once in her life.

  • love is fleeting

With this in mind, Eden dived head first into middle school with an idealistic view on romantic relationships. She drowned herself into romance novels, fiction online, and shoujo mangas with a passion; though, this didn't necessarily translate too well into real life. Her friends gossiping about someone they liked and Eden replying 'If they were the one for you, they'd confess first!' before being laughed at, replied to with a 'what a funny joke.' Eden didn't understand at first, that is, until she had her own first relationship.

A boy in her class who confessed to her because he thought she was pretty. She thought this would be her first and last relationship! If he fell in love at first sight, well, she could learn to love him too… right? Not long after (about 2 weeks), the boy broke up with her. Eden was pretty, yes, but he felt like she was a bit boring. He thought she'd be funnier. Her heart sank at the realisation.

  • just like goldilocks

Around Eden's high school years, her father and mother's careers finally took off and Eden was able to spend a bit more on material items. With that, she had also started to accept most, if not all, advances which started to jade her perception on who would be the 'one' for her. Eden had gone from the wide-eyed young girl wishing for the perfect prince on a white horse to someone who now knew that the perfect person wasn't going to just show up on her doorstep, she had to at least try dating them! This built her a reputation of being a serial dater.

'There'd be a spark if they were the one for me!' Was her main catchphrase throughout her four years. Some of her exes hated her, but many felt the same mutual indifference. While they percieved relationships to not have a clear end goal, Eden knew hers. Marriage, with a white picket fence, children, and possibly a pet. If you weren't the one, then why should she waste time in a relationship?

  • from onwards

Leading her life with rose-coloured glasses, Eden attended college for Literature having had strong influences from such in her childhood. The serial dating remained quite the same from her high school years, not picking up much character development there. However, what she lacked in fixing her outlook, she gained in fashion sense!

  • an empty book

Eden awakens with little to none of her memory. She knows her name, her age, she knows the name of her parents, but she can not tell you a single line about her past. After adjusting to the initial confusion of having no history to recall, Eden enters Mystique Town with no clear goal in mind. She contemplates for a bit before finding herself in front of the library. Well, no better place to start right?

While not fully knowledgable about the world she is now in, Eden now finds herself with some general helpful knowledge which surely must be helpful! As well as a strange favouritism for romance novels?! She might not have a settled role just yet since she still is undecided and quite new to Mystique Town, Eden hopes to be of help for the town, and potentially, to get her memories back.

Yuwoo | Boyfriend

Immediately having took a liking to him, Eden often bothered Yuwoo at his work (do not do this in real life) and eventually she got him to agree to a date. From then on it was likely that wherever Yuwoo was, Eden was as well and vice versa.

Feronia | Best Friend

Eden finds Feronia's earnesty endearing and Feronia appreciates Eden's help in getting herself out there. Definitely helps that they both love to chat and be bad bitches together!

Donovan | Close friend

Though Donovan originally interacted with Eden to fuck with Yuwoo, the two hit it off quite well; both being sociable and talkative. As of now, the two think of each other as something akin to siblings.