Xaver Jeong



2 years, 2 months ago


Basic Info
Xaver Jeong
Autumn 21 [August 28th]
Blood Type
Relationship Status
  • Has a really genuine smile. Even when he's faking it, it's hard to not believe him!
  • Likes jade jewelry.
  • Has a sweet tooth; prefers hard candies.
  • Sometimes forgoes his coat; especially when he's fishing.
  • Styles his hair down when meeting others. He actually prefers putting his hair up, but you'll only see that when meeting him unprompted.
  • Loves citrus flavours.
  • ?
Courteous . Sly . Possessive

Xaver is your typical boy next door, courteous and easy-going and as such, most people view him in a positive light within the first few moments of meeting him. What most people dont know is he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Sly and at times sleazy, Xaver puts on quite the façade to others because he knows his true personality isn't exactly ideal or picture perfect, resulting in an overall self-concious view of himself; able to navigate social situations based on whatever he deems fitting for the occasion. Even still, Xaver tends to be quite straight-forward, dropping his mask when he deems a situation to require a more mature take. Be sure not to covet anything he deems his own, however, Xaver is especially possessive.

  • a dreamer's reality

Born in sunny-side California, Xaver always dreamt about following his parents' footsteps into a career of teaching; his mother being an elementary school teacher and his father a professor at a middle-end college. They were an extremely tight-knit family and would often go to vacations camping together, times that Xaver always remembered fondly however much he could. However, during Xaver's fifth grade graduation, he'd gotten the news his father passed after colliding with a truck on his way to Xaver's graduation. The camping trip they were gonna go on together afterwards as a celebration now indefinitely postponed.

If there was anything Xaver was at least grateful for, it was that his mother hadn't been in the car with his father because she worked at a school only a walking distance away. Yet soon, he would realise a working teacher's salary wasn't enough to uphold both their lives. When his mother started to pick up a tutoring job alongside her main one, it really hit him. She had insisted on hiring a sitter for him to while she was gone, but Xaver insisted he was alright.

  • striving for the stars

This followed all the way into highschool. Independent and attempting to pick-up a part-time job to help his mother, but she was avidly against it, wanting Xaver to simply focus on school. He had an arguement with her over it before eventually apologizing. When the time came to apply to college, Xaver ended up choosing a political science major. When his mother brought up the switch in career choices, he'd simply brushed it off saying he was extremely interested after learning a bit in high school. He'd never admit he was deterred seeing that his mother didn't have enough money to support the two of them as he grew up. With a mind set on becoming a lawyer, Xaver would make sure he made enough to buy anything they'd never been able to have and more.

He entered college with a strong mindset: to get good grades and as fast as he could, graduate with his bachelors, take the LSAT and then enroll in law school. Xaver would be kind to all his professors, making sure they had a favourable impression of him in case he'd needed to ask any for strings to pull. Anyone who'd come across him could never say anything truly negative, often inviting him to parties. Xaver partook in many, thinking it more like networking more than anything else.

When Xaver finally enrolled in law school after his second LSAT attempt, he'd plan to tell his mother soon after, that is, until he finds himself awoken at a shrine.

  • gravity's hold

Initially entering Mystique Town, Xaver was filled with nothing but spite. He'd heard 'a few unlucky ones' forgot their memories, but in his eyes, they were the ones who'd won the gamble. To have finally been at a point he'd strived for, it was abruptly pulled out from under him to his dismay. Of course, he wasn't going to let others know just how he felt. Wearing his winning smile, Xaver greeted everyone and settled himself to the role of a fisherman. He had 'a bit of experience!' he'd say to others when asked why he took up the mantle. Deep down, it was one of the few things that'd remind him of his family trips as just a kid when he was truly happy.

Dion | Best Friend

Despite initial aversion to Dion, Xaver quickly learned to warm up to the nosy winemaker and is now constantly spotted around the other.

Donovan | Best Friend

Hitting it off immediately, Donovan and Xaver are essentially the frat boys of Mystique Town through the pure atrocious vibes alone.

Nathan | Friend

Despises Nathan for having forgotten his past, but begrudingly the two of them have started to get along.