Pretty Poison



2 years, 11 months ago


Meet Pretty Poison!  She's an OC of a friend of mine,    Brownbug, who has generously allowed me to play with her toys.  I've   been using her for ArtFight, and am putting her here to collate visual   references and other art, and provide the written descriptions for   anyone looking to draw her.


Name: Pretty Poison

Age: Difficult to determine, since the Word Lords do not reckon  time in the same way that matter creatures do. Pretty Poison has lived  through many, many chapters inside the “Hand of All”. But not nearly as  many as Nobody No-one.

Species: Word Lady

As a Word Lady, Pretty Poison has a symbiotic relationship with her  CORDIS. The CORDIS is a complex linguistic structure, sometimes referred  to as a 'Chameleon Meme', which can disguise itself within the physical  universe and may be used by its occupant to translate matter.  Essentially, it is a non-physical TARDIS.

The CORDIS not only projects to Pretty any tools or weapons she needs,  but it also provides her with her physical avatar. As a result, she does  not eat, drink, breathe, sleep, or undertake any of the other physical  functions generally required by “flesh creatures”.

Pretty's CORDIS absorbs power from the rumours she spreads. The more  powerful her CORDIS, the stronger and more invulnerable her avatar  becomes. Similarly, however, if the link to her CORDIS were to be  severed, or if the CORDIS was to be drained of energy, she would be  helpless and unable to manifest at all in the matter Universe.

Planet of Origin: The “Hand of All”, a reality 45 billion  dimensions away and composed of language and communication instead of  matter and energy.

Time of Origin: Contemporary with Modern Gallifrey

Occupation: Renegade cogno-linguistic entity.

Physical Description:  As a Word Lady, Pretty Poison is pure  language wrapped up in a physical avatar. The physical avatar is  projected by her ship, known as a CORDIS (Conveyance Of Repeating  Dialogue in Space-Time). The more power that is available to the CORDIS,  the better-defined, stronger and more invulnerable her physical form.

Now here's the thing about this one's physical appearance...she was  created for a RP site where we had to have a "faceclaim" - a picture of  an actor that we could use for avatars/banners/etc. - and Pretty  Poison's faceclaim was Kate Beckinsale in "Underworld".  Which is a  rather distinctive appearance, and rather...copyrighted.  I can't  redesign her for AF - she's not my character - and on discussion with  her owner Brownbug, we realized that having RPed her for so long (about  six years) with the "Underworld" appearance, we couldn't really picture  her any other way!

So here's what we're after  for this one - something a little more...abstract.  Conceptual.  Play  around a little with the idea of a being made of pure language.  Whether  it's a classically beautiful, humanoid, feminine form made up of words,  or perhaps scrubbing the serial numbers off and hinting at  that faceclaim appearance but dissolving into letters, or a humanoid  outline on the page of a book but keeping her eyes (I've got a visual  reference that I drew for that, and it's different to Kate Beckinsale's,  so is all Pretty Poison and therefore allowed on AF!) - have a little  fun with it!

Personality: Pretty Poison is confident, charming and seductive.  She possesses a very restless sort of personality, always bright and  sparkling and relentlessly upbeat, almost as if she's constantly on a  'high'. She hates to sit still, always running from one thrill to the  next, her one main terror being that boredom will eventually catch up  with her.

Her name, “Pretty Poison”, is derived from the fact that her CORDIS  obtains its power from being verbally passed from person to person in  the form of malicious gossip, gathering energy from the spreading and  evolving rumour as it travels. When starting such a rumour, Pretty can  be very sly, skillfully manipulating her listeners to ensure that her  “poison” is passed on to as many people as possible.

Generally speaking, she's wholly amoral, with no sense at all of what is  right and what is wrong. Everything she does is solely based on the  whim of the moment. Nothing matters to her except for having fun. Her  only reason for existence is to amuse herself by creating as much chaos  as possible, and she cares about nothing else. The collateral damage  caused to other people by her excesses – such as the numerous  spectacular explosions and the lethal storms of gunfire - is never a  consideration for her. As far as she's concerned, the whole of creation  is a playground made specifically for her entertainment.

She's haughty and arrogant and considers the Word Lords to be superior  to all other forms of sentient life. She is familiar with the concept of  the emotions experienced by matter creatures, but having never  previously possessed a physical body, she has never experienced them for  herself, and therefore has no understanding of them whatsoever. She  holds a particular contempt for the “flesh creatures” who inhabit the  matter universe, and will kill in the blink of an eye if anyone gets in  her way.

Nevertheless, she's also very unpredictable – if she is amused or  entertained by someone, she will spare them and perhaps even help them,  for as long as her interest is piqued.

She has a very strong sense of curiosity, and different people and  things often intrigue her on the slightest pretext. On the other hand,  however, she has a very short attention span and tends to get bored with  extreme rapidity, with often disastrous repercussions.

In summary, Pretty Poison is like an extremely powerful and destructive  child, who has never learned any self-control or restraint. She does  precisely what she wants, when she wants, no matter how destructive, and  cares nothing for anyone's opinion.

Backstory:  There are countless billions of dimensions, some of  them incomprehensibly different to our own. Beings from these distant  dimensions obey very different laws of physics and are generally  forbidden to cross into other dimensions.

Pretty Poison was “authored” inside the Hand of All, a pocket reality 45  billion dimensions away from this one, and which is composed of  language and communication, rather than matter and energy. This is the  home of the Word Lords, a species of cogno-linguistic entities.

From the beginning of her story, Pretty Poison was always an outsider,  rebelling against the complex linguistic structures and formalised  syntax which regimented the stories of the other Word Lords. During her  earliest chapters, the senior Word Lords attempted to curb her wildness  and irresponsibility by limiting the power source of her CORDIS to the  spread of gossip and malicious rumour. Since, in the restrictive society  of the Word Lords, there was very little gossip to be found, she  remained weak and repressed, growing more and more frustrated and angry,  her constant craving for amusement and entertainment unfulfilled.

During her long search for rumour to fuel her CORDIS, Pretty began to  come across odd snippets of information. Never anything concrete...just  indications, covert and buried...incomplete whispers about a Word Lord  who had been expelled many chapters ago from the Hand of All, out into  the unknown arena of the matter Universe.

A being known as Nobody No-one.

Fascinated, she became determined to find out all she could about this  mysterious exile. But the more she hunted through the billions of words  contained in the Hand of All, the more she realised that nearly every  reference to Nobody No-one had been systematically deleted. She was  unable to discover precisely why he had been banished – just that he  had.

By now, curiosity was bordering on obsession. To her people, tampering  with the story of another Word Lord was one of the greatest crimes it  was possible to commit. And yet it appeared that somebody had considered  it necessary to virtually erase Nobody No-one's history. Whoever he was  – whatever he had done – he had been the only Word Lord ever to escape  the restrictions of the Hand of All.

And if he could do it, so could Pretty Poison.

From that point onwards, she began to hoard and store all the energy she  could find, gradually priming her CORDIS until it was powerful enough  to breach the dimensional barriers, and at last she managed to escape  out into the matter universe.

At first, she was bewildered and overcome by the tremendous size of it,  compared to the much smaller Hand of All, as well as the challenges of  adapting to a physical existence. After a time, however, she began to  realise the sheer potential for chaos in her new story, and she set  about joyfully wreaking havoc wherever she went.

She had achieved her first objective – to be free. Now all she needed to do was to achieve her second.

To find and meet Nobody No-one, the most infamous Word Lord of them all.


Art permissions:

Fine for a bit of violence and destruction, although nothing too gory or  graphic please - go more on the fantasy-violence side of things, I  think.
'Shipping is fine with Nobody No-one, who is a canon character, and in  RP she had a bit of a fling with the Valeyard.  I can't post images I  don't own, but those two are easy enough to find on google - Nobody  No-one is on the cover of a story called "Forty Five" (the one with the  wild, purple hair and red glowing energy weapon, and he also sometimes  wears the Fourth Doctor's scarf); and the Valeyard is from "Trial of a  Time Lord" (the evil space-lawyer with the long, flowing black and  silver robes and collar).  'Shipping the three together is also fine  (well, not for time and space, but fun for us!).  Saucy, sassy and  seductive, but not blatantly sexual - as in, like, no nudity etc. - they  more tend to do things in the metaphysical anyway - none of them are  particularly physical beings.
Her avatar can't be damaged - at least, not in a way that looks like a  person being injured/wounded - but go wild with things like  disintegrating into words or something, that might be fun.

And it's a no to nudity, self-harm, suicide, abuse, gore, bodily fluids or medical procedures.