


2 years, 10 months ago


A patient, soft spoken alchemist who lives deep within the heart of the forest. Primrose - better known as Prim - is best known for brewing teas and other such ilk to help with all sorts of ailments. One dedicated to healing the sick and helping those who cannot help themselves, Prim is never seen without a smile on her face and prefers to have a heart to heart conversation over things needing to come to blows. She's insightful and wise, always willing to give advice - just as much as she'll listen if that's what you need too. She always seems to know more than she lets on, though it's rare she ever admits that out loud.

Prim is secretive about her past - and despite her being in her early 20s, no one seems to know where she or her home came from, merely that they simply appeared one day. It's hard to way whether she knows magic - if she does, she doesn't use it the way most might.