
2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info



Name meaning





Lepothrae (obsidian)


Ranger (hunter)


Folk Hero




Neutral Good


protect others--to make up for when she didn't.


Family. Trying to find her brother, the only family she has left.


very curious, adventurous, protective, adopts everyone. Trying her best. She likes to jump. Low strength but still prefers melee weapons. She often wanders off to do her own thing; wasn't ever very good at the "following orders" kind of thing, though she isn't necessarily disobedient. Just easily distracted. A bit proud, but she has lost a lot of her confidence lately.


forgets easily, short attention span, stubborn, easily excited, doesn't trust herself







Ryss was an excitable, adventurous, spunky moth child who quickly rose past the basic position of a fighter in her tribe, becoming a local hero when she was the only one to stand up to a giant owl that attacked. (An owl which was the pet of a nearby giant, leading to trouble months into the future...). She has a very strong connection to the moon and to Lura--though quite the fighter, Ryss was a very spiritual lepothrae and added the study of magic to her pursuits. However, due to this she was one day drawn away by the sense of nearby magic. She found a magic moon sickle, which eventually became her arcane focus, but in the process knocked herself out. By the time she had woken and made her way (happily, obliviously) to her home, all was quiet. Her home.... destroyed, her family gone. Destruction everywhere, fear in the air, and the marks of wolves. Crushed by the loss and blaming herself for not being there to protect them Ryss set off to find her brother who had set off to become a cleric of Lura, and who is now unknowingly the only family she has left. She's been so caught up in trying not to think about the loss of her tribe that she has lost touch with her god and lost much of her spirituality: not out of loss of faith, but simply not sparing a thought for it for so long,

  • Ryss's people have only one pronoun for all the genders in their language, and so this species has a less rigid sense of gender identity and expression.
  • She struggles to translate this into Common, and calls everyone "he". No one has really noticed since her party is all male...
  • Ryss has struggled for a while to figure out her sexuality; she doesn't think she's completely heterosexual, but she may also find herself somewhere on the ace or aro spectrum. Honestly it's too much work to think about and she doesn't care enough to come to a conclusion.
  • She has a dislike for wolves, but as a ranger she also understands the importance of these predators in the ecosystem, and would still protect one if it needed it.
  • Ryss has a strong dislike for/fear of lycanthropes (after finding out who really attacked her family), especially werewolves. 
  • She doesn't like the feeling of being underground or in enclosed spaces.
  • Ryss isn't one for revenge, or unnecessary violence. (Though her definition of unnecessary might be looser than others'...). She had the chance to kill the werewolf responsible for the loss of her family, but instead stood back. Much later in her life, she does hunt him down and kill him after he completely abandons his humanity and threatens many others.
  • she's super soft and sneaky and quiet and extra fluffy
  • when she gets older she's a spunky lil grandma full of wild stories who fights everything
  • Ryss nearly died a few times during her adventure with the zoo of people she called her companions, but she also completely died once. She was resurrected a few days later. Her life has always been a bit of a dance with death, and she grew not to fear it as long as she could keep safe those she loved.
Fuhska (Bat), aka Orion
Nickname: Fu
Ryss's brother, barely younger than her but close enough that the two act like twins.
  • curious, studious, analytical, gentle and awkward, Fu is not very confident in his physical abilities, especially when compared to his sister. He left home to become a cleric of Lura, but on the way discovered the wonders of science and study, and was hooked. He lost is faith and became a heretic, but was much too ashamed to admit this to his family, so he dropped contact with them. Began studying magic as well.
  • Fu is gay and is a bit of a simp for every single one of Ryss's teammates when he first meets them, especially Kirk, who welcomed the attention.
  • He's a bit naive and a little cowardly at times, but is also incredibly brave and sweet. 
  • Took the name "Orion" when he began his studies, because other races had a hard time pronouncing his name. and he wanted to fit in. Eventually takes courage from Ryss's preservation of her culture (despite thinking she's the only one left from it) and starts going by Fuhska again.
??? (Wildflower)
Ryss's best friend (other than her brother) and ex-girlfriend.
  • sweet, graceful, gentle, and sensitive, Wildflower and Ryss have been a duo for as long as either can remember. As they reached young adulthood they began dating, but Ryss was not very good at a romantic relationship, and Wildflower, who was very romantic, often felt hurt and neglected by this. Eventually she confronted Ryss about her feelings and Ryss confessed she wasn't sure how she felt about attraction and such. They broke up, deciding a platonic relationship would be better. 
  • They are still great friends, though there is a bit of awkwardness there are good feelings all around as they ended mutually on good terms (though Wildflower was disappointed it didn't work out).
Utsk (Rock)
Fellow protector of the tribe.
  • Strong, loyal, and determined, but not the brightest, Ryss and Utsk have worked together plenty of times in fighting for their home. They were never very close, but he was the first lepothrae of the Obsidian tribe that Ryss found after losing everyone; from a distance she mistook him for her brother, but she was still so relieved to see someone from home. He joined her adventures for a time, though she had far outgrown him in ability while he and the rest of her tribe had been underground in hiding.
  • The only one brave enough after the Attack to leave hiding and come answer Fuhska's plea for help.