Madam Amythest Adiladia XIII



2 years, 11 months ago


Madam Amythest Adiladia XIII
very scary witch
Don't vex me,
or I'll hex you!
Madam Amythest Adiladia XIII
five hundred fifty-five years (555)
magic frog


chaotic good
elder dark arts witch
forever homed


You can call her Madam or Madame for short. Address her with respect and never shorten or create nicknames out of her name. "Say my whole name or none at all." She has a croaky voice and always speaks with much reverence and eloquence. Despite her smolness, she is a very powerful witch- but chooses not to use it for evil reasons.

Madam is the master of dark arts but it's not just plain black and white. She studies this not because she's evil, but it has been affiliated with her since she was a tadpole. Magic frogs cannot choose what kind of magic they would specialize at once they get to naturally produce mana. She uses her expertise to learn how to reverse hexes, and curses- that could possibly save lots of lives... if she wanted to.

Even though Madam means well she doesn't want to blatantly say it. There are a lot of pesky people who anger her that knows her as the very evil witch, so threatening them a little is no big issue since she's not really going to do them? The best benefit of being misunderstood. If they really push her froggy buttons just because she looks smol and weak, seldom, she puts petty hexes on them; such as making them stub their toe, bite their tongue, rain when they have no umbrella, making their favorite food be out of stock for a week? month? is that too much? ribbit

  • dark places
  • peace and quiet
  • raisins and plums
  • socializing
  • "the outside world"
  • everyone
Confidence [ 95% ]
Charisma [ 15% ]
Honesty [ 50% ]
Diligence [ 80% ]
Intelligence [ 95% ]

  • When facing strangers, intentionally tries to look menacing and intimidating
  • Lets Charlotte carry her all around since she got her
  • Looks at Charlotte more than a familiar, but a daughter (keep that information to yourself)
  • Never really talked about her late husband. But she still gets melancholic sometimes
  • Has a sophisticated diet, and a unique (and carnivorous) cute little garden
design by Rolli_Cannoli_
Design Notes

  • Witch hat blinks!
  • Pouch is where she keeps her stones and herbs for potions
  • Does not smile. Always frowning but always blushing
  • Book and wand levitates with her power

Charlotte familiar adoptive daughter

Such a quiet, obedient, and adorable creature. In my years of studying curses, I cannot identify if this little child was once another living being but cursed to this state with no memories of their original life, or if she was just a spontaneous creation from condensed magic, or if she was intentionally made.

Inner thoughts
Very peculiar, but I can honestly say that I have grown attached to her and I enjoy her company. She carries me everywhere and she really likes the dresses and plushies I make her. I love to hear her bell softly ringing in glee.

??? Spouse

Madam would rather not talk about it. It is evident that she still gets depressed after someone brings it up or asks. She'll pull out her century-old special drink she made from her not so dangerous garden.