


10 months, 20 days ago



Isabella's Lullaby
Promised Neverland
1:16 3:11




Agender | ??? Years Old

An enchanted jingle bell that has the mannerisms of an innocent child

Charlotte's origin is unknown, but has been here for a long while. They can't be categorized as alive nor inanimate- but has the ability to feel a little bit of emotion. She cannot function on her own, has no sense of independence, individuality, or morals but has learned how to express if they like something or not. It is necessary to be under a master to be able to feel fulfilled.

  • Ribbons and bows
  • Old feminine clothes
  • Organizing things
  • Stuffed toys
  • Being ordered
  • Strangers touching her
  • Getting soaked
  • Being alone/away from owner
  • Tasks that require "fingers"
  • Going outside

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she / her
child-like obedient poised

Charlotte is agender, but prefers the pronouns she/her, and enjoys being feminine.

Her personality is very shallow due to her nature of being an enchanted object. But has the potential to develop their character depending on what their master teaches them. Will absorb habits and traits from their master like a sponge.

She is usually quiet. Only lets off small bell chimes when she feels happiness.


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4'8" | poofy | relaxed
Torpid | $$$

Charlotte's only enchanted bodypart is the jingle bell, the head. The rest is just a spectral body that only appears when they're in contact with a solid object or surface. So it's just hollow inside. This is one of the reasons why Chandelier is always in a dress, the other's because they enjoy dressing in feminine ways.

Important Notes
  • Will always wear bows
  • Only wears feminine poofy dresses with long sleeves
  • Bell is always shiny!

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lores and theories...

Charlotte only has fragmented memories of her past.

The farthest memory she could remember that she once had a master who always wanted a baby girl and treated her like one. That's where she learned her preference of feminine clothing and stuffed toys, because that's the first memory of her being happy and felt loved.

The woman one day never came home, but Charlotte never left. Till one day the house was inspected to be torn down, and that's where her journey of chains of unpleasant masters started.


The first name she was given by her first master (according to her) was Chandelier. Her master introduced herself as Mama. So she never knew her real name. But it was the best memories she had before meeting her current master.

After her first master, she was not treated as lovingly. She was looked as the perfect slave since she never speaks and it's her nature to follow orders. But she knew she was unhappy. She cannot identify that she was being mistreated.

Before she became Charlotte, her name was Belle. Her owner threw her out of the shop and proceeded to stomp on her dress and sometimes bell. She cannot feel pain but it felt a tinge wrong. A purple witch frog witnessed this and threatened that she'd curse her current master. Her former master ran away quickly with an unsettling expression. Then the frog approached her saying. "Belle? What an awful and boring name. From now on, you are Charlotte. And that's how Madam Amythest Adiladia XIII became her master.

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closest ones...

current & forever master

Madam is a strong witch who practices dark arts. Very smol, likes to threaten curses on unruly people (just to scare them off but doesn't want to reveal that because she needs to look powerful and scary.

24/7 together, usually makes Charlotte carry her around. It is very practical not to make Madam tired from hopping around with her teeny frog legs.

Asserts dominance, but her actions treat Charlotte like a daughter. Polishes her bell all the time, sews her pretty dresses inlaid with magic for it to take form, makes accessories with secret protection spells, tries to make plushies for her even if they look ugly, and more love love love. That's why she isn't bothered if she's called "Madame" instead of Madam.