$6 | Tabbed RPG Version o2



3 years, 1 month ago


$6 Tabbed RPG v2 | Premium CSS

Mostly Mobile Friendly Custom Colors Premium CSS
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Name Entry
Age Entry
Gender Entry
Pronouns Entry
Resides Entry
Species Entry
Height Entry
Build Entry
Hair Entry
Eyes Entry
Sexuality Entry
Class Entry
Zodiac Entry
Alignment Entry
Curious Focused Anxious Adaptable Shy Clever Reserved Awkward Intellectual Wanderlust Fussy Cautious Indulgent


  • ✦ Black Tea & Coffee
  • ✦ Caramel Flavors
  • ✦ Classical Music
  • ✦ Quiet Mornings
  • ✦ House Plants


  • ✦ Writing
  • ✦ The Classics
  • ✦ Reading & Study
  • ✦ Traveling
  • ✦ Collecting Books


  • ✦ Stress
  • ✦ Loud Noises
  • ✦ Late Nights
  • ✦ Social Pressures
  • ✦ Everything Else



An expert in the Shadow, Mystic & Chaos Domains. Between being well researched in ancient Zvezdan & Arcadian knowledge and being a follower of the Celestial Weaver, mastery of the Void comes with surprising ease for Quinn.


Beyond being especially well researched in the Occult mysteries of his home City of Zvezda, Quinn has an all around extensive knowledge of hidden secrets and lost magical arts.


What Quinn doesn't know, Quinn knows how to find out, or who to ask. From studying in Yveria's oldest University to Illyria's most exclusive magickal institution, it seems there's not much he doesn't know.


Given his educated upbringing and extensive travels, Quinn knows quite a few languages from all around Yveria. Fluent in Illyrian, Northern Hercynian dialects, and Northern Umbrian, he also knows a fair bit of central dialects.


While most of the Occult Arts are something Quinn is well acquainted with, his skill in Astrology is especially impressive. While his approach is more scientific than mystical, it's still largely incomprehensible.


Void is Quinn's specialty, but the Arcane is where Quinn first excelled with Magickal knowledge and experimentation. He's quite the skilled enchanter, especially with cloth, but Artificing is a bit out of his league.



Born into wealth and aristocracy, Quinn has a hard time going without certain comforts and luxuries. Luckily he has plenty of coin to spare, and spares no expense to assure necessities and comforts are met for himself and others.


Quinn has an innate curiosity about the universe and ambition for seeking knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately, spending more times with books and has lead to him being incredibly socially awkward.


Understanding theoretical magick and unraveling the mysteries of the universe is the key to solving every problem. He feels obligated to discover and make sense of things that other's can't, in order to better educate future generations.


Quinn struggles with hyperfocus a great deal, which leads to not only being shortsighted at times, but often overworking himself. This often results in him thinking he knows best for everyone before checking in with their own needs.


Aside from his drive for knowledge, the most important things in Quinn's life are his husband Brandr, and the legacy of Zvezda's Grand University. He would do most anything for the the sake of both, even if it had great consequence.


A follower of the Celestial Weaver, understanding her mysteries are of utmost importance to Quinn. While his faith is a more private and personal thing, he feels he is doing a service to the world by following her path.


Current Events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed egestas quam nec ante pretium, nec commodo lectus porta. Phasellus porta nulla a risus vestibulum molestie. Pellentesque fermentum laoreet erat nec facilisis. Duis vulputate sem vitae est auctor ullamcorper. Nulla fringilla eleifend magna, a elementum diam malesuada eget. Quisque odio sapien, dictum et nibh at, finibus cursus arcu. Donec tempor massa non ornare luctus. Ut massa dui, euismod quis erat id, ullamcorper aliquet purus. Quisque et augue neque. Integer posuere, lorem et varius mollis, nunc dui maximus odio, tincidunt elementum turpis nulla sit amet sapien. Etiam dui massa, placerat eu ante a, sollicitudin fringilla justo. Phasellus feugiat lorem a elit semper, a facilisis turpis mattis.

Early Life

Integer consectetur, tellus eget pulvinar viverra, sem risus consequat ligula, quis facilisis dui sem feugiat nisl. Nullam pretium ligula non fermentum molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam vitae dui a mi auctor auctor. Aliquam malesuada hendrerit congue. Donec sollicitudin purus et tempus placerat. Nulla facilisi. Suspendisse vitae placerat tellus, a facilisis nisi. Duis sit amet orci leo. Duis dapibus quam eget nisl finibus consequat. Cras congue laoreet orci et dignissim. Vivamus nibh augue, fringilla vitae sodales id, luctus id odio. Vivamus egestas pretium tincidunt.

Vivamus varius odio metus, semper eleifend ex sollicitudin consectetur. Pellentesque id euismod orci. Nulla at nisl risus. Nam fringilla sit amet magna at consectetur. Vestibulum scelerisque, elit et ultrices volutpat, urna neque aliquam sem, ac dictum turpis ligula in elit. Fusce vitae velit cursus, venenatis neque vel, maximus magna.


Ancient Tomes

Well, maybe not all of them Ancient, but a good handful at least. Quinn is always carrying around too many books. Some borrowed from Yveria's most esteemed libraries - he most certainly intends to return them. Eventually.

Quills & Ink

The contents of his bag are nearly always ink stained. He keeps meaning to work out some enchantment against it, but who has time for that? There are more pressing matters to be attending.

Journals & Scrolls

Hoarding all that ink has a purpose. It's rare to find a moment where Quinn isn't intently scrawling something into one of his various journals. You don't do that many magickal experiments if you don't intend to record your findings.

Pouches of Coins

The amount of Gold & Silver on his person at any given time is somewhat astounding -- but books and magickal reagents don't come cheap -- and neither does well tailored, enchanted clothing.

Star Charts

One would assume an actual map of Yveria would prove more useful. How Quinn can even decipher these is as much of a mystery as their purpose. Seems to be some kind of family secret.

Pack Goat

While more of a companion animal, this strange creature doesn't really do much other than carry Quinn's countless bags around and stare at you with an eerie sort of gaze.
Wealth: 1,000 Stellaria


hurtling through the vast unknown, staring straight into the pure, black void, drowning in the sea of stars



Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.


Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras dictum ligula nec gravida posuere. Nullam fringilla suscipit accumsan. Suspendisse aliquet vehicula nunc, tempor efficitur velit venenatis lobortis. Suspendisse sit amet iaculis mauris.