

3 years, 21 days ago


0SE7EN - She/Her
info - about
Alliance(s) 07 (pronounced as seven), The Virus
Race/species Cyborg
Birthday ???
Orientation Bisexual
Like(s) City lights viewed from tall buildings, getting to feel a sense of touch, having at least one person to trust and/or build a close relationship with
Dislike(s) "The Anti-Viruses", broken trusts and/or promises, liars/backstabbers/traitors, being 'used', being left behind, crowded places

07, also known as The Virus, is one of the, if not the only, cyborg that carries a corruptive virus that enables her to breach through secured systems, devices, facilities, and networks, corrupt files and data while having control over herself with minimum cases of "malfunction" in her cybernetic system. She is often hard to catch in security cameras and most tracking devices. Thus, if one wants to get her or a higher chance of getting her, one should come to her in person and never lose sight of her.

BE WARNED, however.

She may have her eyes on you, too.

VIRUS - KLOUD (Instrumental)
docx - story

(This document will have some future updates. Many organizations hoped that they would get her whole story. Reasons may vary for each organization.)

Many organizations in the Ava_Tyx still have a lot of pieces to fill in to know more about 07 and her motives. Thanks to Harper, the only person who could get some information from 07 herself as of now, this is what they have got so far, plus a few additional parts of their convo that can be a clue:

(Note: The following transcripts were from the conversation between 07 and Harper - both conversed at different times. Thus, the splits between each transcript were made.)


Harper: I wonder what's going on in your mind to make you do these.
07: And I wonder what's going on in your mind to do this for them. You do know what kind of situation you are putting yourself in, right?
Harper: Aww, you concerned about me?
07: I am more concerned about the idea of you being just like them.

Harper: Wait-... you felt that?-
07: What do you think? *Breathing pattern: weighted, which resulted from feeling pain*
Harper: But I thought-
07: Just because I have a cybernetic body doesn't mean I'm letting myself be less human. Many are missing how to feel physically, including me.

07: You have a lot of potential to be more than their tool to get to me. It's quite sad to see you be used by them, honestly.
Harper: Why bother and be concerned about it?
07: It reminds me of me. You wouldn't want to go through the same thing I did.

Info - trivia

07 used to have a less cybernetic body. But due to the 'incident,' 07 gained the cybernetic body she currently has, upgrading it from time to time.

The moment 07 gains a more cybernetic body, she doesn't feel a sense of hunger or thirst. She wonders if she can still eat and drink sometimes.

07 knows some fighting styles and uses them according to her situation. She prefers hand-to-hand combat and melees over guns (due to the amount of attention it brings, though she uses her gun still at certain times). But she would try to avoid any fight to avoid getting things harder for her.

Gallery - design
Note 07's design notes will most likely be written on her reference sheet, so this part of her profile may serve as additional notes on her design instead.

(PS: The character who is with 07 at the bottom corner of the ref is Cottonmouth [can also be referred to as Cotton], which is owned by JaneValentine007. Their relationship was built in an AU through roleplays.

07 is often, almost always, seen with her helmet on, especially when she is at 'work.' She uses her mask when she's "neutral" (but still cautious). She rarely, if not never, shows her whole face.

(additional note)

(additional note)

contacts - relationships
Harper Unidentified

"She has a lot of potential to be more than just their tool."

Anti-Virus(es) Enemies

"The Anti-Viruses... are a fucking pain in the ass for me."

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