
Full Name: Misa


Age: 15

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Occupation(s): Student! 

School: U.A. High school

Year: First Year

Class: 1-A

Dorm Building: 1-A

Likes: Cats, video games, and Mei <3

Dislikes: Large crowds


Weaknesses: She is very anxious rather often, and lets it get in the way of a lot of things in her life. She tends to hesitate, which can cause a lot of issues.

Relationships: In love with Nekonome

Appearance desc: See image!

Height: 5’3”

Weight: 115lbs

Costume desc: TBD

Quirk name: Portal

Quirk Description: Misa can open up a portal within 50 ft of herself, that opens into a new separate pocket dimension. She can open a secondary portal at the same time inside this dimension, that works as an “exit”, however this location has to be either a place she has visited often and can picture well, or somewhere within 50 ft Of herself. The dimension itself is much like earth, although it is not a known location on the planet, and nobody else has ever had free access of it. It is essentially a beautiful meadow, that stretches far beyond what the eyes can see. It is beautiful, and has tons of beautiful flowers that don’t quite match any on earth. There is, however, very limited air here. about as much as you’d find on the highest point of the tallest mountai, and because of this it can be difficult to spend long periods of time here. 

Quirk weaknesses: Because of the lack of air, it is not a total safe haven. It is also not a very good “holding” place for villains, as they could risk death If there for too long. Along with this, she can only open one portal at a time, and holding it open for long periods of time causes ocular migraines, which effects her vision and focus.  

Quirk strengths: She makes an excellent support hero, and can also close her portals around attacks to deflect them. She can sometimes use the portals to temporarily restrain others as well!

Special moves: None so far!

Quirk Type: Emitter


-During their very first class, when they’re “playing” hero’s and villains, Misa leads her team to victory by hiding the bomb away inside her pocket dimensio. Unfortunately they fail to get a perfect score, because she technically removed the bomb from the actual building.