


3 years, 9 days ago


Name: Isaiah Rubato

Pronouns: he/him

Age: estimated to be around 110 in modern day

Personality: (as a child) an absolute menace, runs through the woods like a wild animal, loud as hell, (as a teen/adult) suave, sly, incredibly persuasive, actually very smart, always grinning like he knows something you don’t

Relationships: Tempo, Announcer (dads), Clem (younger sister), Ringmaster (aunt), Natasha (girlfriend (for a certain time)) Charlie, Violet, Monty, Eva, Zeke (friends)

Background: [A.N. This is currently being edited! Information below is somewhat outdated but I’m keeping it here so I can come back to edit it later]

Isaiah was accidentally created by Announcer in 1911 after the mishandling of a soul caused him to manifest. He appears to be Tempo and Announcer’s biological son, despite the scientific impossibility of this actually happening. He was a wild child, often getting lost in the woods and re-emerging a day later covered in dirt. His odd tendencies were not helped by the fact that both his dads are demons. Luckily, his immortality kept him from kicking the bucket from some stupid idea during his younger years. In 1917, he and the rest of his family moved to New York City. Throughout his teen years, he fell in with a gang of other teens in the city, and eventually ended up as the leader of the gang due to the fact that he could manage to get anyone out of trouble with law enforcement. When Prohibition came into effect, his gang moved alcohol across the city for a prominent bootlegger, becoming known as the Golden Runners. He also fell for and dated Natasha Antonov, which ended in heartbreak after he was outed as a demon at a crowded speakeasy and was forced to flee the city. As an adult, he opened a casino in Las Vegas and employed half-blooded demons in need of work.

(Note: this is the heavily condensed version, backstory is currently being tweaked so this will be updated sometime soon)

Physical description: A brown tabby cat with white tuxedo markings. He has one yellow eye and one purple ringed eye. Despite most of his physical features being yellow, his power color is purple. As a child/teen, he wears overalls and collared shirts. As an adult, he often wears suits with either purple or yellow ties. 


- He has an affinity for jazz and swing, and knows how to play the saxophone (courtesy of Tempo). 

- He calls Tempo “Dad”, and Announcer “Pa”. 

- His exact age isn’t known, as he manifested as a young child instead of an infant. He was assumed to be about 4 years old when he appeared. 

- Due to him living in NY for most of his adolescence, he has a New York accent, but it gets much stronger if he's around Announcer. If he’s around Tempo, though, he pronounces some words in a vague English accent. When he's with both of them, his accent turns into a confusing mix of the two.

Voice headcanons: Ice (West Side Story), vocalist for Karma 

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