


2 years, 7 months ago


Name: Clementine “Clem“ Rubato

Pronouns: she/her

Age: around 106 in modern day 

Personality: calm & collected, has an alarming amount of common sense considering the rest of her family, often somewhat quiet, observes more than she acts on, got that “I know something you don’t” kind of air from Tempo, often exasperated

Relationships: Tempo, Announcer (dads), Isaiah (older brother), Ringmaster (aunt)

Background: (will add later)

Physical description: A white cat with dark grey spotting. Her main feature color is purple, but her fire/power color is yellow. Her right eye is purple with a ringed pupil and her left eye is yellow with a music note shaped pupil. She often wears black suit jackets with light colored undershirts and long, dark skirts. She is often seen carrying a musical instrument around.


- Her and Isaiah are very close-knit, but you wouldn’t know it at a first glance by how much they insult each other.

- She’s the only one who can beat Isaiah at a game of cards.

- Tempo sometimes calls her “Clef” as a musical play on her name. (He’s the only one allowed to use this nickname. Isaiah tried to once as a joke and ended up with a black eye.)

- She has a British accent, courtesy of living in London with Tempo for the first couple years of her life.