Kelp Dragon Cookie



3 years, 11 days ago



Dragon Cookie (Fan Kid) | The Mountain Dwellers | Former Prince of The Sea/No Current Occupation

Name Kelp Dragon Cookie

Age ???

Gender Non-Binary

Pronouns Ze/Zer
Orientation Pansexual

Rarity Legendary

Status Single

Worth 4 USD

Cookie Ability: Dives underwater and summons 2 giant seaweed from the ground, destroying obstacles and creating Seaweed Jellies, then summons a giant water blade that creates more Seaweed Jellies. Level up for more Seaweed Jelly points.

Candy Ability; The Kelpie: A giant Kelpie shadow appears at given intervals and destroys obstacles, creating Kelp Jellies. Level up for more Kelp Jelly points.

Pet Ability: Stops the energy bar from decreasing at given intervals. Level up for more frequent energy bar freezes.

Cookie Story

The fabled Prince of The Sea, the rumoured Kelpie that would devour Cookies who meant ill, the green dragon lord of a long forgotten underwater kingdom. These were all titles that the Kelp Dragon held with pride, though they may be a little hyperbolic. The Kelp Dragon ruled the seas, ignorant to the dragons of the Dragon's Valley, ignored by the dragons of the Dragon's Valley. Ze lived blissfully underwater, overseeing zer kingdom occupied by Cookies who worshipped zer, bringing offerings to zer every day. But one day, a Cookie of darkness invaded zer kingdom, driving the residents away if they were lucky. Angered, the Kelp Dragon fought the Cookie who destroyed zer kingdom, wings spread to their full size as ze attacked. But the Kelp Dragon was no match for the darkness that aided the Cookie. Along with the kingdom, ze lost zer wings. The Kelp Dragon had no choice but to retreat, taking on the form of Kelp Dragon Cookie, the mischievous Cookie with a tragic past.

Pet Story

Broken off a kelpie statue from the fallen sea kingdom, Kelpie Bust gained a consciousness of its own and trailed after Kelp Dragon Cookie, silently declaring its loyalty to zer as a companion and a piece of memory from zer kingdom.

Green Sugar Crystal
Playing Confusing Pranks
The Ocean
Fish Delicacies
Blessed Feathers
Hot Weather
Swimming Pools
Bad Hair Days
Cackles more than laughs.
Ze is quite slow on land due to zer tail's length and weight. But in the waters, there is no one faster then zer.
Talking to Kelp about zer wings is a very quick way to turn zer mood sour and lose zer trust.
Is Sea Salt Cookie's frenemy.
Despite the past of zer kingdom, Kelp enjoys telling tales of the kingdom and its folklore and culture.
zer crown is also a hairband, take it off and a lot of hair will tumble forward.
Can store water within zerself to later spit at others. (Gross.)

Captain Ice Cookie / Friendly

Peppermint Cookie / Friendly

Pirate Cookie / Tension

Sorbet Shark Cookie / Tension

Lobster Cookie / Friendly

Mocha Ray Cookie / Friendly

Sea Fairy Cookie / Rival

Ananas Dragon Cookie / Rival

Dark Enchantress Cookie / Tension

Lotus Dragon Cookie / Family

Longan Dragon Cookie / Tension