✿ Amaranth (Ant)



2 years, 10 months ago


Dragon-shifter who rebelled against their family! Has the ability to fly and breathe fire - has a partial dragon and fully human form!

Provided flavor text:

As the youngest of one of the most prolific noble families
in the known history of dragonkind, you are expected to present yourself
with a certain level of elegance and put-togetherness.

This individual in particular, however, does not care about this one bit.

When it is time for balls and important dinners, they will go through
the motions with an eyeroll and lighthearted jokes - to the dismay of their family.

What does the family know about what it really is like to live?
To have fun and enjoy yourself? Nothing, because the rules they stick to
religiously are so strict and boring that you may as well have no free will.

So it's for the purpose of living - they tell themselves - that they dress
down in commoners clothing and escape through their bedroom window in the night;
to dance, sing, and drink with strangers. To fall in love for a moment and then
move on to the next.

Maybe the nobles are right.
This is one of the most dangerous things you could do.
But is the fluttering in your chest not worth it in the end?


- Knows some of the best jokes
- Has an impressive vocabulary of cuss words that would get
them in deep trouble at noble get-togethers
- Ridiculously polished scales
- Is showing the beginnings of sprouting wings, but they're too small
to show through clothes just yet
- Put the jewelry holes in their holes themselves (without permission)
- Very good at mixing drinks