Pvt. James/Jim (Protagonist)



6 years, 9 months ago


🇮🇹🇺🇸 💜James is a sweetheart and an overall kind, beautiful kid and Jim is a sly, tough ladies man who Commits Crimes All The Time 😎


WORLD WAR II ARC (1944):  

“The Big Red One”; a.k.a. Pvt. James of the 1st Division.

Weapons: M1 Garand 

Occupation: U.S. Army Private 

🪖💯 He may look like a fighter, but James here is an absolute sweetheart. This guy follows directions to a T, and tries his absolute best to help a fellow man.

📗 Before the war began, he was a piano player at a small restaurant. He memorized dozens of songs by heart, and sometimes tries to write his own.

The notebook he carries is full of inside jokes, sketches, and personal scribblings; it has survived every battle, and is currently (1950s) collecting dust in a locked safe.

The WW2 arc in TGQ takes place during the “Allied Advance from Paris to the Rhine”. Hence…everyone wearing green. I wanna give a massive thank you to everyone supporting this project so far! ✨ More character designs are on the way. 👀


MAFIA ARC (1958-???) **Ref Sheet coming soon.  

Weapons: 1905 Luger, Thompson

Occupation: Mob boss

-His headcanon voice is Robert DeNiro (his younger self has this soft tone to it, like Travis in Taxi Driver 🚕 “you talkin’ to me?”)
-Speaking of which, he likes to say “what’s the matter with you?” and “HEH?”
-He survived the war and now runs a gang in the 50s. They sell weapons, will murder important figures for cash, and Occasionally Steal Things.
-He slowly forgot how to play the piano but is learning it over time. The same goes for speaking French. He can sing quite well and has a bazillion record players.
-What he CANNOT do is binge watch shows or finish a book in a short amount of time. He’s a bit slow on that end. He also likes to keep things he doesn’t need because hey, he’s got the money and space for it.
-He sometimes walks into a room to do something and forgets immediately.