
3 years, 5 days ago


Fabian Elidyr
28 yrs

GA young vampire passionate about steam punk aesthetics and more over the wonders of clockwork and watches. He too is curious to the point of nosy 


Fabian is the youngest son of the Elidyr vampires, a family of well respected Wales bloodsuckers who started making business with humans instead of feeding on them. Fabian himself is very curious about everything to the point where he'll be nosy about all that you do and show interest in. 

His biggest interest himself is time and clockwork which has inspired his steam punk aesthetic. 

He is kind of the goofy, nosy uncle among my characters never too serious to make a bit of fun of himself or to care for the younger characters in his care. 

Birthday: August 19 1992 (Leo= 

Gender: Cis male 

Sexuality: Heterosexual 

Romanticism: undefined


  • Clockwork 
  • Steampunk 
  • Learning 
  • Telling bedtime stories 
  • Collecting 
  • Making friends 


  • Closed off people 
  • Being observed eating 
  • Boredom 
  • Secrets 
  • Needing to act adult 
  • Personality less rooms 


  • Fabian was made as an art trade between me and King-Obskur 
  • Originally Fabian had a cane that he mostly have grown out of using (mostly because I forgot to draw it) 
  • Fabian feeds on blood from hospital reserves most often - if that is not available he feeds on deers but never to the point of killing them 
  • His last name means Bronze in Welsh and refers to his orange hair 
  • The cloak was not a part of his original design but was added later 

art by ullow (deviantart)


"There's always more to learn."

Fabian is a very nosy vampire. He is fascinated by everything and he sees it as his life goals to learn as much as he can - therefore he will always have 1000 questions to ask you and it is seldom you’ll see him without a book or staring and/or poking at something trying to figure out how it works. Fabians especially loves watches, bolts and clockwork which may explain his steampunk fashion choices. Fabian comes from a wealthy family of vampire nobility so he is taught to be a gentleman by heart. He has been told that he has a very soothing narrator voice. Together with Dani and Bellarose Fabian is also known for his wide knowledge of languages: he’ll tell you he knows at least 15 but in reality it is closer to nine. When he is overly excited Fabian will switch to talk in his mother tongue, old Welsh, which makes it hard for people to understand what he is saying. Fabian is very aware of his diet being different from others so to disturb his comrades the least he will only feed out of blood containers and often alone. 

Other than his curious mind Fabian is also known to be a kind of goofy uncle character often trying his best to fit in with the youth with mixed results. So far the best of friends he has gotten is in the young and sensitive Balder that loves hearing Fabian read stories about all the mythologies he knows about.


  • Curious 
  • Knowledgable 
  • Skill for language 
  • Soothing voice 
  • Caring 
  • Interested 


  • No sense of personal space 
  • Seldom serious 
  • Sensitive about eating habbits 
  • Lacking sense of timing 
  • A little bragging at times 
  • Distracted by shiny things 


  • Learning 
  • Taking care of the young 


  • Victorian era technology 
  • Clockwork in general 
  • Bringing smiles 
  • Learning new stuff 
  • Looking fancy 
  • Getting a new friend 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

  •  Assertive   Turbulent 


art by energyvector (deviantart)


  •  Hair Color   Bronze-gold 

  •  Eye Color   Purple 

  •  Skin Color   Fair 

  •  Height   6,3''/191 cm 

  •  Clothing Style   Steam punk 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Tall 

  •  Fat   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

Fabian is a tall, fairskinned vampire with orange red hair fading a bit at the bottom. He has purple, snake slit eyes and two long fangs. 

In his adult form he wears a purple cape that's bronze underneath and a black turtleneck with a leather west on top that has steampunk inspired bottons. He wears lots of bolts and chains to mimick the steam punk aesthethic as well. 

He is sometimes seen with a gold cane. 

Design Notes

  • He has slit pupils 
  • His fangs are always visible 
  • He has spiked ears 
  • The hair is straight and turns less red at the end like bronze fading to gold 
  • He has different designs depending on his age 
  • The cane is optional 



art by MarcooftheMoon

Sandy: Ex-partner

Fabian's ex girlfriend. The two grew apart as lovers but are still great friends. Sandy is a bit more reckless than Fabian which made it hard for them to plan dates yet make platonic activities here and then much more fun. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Atlas: "Brother"

Technically Fabian's families' support child which kind of makes them brothers yet Fabian has yet to fully be introduced to Atlas. 


art by MarcooftheMoon

Balder: Friend

Balder has become Fabian's kind-of nephew. He'll care for and caress the younger one in time of need and is known to tell Balder many a bedtime story to calm him down. 


Fabian is a vampire who - unlike most vampire lore in fiction - is born with his condition not bitten and coming back to life. He is the son of the noble family of ancient vampire the Elidyrs meaning bronze in Welsh. 

Fabian’s family has been living in Wales for millennia - his ancestor William got the nickname Elidyr due to his bronze red hair and also because he was very skilled with bronze which was a talent he used to win huge praise and money from the humans in the community. When he first told the other vampires of his plan they laughed at him and for long the name William Elidyr was a name of a looney vampire who wanted to mingle with the mortals. Tides turned though when hard winters killed off wildlife and sheep while people stayed indoors. This made it hard for the other vampires to survive. The story has it that William having made a deal with the humans were able to survive by living on lamb blood during the winter. William ended up adopting his nickname of Elidyr in honor of his accomplishments and passed it on through history. 

Fabian is the youngest son of Deryn and Nye Elidyr. Since vampires live extended lives many times longer than humans they seldom get children in the same generation. A vampire like Fabian can easily have siblings whole centuries older than himself without it feeling weird. Speaking of which, Fabian's youngest sibling, his sister Gwen is double his age. Fabian’s family is quite large, having 7 brothers and sisters spread out over a few decades. 

One of Fabian’s brothers saved some bolts and clockwork from when he was young in the 1800s under his bed. Fabian was in wonder when he found it because the shininess of the mechanical parts really attracted him. When he was 10 he heard about the movement of Steampunk and decided to join in by using his brother’s old parts - with permission - to create his first steam punk outfit which was a shirt with bolts sewed on the sleeves. Later he did pay to get made some more authentic clothing for example his gold and silver bolt pendant he wears today. Fabian is fascinated by clocks as well especially old cuckoo's - he likes the concept of time especially, since he himself is close to immortal and then doesn’t feel its toll. That is one reason he thinks he has fallen for the steampunk movement. Fabian cannot read time very well which is why he doesn’t wear a watch. 

Steampunk and clocks are just a few things that Fabian is very curious about. He has always been a curious, easily fascinated boy. Like his ancestor William, Fabian has a good relationship to humans and other species in general. Where William’s relationship was built on business Fabian’s is built on his genuine interest in other creatures. Fabian strives to learn so much he can of every species he meets. His questions both warms others and makes some a bit uncomfortable because he can be a bit pushy in search for answers. He is known to read a lot and wanting to learn fifteen languages at once - a rumour his older brother Robyn started yet it is close to the truth. 

Fabian is still quite young for a vampire pretty much being seen as a baby so his wonder is not frowned upon. It does from time to time irritate some of his oldest siblings but more as if a five year old kept wanting you to play hide and seek with them. In a way Fabian is seen as the favourite little brother always adorable no matter what he does. Therefore Fabian is almost relieved meeting up with younger fellows like Maya, Balder and the rest of my teens - early adults which has given him the reputation of a ‘goofy uncle trying to be cool’.  For some this interest is a bit much but for others such as Cerisier, Anastasia and especially Balder having Fabian around is appreciated. Fabian is a very caring extra parent for Balder and his friends and has a great storyteller voice which the younger yamayeong admires a lot. 

The Eildyrs are not only respected as human friends they are also gracious donors and counsellors of supernatural beings in trouble. By the beginning of the new century Fabian’s parents signed up as guardians for homeless supernatural beings which they now have a few of under their care. One of them is Atlas Icarus, the fallen angel with brain damage. While Atlas has safe space in Fabian’s home the two seldom meet since Atlas is too proud and ashamed of himself to rely too much on the vampires. From the few times they have met Fabian seemed to like the angel maybe also due to the fact that Fabian is curious about Atlas’ experiences and Atlas likes to talk about his glory days or at least as much of it as he can remember. 

Present Day


art by silvermonki (deviantart)

Fabian stays a great friend with pretty much all my humanoid characters and those he is not it is mostly due to his very pervasive ways he's questioning you to learn about your personality, interest and believes. He is a good friend to many of the younger characters especially Balder. 

Being nocturnal he spends many nights reading and learning. 



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