
2 years, 11 months ago


46255414_lvNApqNVQ0G3h9I.png            theme credit: Wren_Song (x)

Balder Mercury. myth guy.

march 4
cis man
5,3''/161 cm
Balder was originally made as a closed species within the species called yamayeong yet after the owner of the species went underground Balder has instead become an undefined troll-like character. He has a special interest in mythology especially Ancient Greek and Old Norse. 

sensitive .people pleaser. bookish
WBalder is a shy and timid person together with being a true people pleaser. He seems to have a sixth sense that makes him able to know when other people are uncomfortable, so he'll be the first to get you a blanket if you are cold or ask you if you are okay if you'd have a bad morning. 
He is highly sensitive to sensory imput especially taste and sounds. That has made him a picky eater, and given him the price of the best ears amongst all my characters which is both a blessing and curse. 
It is very likely that Balder is on the autism spectrum yet he has not been diagnosed. On top of being highly sensitive he hates big crowds of people and would rather be home reading a book. He has a strong insterest in old myths whether they are written down or told in orally. He is bad at reading social cues and while he likes structure he is a mess when it comes to staying organised.  


  • mythology
  • candlelight
  • folk songs
  • readalongs
  • new smells 
  • loud noises
  • being touched 
  • most food
  • Balder is named after two gods, the old Norse god of light (Balder) and the messenger god from Roman mythology (Mercury)
  • Every year Balder will get a new bead added to his hair - all are teal except his first bead (orange with a sun) and the one he got on his sixteenth birthday (white with a eclipsed moon)
  • Balder is known for his four year streak of being the Lucia bride for christmas, the symbol of the Sankt of light in Nordic folk tradition
  • I am not certain whether or not his tails are made of fire or not - for this reason it is still to be determined whether you can burn yourself touching the fluff.

design notes
  • beads not up to date - check doodle
  • two tails looking like fire
  • two freckles under right eye - seven on his neck
  • longish square face with thick orange brows
backstory - family story

family structure
The context around Balder's family changed when the species that he is a part of, the yamayeong, seemed to be deleted by the owner of the species. To those curious, yamayeongs was orignally said to be habitants of another planet called ljihyejin. Yet after the lore was removed I now work with Balder being a sort of troll/half troll character living on Earth so he can interact more smoothly with my other characters. 
Balder is born into the Mercury family that despite their roman name lives in Norway. The Mercuries has been known through time to be reliable messengers which probably have given them their name, since Mercury is the name of the Roman god of messengers. Like the rest of his family Balder was raised to be helpful and resourceful, being ready to help others in need without questions.

backstory -childhood

family dynamic

Balder  is the only child of Theresa and Frederik Mercury, a secretary and math  professor. They chose to wait to get a child until later in life so  Frederik could move up in his career. For this reason Balder grew up  with parents who were a decade to two older than his peers. 

This  together with his cautious personality made him more attentve to any  signs of discomfort so he'd be able to help when old age caught up to  his parents. In some ways Balder recognise that he was more of a  caretaker than a son. He wouldn't describe his childhood as abusive, yet  at the same time he seldom got time to think about himself because of  his caretaking tendencies.

Young  Balder had a great relationship with his grandmother. Looking back he  describes his time with her as those few times he could feel like a  child with no reprecussion. At Balder's baptism she gave him a bead with  an orange sun on it, and he is still wearing it in his hair today. In  fact he has made it a tradition that every year on his birthday he'll  add one more bead to his hair in honor of his grandmother - most of  these beads are turqoise yet at this sixteenth birthday Anastasia, his  half demon friend, gave him a white bead with a moon.  

One  of Balder's most cherished memories outside his time with his  grandmother was when his mother taught him the story of his namesake.  When she was younger she had wanted to be a professor as well one  specialist in mythologies, and so she'd always been endeared by the myth  of the Norse god of light, the kindest and most gorgeous of the gods.  This story kindled Balder's own interest in mythology so he'd spend many  a night digging through Theresa's mythology books learning all about different gods of old.  

backstory - present

relationship with peers
Balder was never able to fit in at school. Outside of his elder parents  he dressed very distantly from his peers with the beads in his hair and his mix of formal and old nordic attire. His favourite shirt was yet  another gift from his grandmother, the last birthday gift he got before  she died of cancer. 

His sentementality made it so most boys his age  wouldn't want to play with him, and the girls found him odd and boring.  Balder instead became great friends with the adults amongst those Fabian, a vampire with what Balder described as a soothing voice and a  talent for telling stories. 

While many have wondered whether Balder may  be autistic his parents haven't had him tested for it. When he was  younger Balder was uncomfortable with the idea of being different from  his peers and yet he is more curious about his potential neurodivergency  today he is too afraid of seeming needy when asking his parents, that  by now are getting close to retirement. 

At his later teen years Balder  grew closer to two other children, although only one was close to his  own age. He met the half demon Anastasia outside of Norway at summer  break one year and both being more interested in staying at home  reading, they slowly grew to like each other as friends. The second  friend that Balder made was the kitsune Teo, an energy opposite to  Balder's nervous pasivity, yet Balder finds he feels safe around the  more outgoing Teo.

fabian elidyr
friend/uncle figure

Fabian became a kind of uncle figure for young Balder since the vampire would babysit him when he was younger. Balder loved hearing Fabian read aloud so he'd often ask the vampire to read myths from the Mercury's random lore books while Fabian brushed Balder's hair (Balder let very few touch his hair, Fabian being one of them). Today they have a equal appreciation for stories and objects that other deems to be trash like old watches or scrolls. 


Balder and Teo's friendship is like one of oil and water - Teo is way more outgoing and adventure seeking while Balder is shy and cautious. Yet the two somehow brings forth the best in each other and they often seen just being around each other even without doing anything actively together. 

Balder's first friend at his same age, Anastasia shares the same likeness of a calm, simple life with him. Anastasia will often tease Balder a little yet never in a mean spirited way. Their birthdays are close together as well so they are often celebrating together by getting some calming tea and reading stories for each other.