Gina Grace Choi



9 years, 6 months ago


let's be friends!

Name Gina Grace Choi (최진아)
Series Harry Potter series, post-war
Age / Year 17 / 7th
DoB May 25th
Gender female
House Ravenclaw
Height 158cm (5'2")
Weight 52kg (build: average)
Nationality British (ethnically Korean)
Alignment content
Theme link a song
Owner PlatinaSi
Designer PlatinaSi
CSS Wicked

Profile under construction!!




holidays and celebrations

study hours in the study hall

practicing spells

going for walks or exploring the castle



people who are rude for no reason

feeling inferior

getting wet

being rushed

traditional herbal medicine

{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }
Curious | Observant | Polite | Open-minded | Easygoing/friendly

• Curious
This trait is best reflected in the Sorting Hat's decision to sort Gina into Ravenclaw. Her thirst for knowledge makes her eager to learn from her peers and upperclassmen, and she is constantly asking what this does and that means. However, her curiosity sometimes gets her into trouble, such as wandering into out-of-bounds areas or experimenting with spells or potions when she isn't supposed to- yielding disastrous results. Such experiences make her all the more wiser, though, and combined with the mental acuity she possesses innately, they contribute to her quickly expanding pool of knowledge.

• Observant
Almost subconsciously, Gina takes mental notes of the people surrounding her and what's happening. Small details that are easily overlooked are always of interest to her, for scrutinizing a person or thing can help understand things about it that could never be known through other means. Though not meant to be harmful, some people find her curious gaze strange or even take offense by it.

• Polite
Good manners and politeness, along with respectful behavior, are the first things Gina was educated on by her family based on Eastern customs. She's still a bit silly at times and may act inappropriately when joking around with friends (as most kids her age do), but her tendency to be polite to everyone (even Slytherins, though most of them irritate her to no end) doesn't change. She's learned from an early age that being polite will, in most cases, prevent people from picking a fight with you, and help solve problems in a civil way.

• Open-minded
Bias and stereotypes are the enemies of those who strive to learn more about the world and the people inhabiting it. Gina was taught to try to keep her mind from forming biases, because they cloud the mind and let no additional information in- resulting in blind rationality. Gina always tries to keep neutral in her thought processes, weighing this and that and considering other viewpoints; however, as any other young teen, her emotions run ahead of her rationality most of the time and she ends up not being as neutral as she thinks she is.

• Easygoing/friendly
When she was younger, Gina found it more enjoyable to stay silent and let others do the talking while she listened, but as she grew older she found it less awkward to lead on conversations and encourage an air of amity even if it meant she had to do the talking herself. Sometimes she might get carried away but most of the time Gina keeps the conversations she holds at an easy pace, allowing the other to open up and befriend her quickly. When she does get carried away, she ends up embarrassing herself.


Gina is an only child of a loving family that spans three generations- her grandparents, her parents, and herself. Gina's grandparents have three sons, of which the eldest is Gina's father; hence, according to filial piety, he had the duty of caring for his retired parents. (Gina's uncles live abroad but visit Britain with their families occasionally for family events or special occasions.) Despite the subdued and somewhat rigid atmosphere of the household due to old Korean traditions, Gina's parents and grandparents raised her to be independent, flexible, and open-minded- traits that are needed to live in a Western society as the Choi family have done for several generations. Gina's childhood was pretty normal and event-less except for the occasional magical mayhem she caused with her premature magical abilities (much to the irritation of her mother, who quickly got tired of cleaning up talking debris, stopping rice pots from blowing up, and catching pink polka-dotted mice). Gina spent her younger years playing in the herbal shop or roaming Diagon Alley, looking at the wondrous things displayed in the shop windows and hoping that one day she would also be able to own some of them.

The day she got her letter from Hogwarts was a hot and humid one in the summer following her 11th birthday- a day like no other, helping her mother do some 'summer cleaning' in the shop while silently wishing she was sitting in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour with a large bowl of ice cream instead. She had recently graduated from a Muggle primary school, and while the whole family was certain she would be soon be receiving her acceptance letter from Hogwarts just like her parents had, there was still that little voice of uncertainty inside Gina's head that made her worry for the worst. To her relief, however, an owl carrying the good news arrived shortly and she spent the rest of the day shopping for school supplies with her delighted grandmother (and having a large helping of ice cream afterwards).

Family History

The exploitation and inhumane acts committed by the Muggles of the Japanese Empire were enough to drive many Korean magical families out of the Korean peninsula to Europe or overseas to the Americas, feeling that keeping distance from the turmoil of the Muggle society there would better ensure their safety than staying in their mother country, hidden behind concealing spells and charms. The Choi family has resided in the British Isles ever since, though after the Korean War (1950~1953) many family members frequented their mother country to learn traditional magic (especially Asian Herbology and Oriental Divination), and keep in touch with the Eastern Wizarding community.



Skill One

Write a small description

Skill Two

Write a small description

Skill Three

Write a small description

Skill Four

Write a small description


(more to come - under construction!)

Years 1-3

Gina's first two years at Hogwarts was enjoyable; her tendency to listen rather than talk made her an amiable person to be with, and she quickly made friends with students of her House while getting to be on friendly terms with other House students as well. The castle, on the other hand, was enormous and full of wonders that could keep Gina's curious mind occupied for ages. She did get into trouble a few times during her first few months, wandering the corridors then getting too lost to find the way to her next class or spending too much time listening to the people in the moving picture frames talk to each other before realizing it was past curfew. In her third year, Gina skillfully balances her class schedule, study hours, and personal exploration time (usually spent with a few friends) to make the most of her time at Hogwarts.

Years 4-6





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[ relationship ]

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