Chunhua Xie



2 years, 11 months ago



Chunhua's architectural journey started when she started schooling at the age of 3. Straight lines and precise angles came to her naturally, and as she got older and her parents moved her from apartment to apartment in Shenzhen, she became more and more intrigued by different buildings and their layouts. Soon she was designing skyscrapers, temples, and everything in between for governments all over the world, only slowing down when she was forced to at the age of 15. Even then, she continued to work her dream job from home, although her interests are split between her job and her brother Haoyu. 

  • optimistic
  • pushover
  • wise
  • motherly
  • rulers
  • precision
  • tea eggs
  • her little brother

Due to her parents' untimely death, Chunhua has learned how to care for other people in the way a mother would. She prioritises other people's safety and comfort above her own, especially those that are younger than her, and has had to grow up even faster than she already had as a result of her dual responsibilities. She treasures childhood and believes that everyone should be able to experience it without having to experience unwanted fear or anger, and especially unwanted trauma. In conjunction with this she often bends to the will of those around her so that they get what they want, even if she has objections.

She is not solely focused on the wellbeing of others, however; if someone goes against her moral code, she will not hesitate to call them out on their behaviour, even if it takes her time to build up the courage to do so. Her optimism puts her at odds with the pessimistic outlook that the majority of her peers possess, but this does not bother her unless one of them attempts to argue with her over it. Chunhua believes that even if things get bad, searching for a silver lining is more important so that one might be able to get themselves through it. Normally, people don't tend to argue with her after she says such a thing... after all, she is the eldest.

  • Chunhua doesn't spend much time thinking about her sexuality, but she is attracted to men.
  • Chunhua can speak multiple different languages nearly perfectly, including Chinese, Japanese, English, and German.
  • Chunhua lost her parents at a young age, but they were always supportive of her interest in architecture.
  • Chunhua's younger brother is eleven years her junior and the only family she has left.
  • Most of the time, Chunhua prefers to stay out of her home city of Shenzhen.

Takashi Inoue

Best Friends

Chunhua and Takashi may have their regular disagreements, but they never fight for long. Even though she is only a year older, Takashi respects Chunhua as if she were a wise teacher. Although this may have initially been annoying to her, she quickly got used to the slightly odd behaviour, and she is more than thankful to have someone willing to back her up under such dire circumstances.


Kazuo Yukimura

Former Friends

Although initially Kazuo was kind to Chunhua, he quickly began taking advantage of her endlessly giving nature. Nowadays he spends less time actually enjoying her company and far more of it bossing her around. While in the beginning she didn't mind, Kazuo's rude and callous nature is starting to piss Chunhua off. 


Aina Ueda


The rivalry that Aina and Chunhua have with each other is incredibly one-sided; somehow, Aina managed to get the idea that Chunhua was actively trying to replace Aina's position in Kazuo's life. Chunhua tries to repair the bridge that Aina has already gone out of her way to burn, but Aina doesn't care.

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