Captain Lukka Bordey



6 years, 11 months ago


Name: Lukka Bordey
Gender: Female
Height: 155 cm
Age: 38
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Rowdy, impulsive, a jokester, loves her crew and being amongst friends, loud, sassy, open minded, playful, carefree, a bit childish. Loves committing pranks, taunts her enemies and tries her best to keep the mood light hearted/hopeful/cheer her crew up if things get tough. She will also allow her crew members to be upset and sad and understands that people can not be happy all the time. She will gladly provide a listening ear to someone who is struggling with something and also offer advice if asked for it. Lukka also loves music, especially folk music, pub music and of course sea shanties. After a succesful raid, she and her crew will party with drinks, music and dancing. She is also fiercely protective of children, especially her two adopted little ones Steve and Corraline.

Bio: She ran away as a teen because her home life was very unpleasant and toxic. She hung around the docks for a couple of weeks, begging and stealing money and food. She eventually befriended a fisherman who became her mentor of sorts. He teached her how to sail, how to fish, how to tie knots, all that handy stuff. At some point he got murdered in front of her eyes (though she was hidden from the attacker) and she was so heartbroken she just couldn't bare to hang around anymore. She took his boat and sailed out, never to return to her homeland. Eventually she met Bo, with whom she upgraded her boat to a pirate ship. Her crew slowly kept growing until she had a small crew of misfits that she was the mom to that she never got. The last addition to her crew was Steve who she saved from the cruel and self proclaimed pirate king Crom. Crom is very angry with her for taking away his plaything and is out for revenge, wanting to enslave her and her crew. She does not fear him however and instead mocks and taunts him whenever their ships meet, often only barely getting away with her life. Luckily she is not alone in her fight against Crom as another pirate captain Blackmane, also can't stand the guy. The two are close friends and even have flings from time to time though they never stay together long because they each have their own ships to look after and places they want to go. Their crews get along great however and they are almost like family.

Abilities: Lukka might be short but she is also spicy! She is very skilled in using her two cutlass swords and can slash you to ribbons in seconds if you aren't careful. On top of that, she is very agile and fast, so it's hard to land a hit on her. She can produce blue crackling electricity from both her maw and her hands as well as draw it from her environment during a thunderstorm and sending it her enemies's way. She also has minor wind magic which allows her to create brief wind currents that can generate enough lift to allow her to lift off with her wings, as well as send short bursts of wind to knock a weapon out of someone's hand if they aren't holding on to it properly. Lastly, she is an amazing swimmer, being able to swim both fast and for long periods of time. She can hold her breath for up to a minute.