Orion's Comments

Heya would love to offer the $150 on this lad if you’d take that at all! :3

Heyhey yea I can do that! They also have some extra art I didn’t seem to add to their gallery so I’ll send those to u/add them to their prof! Would it be easier to message here or discord/IG? Both are Cawffeejelly for me!

Anyways works just fine! As long as PayPal is okay with you! :3 

Sorry I just remembered to respond to this! Could you dm me on Instagram or discord ^^? 

Yeah I will hold on! 

Hey! is this kiddo ufs still? 🫶🏻

yep theyre ufs!

do you do payment plans // how much would uou take for em?<3

would you consider swaps? In my primary folder i can offer Akio. They’re worth $140 

Is there a sb? Or a lowest you will consider?

is this still open? 0:

It’s currently on sale ab is 200 if still interested :0!

$250 :>