Penn's Comments

How much?

Howdy! I can offer a full body shaded piece for this design! Gander at my art examples if you're curious!

i can offer about like 5 full bodies and maybe 3 animated gifs ^^ (headshots or halfbodies whatever you want)

i can trade anyone from these 2 (ocs below folders)

and i can do 2 3d icon headshots :)

ahh im sorry i didnt see anyone!! D: /lh ! 

does this guy interest you for pearls?

no sorry D:! /lh !

can trade anyone but a select few under main ocs and alters, vent ocs, colorings, or any of the circus owners in the entropy circus :)

i can also add 3 full body animated gifs

i saw ur looking for undertale ocs i have some here and can make customs as well ^^ examples here

AAUUGGHHH OMGGG im so in love with this Bebe omggg

I can do art and trades!!

for art I can definitely drew the character you listed! I used to be an undertale artist lol here’s all my examples 

I can also make a custom or two, maybe more if necessary! Here’s my designs:

For trades you’re free to look here and see if anyone catches your eye!

AHHH im sorry theyre already accepted an offer for !! D: your art is awesome though!!! (againimsosorryaa :( ) 

/gen /lh !!

That’s totally okay! Is pearls still open? :0

yeyeyeye ! :D

I can do the art or maybe trades for pearls!!! :D I can do multiples for trades, and for art I can do any amount you want! But lmk if I should list a specific amount lol

Hi, it’s been a couple days! Any thoughts? Apologies if I sound impatient, take ur time! 

SHOOT sorry i forgot to respond D: i do like ur art but im not 100% sure whatd be a fair amount for em DX!! /lh /pos /gen!!! 

1 Replies

Interested in - ! I'm willing to draw GardenTale Sans in any of these options or multiples on what interests you ^ ^

OHHH definitely interested!! EEE theres a few things im tied between like the animations and just!! your art is so good omg ,,,,, did you have any more examples of the flash /clip studio scene 👀 ?

OOOO sure! you can check these out! I'd be happy to make a scene with your char or two and could do one of the brush bust animations

Example 1 - snow leopard anthro

Example 2 - Foxes and crowd

Example 3 - fluffy ginger cat

Example 4 - two floofy kitties

EEEE yeyeyye id be down for that!! (btw sorry my brain got confused!! like 2 as in 2 charas in one piece or 2 pieces of art? :o!!) /gen /lh!!

I can do two scenes with up to two chars each!

:O! id love to accept then!! could i dm you details ? :D /lh /pos!!

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heyo!! id be willing to do the 50 for since i paid that for em!! ^_^ lmk if your interested:D

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For peches, or pearls I can do art (my most recent related example is this which I can do 2 of and some simple 'pagedolls' or halfs/fulls! You can also look in my ufs folder is anyone perhaps interests you ^^

aaa didn’t see anyone sorry!! ;w; your art is lovely though!! /gen /lh!!

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aaa  your artsyle is so cool!! ;o; what would u be offering for em? :o!

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can do characters from , , and my unsorted (marked x and on adding to story offlimits but could maybe do some that arent on said folder and kandyland), can offer/add art (ic, most recent example is this) for any!!

aa didn’t see anyone who interested me but ur style is rlly neato!!/pos/lh!!

i can offer art, anyone in my TH, or a max of 28$ for anyone here :OOOOO

aaa didn’t see anyone sorry!! ;w;/lh!!

did u have any art examples i could see ? :D!!

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heyo!! did u have any examples i could look thru? :D/lh!!

JUST wanna say ur undertale oc has such pretty colors and id love to draw them!

I really love pearl and peches! I can offer 3 fullbodies, one wiggle gif icon, one mini ref and ocs here you can look through, 

Lmk if u see anyone and i can always change up my art offer if theres something else you want

EEEE thank u!! <3<3 

didnt see anyone soz!! was the art offer for 1 of both of em btw? ^^;; /lh!!

Either of them!

psst!! did u have any examples of wiggles & ref sheet ? :oo !!

Yeah^^ these are all furries, but i can absolutely do your skelly!  Just wanted to show how i format them64935031_WzcxgkpXHP0jXVG.gif68805132_FgaGrq8JWWPmj6M.pngIMG_1409.png

May i ask if youre still interested?:0

i def am!! just a lil tent with em ! :,O !! /lh !! 

ur good!! take your time and just lmk^^

I can do an animation meme or two for ramune and peches + some regular art (fullbodys and stuff)

I also have theese fellows with animaited content for trade if they happen to intrest

Otherwise ur free to look at my toyhouse as long as they dont have a never ever tag

But ill be tent with thoose for never tag so eee but feel free to ask

HSHSGSHSHH i do love ur animations  omg….. the charas r so funky good but i probably wouldnt use em too much DX was the offer for both of just one of em? ^^ 

I can do two for one still or two for both

Possibly three for the both of them if thats more fair? But it depends on how complex the animation meme or whateves is o3o

Ohh heck!! i do appreciate the offer BUT i dont want u over trading !! DX (i did an animation meme each for em !) /gen /lh

so id be happy to take 1 animation meme for ramune !! its kinda late where i am atm but i could msg u tomorrow if ur interested ! :D

Oh sure 

I wont get over worked i actually rlly like doin art and stuff for others (and also I havent animaited in a while so I need somethin to do) so i wouldnt mind but sure I can do an animation meme for ramune if u dont feel comfy accepting a big offer

I think i misread this becauae i got excited

But yeH if its fair i can do one animation meme for each if that makes sense

But i can 100% do just one for ramune 

Whatever offer in art/animation it would take for both of em I could probably do it but it would take a bit of a while

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UR KILLING MEEE /lh!!! /pos!!

i will

have a lil think:S (for bloop ^^)

(dont worry about turnaround time tho!! life is important, burnout is real!! take care of yourself !)

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hiyo!! id love to accept the offer for bloop if your still interested !! (the ref sounds awesome if its ok!!) ( all good if your not interested anymore tho!! ) :D /lh /pos!!

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OOO if possible could you draw this version ? :o (but let me know if u wanna draw the other version no problem!! :D )

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(Pssst can you message me on KitsuGalaxy? I don’t really see messages on here!)

Oooo they’re cute! Lemme think though, I’ll have to see if they will fit into any of my stories 

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Money is highly preferred,  but I’ll do art and characters as an add on!

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And I love these guys!

but.. I won’t say no to an animation meme ;3 

Hmmmm idk I’d have to think about it

Also,, what is this guy on hold for? ? If he ever goes off hold I could def do maskalots + maybe the others for this dude fo so

They went back to their first owner- so sorry 

Ah shame, I don’t know if I’d do any of these guys so I’ll have to think some more