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OHHH definitely interested!! EEE theres a few things im tied between like the animations and just!! your art is so good omg ,,,,, did you have any more examples of the flash /clip studio scene 👀 ?

OOOO sure! you can check these out! I'd be happy to make a scene with your char or two and could do one of the brush bust animations

Example 1 - snow leopard anthro

Example 2 - Foxes and crowd

Example 3 - fluffy ginger cat

Example 4 - two floofy kitties

EEEE yeyeyye id be down for that!! (btw sorry my brain got confused!! like 2 as in 2 charas in one piece or 2 pieces of art? :o!!) /gen /lh!!

I can do two scenes with up to two chars each!

:O! id love to accept then!! could i dm you details ? :D /lh /pos!!

Yes sure! ^^