Lazarus Druvard



2 years, 11 months ago



Name Lazarus Druvard
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Age 29 years old
ORIGIN Gridania
Race Elezen (Wildwood)
Nameday 32nd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
CITY-STATE Hatano, Wataru

A Wildwood Elezen hailing from the forests of Gridania, Lazarus leaves home once he reaches adult age so he can study the art of thaumaturgy and hone his magic skills. Once in Ul'dah, he takes up all kinds of odd jobs in order to earn a coin, ranging from running errands for local merchants to the occasional mercenary work. His day to day is mostly comfortable and uneventful, almost ordinary one could say, until he meets Mamana Mana and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn by a twist of fate — it is then when life as he knows it changes forever.


  • Night walks
  • Fashion
  • Comfortable silence
  • Grapes


  • Bugs
  • Conflict
  • Feeling powerless
  • Large crowds


As a child, Lazarus used to be very cheerful and energetic, a curious mind always eager to learn and acquire new skills. Though he considerably mellows out as he grows older, he still shows great interest for that which he does not know of or doesn’t understand.

Above all he strives to be kind and understanding, and to help people within his abilities. It is never out of obligation; he is very attuned to other people and  has a fervent desire to lend them a helping hand whenever possible. Lazarus is so wholly devoted to others and their wellbeing that he tends to forget about his own. Though never on purpose, this often leads him to act with a recklessness that borders on suicide, throwing himself into perilous situations without hesitation or a second thought — all for the sake of someone else. He is at least deeply apologetic about it though. Those dear to him he will naturally attempt to protect, though he may unintentionally go against their wishes by doing so.

For all the kindness he readily shows other people, Lazarus has little to none to spare for himself and holds himself to rather unreasonably high standards. He is unforgiving and harsh if he fails to meet said standards, placing the full blame on his own head simply for not being good enough. Although he tries his best to mask it in front of others, Lazarus struggles with feelings of inadequacy and self-hatred, and questions his worth more often than not. He is liable to fake confidence and competence both, even more so after becoming the Warrior of Light and feeling pressured to meet people’s expectations of him. 

Lazarus is shy, almost unbelievably so. “Please don’t compliment me without warning because I will get embarrassed” shy. “Please don’t make me do anything remotely embarrassing in front of other people or I will die” shy. Being in the spotlight is very mortifying to him and he handles it pretty poorly. Though he is fairly decent at conversation and keeping up appearances overall, it is really easy for him to shy away from a situation if too much unwarranted attention is drawn to him. Unfortunately and much to his dismay, his friends and peers love to exploit this and try to get him flustered in public as often as possible.


He is an only child; his father is an artisan specialized on wooden musical instruments, and his mother is a fearsome archer with a knack for leatherwork. Lazarus was taught about the arts of music and archery when he was of an age to learn, developing a fondness for both and especially singing. However, his one true passion had always been magic, and so his decision to move to Ul’dah so he can continue his studies comes as no surprise to his family. 

Lazarus was “gifted” with the Echo at the early age of eight, granting him visions that depicted pasts unbeknownst to him. He found this ability equally fascinating and terrifying, as he was able to witness the memories of other people, the horrors they had gone through, their deepest regrets and struggles… but was ultimately unable to help or interfere in any way. These visions came to him on occasion, out of his control.


Lazarus has been living in Ul’dah for around seven years now. The Hourglass Inn has served as his home away from home since, and he is good friends with the owner of the Quicksand, Momodi Modi. His thaumaturgy studies are coming along nicely, and he's gradually developing exceptional control over his aether.

Ceaseless job hunting eventually leads Lazarus to a merchant family in the Ul'dahn syndicate, who reaches out to him in hopes that he will act as a bodyguard of sorts for their unruly daughter and bring her back to the safety of their home. To be frank this is nothing like the kind of jobs he has accepted before, but he is not one to ignore people in need… and the large sum of money offered for his services is way too tempting to refuse, anyway. This is how his path crosses with Mamana Mana's, a Lalafellin youth with a hot temper that one would have never expected from a small girl with such angelic features.

They don't even have the time to properly introduce themselves to each other — as soon as Lazarus is officially hired he is sent out to look for the already missing Mana, make sure she's not involved in any dangerous affairs and bring her home in one piece. Apparently, the girl has consistently been trying to leave home for around a month now; it was easy to track her down at the beginning, but her planning has become more careful, more meticulous, her escapades more frequent. It's becoming hard to ensure that she does not get in harm's way or worse, that she does not completely disappear from their sight. Lazarus doesn't really question anything that he's told — his clients are worried parents who just wish the best for their seemingly very spoiled child. He will see the job done, believing it to be the best outcome for everyone involved. 

The first time they meet, as soon as they so much as make eye contact, Mana literally runs away from him. Lazarus isn’t even given the time of the day, not a chance to explain himself or come in peace, and he has no other choice but to reluctantly chase after her. It's a game of cat and mouse, for a while. Contrary to what he would have initially thought, the girl is very fast, elusive and knows how to use her small stature to her full advantage, running into narrow alleys or crowded spaces where Lazarus will have trouble following her steps.

But Lazarus is sharp and agile and has been trained for this, so he eventually manages to catch up to her. And when he does he's stunned into silence by how fiercely Mana rejects him, thrashing around in an attempt to break free from his grasp, yelling at him and calling him all kinds of names loud enough to alert everyone around them. She must be really spoiled indeed is the first thought that comes to Lazarus's mind, judging by the way she fixes him with a glare that could kill once he drops her off at home.

Their following encounters happen in a similar fashion: look for Mana, chase after Mana, catch up to Mana, take Mana back home, rinse and repeat. Any and all of Lazarus's attempts to approach her and be friendly are immediately shut down by a really, really angry little girl who wants nothing but to see him gone already. It is becoming increasingly difficult for Lazarus to carry out his task; he doesn't expect to be able to reason with her at this point, but he takes no pleasure in distressing her with his presence. When asked about her, Mana's parents seem avoidant and disclose very little information, give vague responses, cut the conversation short. Something is amiss, Lazarus can tell that much. Collecting his payment becomes harder, too.


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