Aziza Shabazz



6 years, 9 months ago



Full Name: Aziza Shabazz
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern and Mediterranean 
Magic: Smoke
Nicknames: Aziz, the Guitar Girl, Guitar Kebab
Birthday: June 21st
Height: 5'8
Theme: afterglow...
Aziz really does try her best to be good.

Her life is pretty good. Her father was a Palestinian refugee who made money by playing music. He made a lot of money and married a Turkic lady. Her father took the money he made from when he was younger and started his own music business.

Aziz started playing guitar when she was 5 years old. She wasn't a prodigy at it, but she practiced a lot where she forgot to do her homework sometimes. As she got older, Aziz started to get much better at playing the guitar and other string instruments such as the balalaika, ukelele, bass guitar, violin, and many others.

Aziz isn't really a student with good conduct. She tries her best to be a good person, but she hangs out with the wrong people. She doesn't try to break the rules- it's more so she forgets what the rules are.She wants to make money off of music when she gets older. Aziz isn't really that smart nor is she good at athletics that much. But one thing she is really good at is playing guitar...

If played in a fantasy setting, Aziz has Smoke Magic. She can conjure smoke. However, she's not really that good at magic. She's not a very creative person, so she hasn't thought about what she could use her magic for. However, she knows that it gives her immunity to smoking...
  • If it is a stringed instrument, Aziz can play it...
  • Aziz is Muslim (though she admits she's bad at it)
  • Aziz's favorite song is Afterglow by Attila Zoller because it was the first song she learned on her own...
  • Aziz has perfect pitch...
  • Aziz has a collection of different stringed instruments from around the world. She brings a different one (as well as her handy-dandy acoustic) every day...
  • Since Aziz collects stringed instruments from all over the world, I'd like to imagine she names them, too. She is very careful about name origins and meanings; the names she chooses always matches the instruments' countries of origin. However, only Aziz' closest friends get to know her instruments' nicknames! Judas-la-Carotte
  • I feel like Aziza often goes through rigorous reverse interviews with potential music managers. If they don't agree with certain aspects of her music or want to change who she is to sell music she'll ditch them and find a new manager. TyrianCallows