


2 years, 11 months ago




Gender Cis Woman
Pronouns She / Her
Age 35
Sexuality Pansexual
Class Cleric
Subclass War Domain


Flirty Catty Playful Sensual Vindictive

On paper, Morrigan is a dedicated priestess of Saint Aphaelea under the Mother Superior Taelyn in Pandora's sole House of Joy. In reality, her loyalty lies not with the Third Saint, but the Seventh Saint: Victa, the Saint of Victory and War. Morrigan has no faith in Aphaelea's teachings of harmony and diplomacy, but has crafted her cover as an Aphaelean priestess to more easily manipulate the powers-that-be in Pandoran high society, and avoid the social consequences of publicly worshipping a Saint widely regarded to be both dangerous and insane. To Morrigan, diplomacy is nothing but another tool of warfare best used to bring down the opposition's guard before going in for the kill. She delights in orchestrating diplomatic situations destined to collapse in on themselves and devolve into conflict, and takes a sadistic pleasure in watching people give into their most base, violent urges. It is her core belief that to live is to fight and to fight is to live: it is an inescapable truth of the world that all mortals live and die by their willingness to fight others for the resources necessary to survive. She strives to cultivate enough strength to stand victorious on any battlefield, be it a statesman's chambers or active combat, and to gain the favor of her Saint in the process.

She acted as a mentor to a younger woman named Astoria Enlil, and engaged in a brief flirtation with professor Lucian Iranatha of the Sorian Academy, before betraying both in service to her Saint.