


6 years, 10 months ago



Alessa • Adult • She/Her


Part of a closed species by Nyxium
Masterlist Entry

Main Info Species: Medi-borg (functioning)
Specialty: PICU Nurse (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) mainly. She's a NICU Nurse (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) as a secondary specality. (basically she works with kids and infants)
Switch location: Inside her ponytail.
Height: 5'2
Weight: Light (for a medi-borg)

Sweet, kind, patient, optimistic (sometimes overly so), wears her heart on her sleeve, always tries to see the best in people and give them more chances then they sometimes deserve.

Species Lore_

Medi-Borgs are highly advanced robots made by Medi-Borg Incorporated. Their purpose is to assist with medical needs using state of the art medical knowledge and technology. Some Medi-Borgs are made for general use while others specialise in certain fields.


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Daniel • Brother Figure

A long time friend and big brother figure to her. Desires to stay close to him even though he now pushes her away. One of the few people Dani will listen too.


Maki • Close Friend

Maki is a friend that Alessa made while at work. Both get along well and enjoy each-other's company. They'll often spend time out of work baking and talking.


Iyashi • Friend

With iyahsi being Dnaiel's muse, Alessa has grown to know him quite a bit. Alessa enjoys Iyashi's company quitea lot and loves talking to him about this and that. She views iyashi as a very kind and bright hearted person and hopes the best for him. She also fears a bit for his safety when it comes to Daniel, but tries to overlook that while doing her best to keep an eye out for Iyashi's wellbeing.


Kagaku • Concerning Acquaintance

Alessa mostly knows Kagaku through Daniel. She's a bit concerned about Daniel and Kagaku's relationship, and the influence they could be having on each other. Though she knows that they're close and is just glad that Daniel has a friend.


Alessa's Master • Master

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Shuichi • Acquaintance

Though she mostly knows him through Daniel, Alessa would love to get to know more about him, she's heard great things! She also fears for his safety in relation to Daniel.