Ananda Rao



3 years, 6 days ago


Ananda Rao

Those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action









Scatters things often

4'11" | 7'11"



Messenger [Recruit]

Draconian Peaks

Neutral Good
Fighting Style

DPS + Movement
Relationship Status


Heart Chart


Voice Claim



Ananda has a very strong set of morals and sense of responsibility. If someone is in need and they are able they will always help them without question.


Losing their fiancé due to their own inaction has forced them to learn forgiveness, both towards themselves and others. Resentment will not change the past and only sour the future.


Ananda has an optimistic outlook and upbeat attitude. Every day is a day full of possibilities that they are happy to be a part of.


After leaving home Ananda's hunger to experience the world grew, eager to see what other countries and continents had to offer.


Ananda is very social and likes to discuss at length. It can be difficult to make them shut up once they get going.


Through the use of their hoops Ananda collects a variety of things. Because of how easy it is to throw random trinkets or garbage into their hoops they easily accumulates too many things and struggles to get rid of them. Since losing their fiancé and leaving their family they find comfort in material possessions and the memories they hold, making it extra difficult to part with them.


Because of their hoarding tendencies Ananda's living space tends to become cluttered easily. There is a method to the madness that only Ananda understands, but to all others it just looks like a mess.


Whenever Ananda encounters a problem they immediately want to fix it. Even when the problem is not theirs. This can result in Ananda butting themselves into other peoples' troubles in an unwelcomed manner and becoming too emotionally invested to solving issues that are not their responsibility.




"The Pokémon steals the held item of a Pokémon it hits with a move."



Ally Switch

Status [LV 0 ]

"The user teleports using a strange power and switches places with one of its allies."


Hyperspace Hole

SP ATK 80 [LV 0 ]

"Using a hyperspace hole, the user appears right next to the target and strikes. This also hits a target using a move such as Protect or Detect."

Swapped out for Hyperspace Fury when in Unbound form.


SP ATK 50 [LV 0 ]

"The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target."


Destiny Bond

Status [LV 0 ]

"After using this move, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession."


Unbound Form

Through the use of a Prison Bottle a Hoopa may transform into their Unbound form. Once this transformation has been activated the Hoopa will remain in this form for the next 72 hours. At the end of this time the Hoopa will revert back to their Confined form with the following limitations:

  • Loss of all abilities/moves for the next 24 hours
  • Cannot use the Prison Bottle for the next 14 days

  • Gain 3ft in gijinka form/ 20ft in feral form
  • Significant increase in strength
  • Can use Black Hole Teleportation

Teleportation Hoops

Black Hole Teleportation

Arguably the most powerful form of teleportation available to the Rao tribe, the "Black Hole" teleportation gets its name from the sheer volume that can be passed from one place to the next.

For this method of teleportation a Hoopa creates a large portal 10ft in diameter which remains open for 5 seconds. Anything that is able to enter the portal during this time will be teleported instantaneously.

The following criteria must be met in order to open a portal:

  • The Hoopa must be in Unbound form
  • The exit hoop must be within 1000 feet
  • The exit hoop must be in a location that the Hoopa has visited in the last 12 hours
This method of teleportation can only be used once per use of the Prison Bottle.
Sigil Teleportation

While the Hoopa of the Rao tribe are capable to transporting items far distances there certain criteria that must be adhered to and measures that must be taken to ensure the proper destination. 

These Hoopa make use of sigils as a way to target distant locations. Most often these sigils are drawn in chalk and may run the risk of degradation with time or intentionally being swept away. Through the use of a ritual it is possible to carve such sigils into small, flat stones. But the ritual is difficult to perform as the sigil must be carved with expert precision.

Items that can be teleported using this method must abide by the following criteria:

  • Must weight less than 8 ounces
  • Must be no more than 3 inches in any direction
  • Must not be living
If an item is left on top of a sigil it is possible for a Hoopa to retrieve the item by opening this portal. This also means items may be intercepted by anyone else who is aware of the sigil. For this reason each sigil is unique and often closely guarded. One method to quickly erase a sigil is to transport a tiny amount of water, which would fall onto the chalk and render it unusable.
Basic Teleportation

Hoopa are capable to teleporting people and items short distances. Such items/people must abide by the following criteria:

  • Must be within 30 feet of the Hoopa
  • Must be within the Hoopa's line of sight
  • Can only be teleported up to 30 feet away from the Hoopa
Teleporting people and/or large objects is very strenuous and is seldom done, also very difficult to do if the person is not willing as they can easily move away from the portal.

Ananda will often collect random knickknacks they take a liking to and hoard them in their hoops. They have a small pocket dimension they can access at will to hold their things that functions similarly to a large backpack. 

It has the following limitations:

  • Can hold up to 80lbs
  • Can hold up to 27 cubic feet
  • Contains no air or light
  • Cannot support life or contain living things




  • content
    • subcontent
    • subcontent
    • subcontent
  • content

  • Hums songs to herself


Words & Phrases

  • "I wish..."
Speech Patterns

  • Ends sentences with "right?"
  • Speaks quickly
  • Asks multiple questions at once without pausing to allow for answers



  • Make amends with the Shadewoods
  • Collect a stamp from every continent

  • Hiking
  • Stamp collecting
  • Traveling
  • Side job as a mail carrier


Rao Tribe Language
Stone carving





Type ?

  • content
  • content
  • content
Gender Identity


The Rao tribe has no concept of gender, but since leaving their tribe to see the world Ananda has encountered many people who refer to them as a "woman" and use "she/her" pronouns when discussing them. They find it confusing why people place so much importance on such things and prefers to be referred to in a genderless way.


  • Jewelry made from wood or stone
  • Strawberries
  • Catching up with friends

  • Bugs
  • Poor communication


Prison Bottle

An ancient powerful item that allows a Hoopa to become Unbound.

Sigil Stone

A parting gift from their tribe so that they might stay in touch during their travels.

Memorial Necklace

A necklace made from the ashes of their late fiancé Kilesso gifted to them by the Shadewoods.

Past & Present


The Rao Tribe


It is said that many generations ago a Hoopa happened across a weary traveler in bright red clothing, to whom the Hoopa naturally offered aid and shelter. The traveler politely declined the offer, explaining that they had urgent news that needed to be delivered. The Hoopa, knowing the traveler would not be able to make such a journey in time, offered to teleport a letter to wherever they needed and the traveler was very grateful. The next day the Hoopa came across a village erupting in screams and smoke as a swarm of soldiers dressed similarly to the traveler stormed the settlement. The Hoopa learned that the information they had helped deliver was the order to lay waste to this small town. Distraught by their involvement in such chaos the Hoopa became Unbound and demolished the soldiers before running away into the mountains, vowing to stay out of the matters of mortals from that day forth.

Now the Rao Tribe continued to live in the Draconic Peaks mountain range, separated from the world and considered legend by many. A peaceful village that hides away from those who wish to make use of the Hoopa's great powers and keeps the key to their unbound state, the Prism Bottle, sealed away.

A Wayward Froslass

Major Character Death

Though warned by their family, Ananda was always the adventurous social sort. They eagerly greeted travelers that came and went, but as their tribe instructed they did not involve themselves in foreign matters.

One day they happened across a Froslass man who for some reason assumed they had died? They knew very little of such ghosts and was eager to hear more. They grew close, overtime exchanging secrets of their kinds. As their friendship grew the Froslass told Ananda of ghost clans on the verge of war and how he fought to keep those he cared for safe, though Ananda did not understand. They encouraged the Froslass to leave such life behind, to join them in their peaceful tribe away from such strife, but the Froslass would not leave the family he had found for himself.

Eventually Ananda asked the Froslass to marry them despite their differing views, and after much debate he accepted. Plans were up into motion, a wedding being prepared, when one day a ghost Ananda was unfamiliar with happened across their path. They were wounded and claimed they needed assistance for their companions on the other side of the mountain. The Froslass had warned Ananda against trusting any ghost they ran into, knowing not their intentions. When the ghost had knowledge of their teleporting powers Ananda quickly fled, fearful of what they would ask of them. Only later did they learn that their fiancé had run into a band of nomadic, feral ghosts and had been gravely injured. By the time they learned this the Froslass had faded.

Enraged by their loss Ananda stole the Prism Bottle from the temple and attacked the feral ghosts in a fit of vengeance, but still they felt empty. For a long time they fought with themselves over what they should have done. Should they have proposed sooner, would that have saved him? Was it his fault for staying with his family? His families fault?

The next traveler that came across their path they did not turn away, offering ample aid. And the next, and the next, much to their tribe's dismay but given the loss Ananda had suffered their tribe looked past their transgressions. Ananda found great purpose in helping these people who were so grateful and entranced by their power. They learned of the suffering that plagued the world outside their small village and was eager to end it, to stop this needless pain however they could.

They said goodbye to their tribe to travel the world, to learn more of the cultures of others and to aid however they could. 


Joining a Rescue Team

Minor Character Death


Many years passed and Ananda still traveled and assisted those they came across as best they could. They happened across a group of ghosts fighting, some of which wore a similar ponytail as their Froslass fiancé had. Recognizing the mark of a Shadewood they jumped in to assist, teleporting whoever they could to safety. However the attacks slew nearly all the Shadewoods, and of those that were teleported away many faded slowly after. Only one survived, an eerie Mismagius man with a large gash on his front. Ananda was unwilling to leave them, memories of their fiancé fresh in their mind wondering if his death looked much the same.

Ananda went in search of Tobias, the leader of the Shadewood clan in order to get this Mismagius the appropriate care. Meeting the leader of their fiancé's clan, the embodiment of the family he died for, was emotional to say the least. Tobias told them of their fight against the Order of Shadows, of how many more ghosts were falling to them in recent months, and Ananda volunteered their services without a second thought, eager to assist and make up for those years ago when their had stood by and done nothing.

Tobias quickly put an end to the conflict by taking to the front lines himself, and once  the hostility died down Ananda decided to visit the Mismagius who went by the name of Arius. It seemed he lived in a small house with a group of people known as 'rescuers'. The leader of said group and partner of Arius was extremely grateful for Ananda's assistance. Ananda and this leader, Gene, got to talking and he explained the work that they did helping pokemon in need. Given that the conflict between the Shadewoods and the Order had died down the ghost clan no longer required their presence, and the opportunity to join a rescue team would give them not just a place to stay but the means to travel with a team on missions all the time and they had grown tired of traveling alone.