Charlotte Von Brandt



2 years, 11 months ago


Charlotte Von Brandt




Galarian Ponyta






Likes to run





Baram Town, Air Continent

Neutral Good
Fighting Style

Relationship Status


Heart Chart


Voice Claim



Charlotte wants very much to be accepted by those around her and finds that being nice and considerate to other people does wonders. She is a big proponent of 'treat others the way you want to be treated'. She knows what it is like to be hurt--intentionally or otherwise--and puts in the effort to make others feel heard and appreciated.


Charlotte strives to keep everything neat and orderly. Her workplace is always pristine, she keeps an up-to-date planner of all of her missions and to-dos, and she takes on a great deal of the chores around the house simply because she cannot stand the mess.


Charlotte is known for planning ahead and always seems to have whatever is needed on hand. She always has a bag full of necessities on her.

Magical Thinking

Charlotte believes in the concept of fate and fortune telling. She relies on fortunes for advice and comfort. She also sees patterns in mundane objects and events and considers such connections to be 'signs' as to whether or not she is on the right path.


From an early age Charlotte has always been very nurturing, be it taking care of plants or helping other pokemon in times of need. She can be overbearing at times by making sure that other people are taking proper care of themselves, but she has the best intentions in mind.


Charlotte is well accustomed to others forcing their opinions and beliefs on her and she has had her fill. Now she is no longer afraid to stand up for herself and others, but it can be difficult to persuade her otherwise. Due to this new headstrong nature she is not so open to the ideas of others.


More often than not Charlotte does not consider sharing personal details about herself as she learned from a young age to try to hide who she was. She is rather secretive and offers little of herself willingly to others. Because of this she can often come across as cold or aloof. She struggles to get close to people, though she may want to.


While learning about gender and how it affects others has been enlightening, Charlotte still struggles with the gender norms that were heavily enforced on her in her childhood. She assumes the behaviors and thoughts of others based on sex and is surprised when her preconceived notions do not line up with reality. She recognizes this and it trying to improve, but she is not so self aware as to catch it every time it comes up.



Pastel Veil

"Protects the Pokémon and its ally Pokémon from being poisoned."

The magical energy that radiates from Charlotte keeps her friends safe from toxins.



ATK 40 [LV 0 ]

"A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body."

Basic attack.


Status [LV 0 ]

"The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stats."

Basic status.


Status [Egg ]

"The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep."

A move to put pokemon to sleep, Charlotte will often use this on patients who are suffering too much to sleep on their own.

Move #4

-- [-- ]

"Move description"



Heart Reading

Many Galarian Ponyta are capable of reading the contents of pokemon's hearts. Using this ability Charlotte is able to look into the eyes of another person and judge whether their intensions are primarily selfish or altruistic in nature.




  • always wearing makeup, primarily blush and blue/purple eyeshadow
  • cheeks sparkle with little white star freckles
  • hooves instead of toes

  • squints/narrows eyes when suspicious or defensive
  • ears pull back when slightly upset, her biggest tell
  • closes eyes and takes a deep calming breath when frustrated
  • flicks ears when shifting from a frown to a smile


Words & Phrases

  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content
Speech Patterns

  • speaks in a soft, slow, even tone
  • content
  • content
  • content
  • content



  • find love
  • make a breakthrough in gender reassignment surgery
  • invent a way to prevent body hair from growing

  • Gardening
  • Makeup
  • Reading romance novels
  • Running
  • Volunteering at shelters

Reading Tea Leaves






Type ?

  • content
  • content
  • content


  • Baths
  • Candles
  • Dresses
  • Flowers
  • Fresh towels
  • Incents
  • Nail art
  • Stars

  • Body hair
  • Body odor
  • Mess
  • Violence



A medium-sized white cloth bag lined with lace. It contains the following:

  • bandages
  • coin purse
  • compact mirror
  • lipstick
  • painkillers
  • swiss-army knife
  • tissues
First Aid Kit

A handy box filled with supplies in case of emergencies. It contains the following:

  • antiseptic
  • bandages
  • painkillers
  • wrapping

Past & Present





Charlotte was born a Kantonian Ponyta and assigned male at birth. She was the fourth of five children, her slightly older twin sister Rebecca being the only of her siblings born female.

In their early years Charlotte solidified herself as the most gentle of the family. Her siblings had rather destructive tendencies, fighting amongst themselves and burning the land around them for fun. Meanwhile she primarily kept to herself, going off on her own to sit with nature in silence. She developed an interest in plant life and gardening, taking books out with her to the nearby pond and keeping her own secret garden. It made her happy to see flowers growing after days of care and patience. Unfortunately sometimes her siblings would find her and torch the plant life she surrounded herself with, laughing at her for how boring she was and encouraging her to join them in their fun.

Charlotte and Rebecca being twins and yet so very different was a hot topic growing up. Whenever possible their siblings would joke about how there was obviously a mix up and they swapped bodies in the womb. Rebecca resented Charlotte because she felt out of place as the only female child in the family and no matter how she tried to be just like their brothers she was always compared to Charlotte, the outcast. Charlotte was patient with her in turn as she empathized with her struggle, but this dynamic proved stressful on their relationship in years to come.



After years of pestering from her siblings Charlotte began to engage with them more, going out on their morning runs across the countryside with flames hot on their heels. While still the gentlest of the bunch she made an effort to take part in their hobbies, trying to blend in to avoid criticism. Being seen as a gentle little boy had resulted in teasing, yes, but she was afraid of the level or ridicule she may experience as a gentle young man. So she did her best to appear normal by their standards. Still, running proved to be a great way to relieve stress and she was able to find some admiration from her siblings due to her speed.

During her teen years her eldest brother started a Bounty Hunter team, which all of her siblings were eager to be a part of. She joined as well, naturally, but found the new job unfulfilling. Hunting down criminals and bringing them to justice did not resonate with her as it did her more violent siblings.

On missions she would often focus on victims instead, doing what she could to tend to their wounds and ensure they were emotionally stable. She had a gift for calming others and settling their nerves, possibly because of how in tune she was with the feelings of those around her. Her siblings did not intrude in these practices, finding it useful for Charlotte to handle such matters that did not interest them.

It was around this time she took an interest in fate and fortune telling. She felt lost, as though something was missing. Looking to the stars for guidance or tea leaves for advice gave her hope for a better tomorrow and something concrete she could cling to. She also began to read more, enjoying the chance to life another life through fictional characters. She particularly enjoyed romance novels for their focus on people coming together through love. She longed to find such a connection herself.





One day while on a mission Charlotte encountered a woman that had been badly injured and needed assistance being escorted to a Blissey House. Charlotte volunteered of course, and as they exited the dungeon and shifted back into their gijinka forms it became obvious that this woman was not female from birth.

At first Charlotte did not respond well. Part of her was angry at this woman--this man--who thought he could pretend to be someone else, instinctually lashing out at this new and frightening possibility that she did not understand. But still the gears in her head were beginning to turn and she found herself becoming more and more frustrated that she could have been living the same life as this person for years if only she had known it was an option.

She dropped this person off at a Blissey House and hastily made her retreat, too overwhelmed to do much of anything else. She told her siblings what had happened, speaking of the woman in a derogatory fashion to solidify her as someone 'other', to ensure that Charlotte herself was not like that. Her siblings laughed, joking about how Charlotte better not get too close or she may catch this illness she had.

Charlotte stewed over the encounter for days, wondering desperately what became of this person. Eventually she returned to the Blissey House and inquired about the patient she had dropped off. The Blisseys were familiar enough with Charlotte that they generally had little issue allowing her to visit with patients, but this time they were more apprehensive than usual. When Charlotte made it clear she was aware this patient was 'different' the Blisseys explained to Charlotte how sensitive this situation was and how many pokemon might not respond well if word were to get out. As medical professionals who helped a wide variety of pokemon, the Blisseys at this facility were familiar with those who did not identify as the gender assigned to them at birth, and they took the time to explain the concept to Charlotte in more detail.

This information shook Charlotte because of how much it resonated with her. In the following months she started spending more and more time with at the Blissey House, asking questions and seeking advice. She learned that while some procedures existed to help those who felt out of place in their own body, such research was only just beginning and options were limited. However some pokemon were able to find comfort in potions, though the results were questionable.

Charlotte shared this new information with her family, too enthralled by the possibility to keep it to herself. For the most part her excitement was dismissed and some family members found her behavior suspicious. She saved up for a Regional Potion to become more fairy like in nature and was thrilled with the results. At this point her parents expressed their disapproval, but after years of hiding who she was refused to any longer. Her parents forbid her from returning home and she sought refuge with the Blisseys. Through them she began studying medicine, not only to help others with day-to-day illnesses and injuries but also in the hopes of advancing the options available to people like herself. 

Because Charlotte continued to work in town she ran in to her family more often than she would like. They continued to ridicule her in various ways. One of her brothers was tolerant of her choice though he did not understand and said brother quickly became her new favorite. Rebecca was the most furious of all, feeling as though Charlotte had thrown away what she herself wanted most. Charlotte attempted to share what she had learned with Rebecca, but her sister would not listen. She already struggled as an outcast in their family and refused to become more so by following in Charlotte's footsteps. 

Story thus far

Joining a Rescue Team

Charlotte met Gene when he was left at the Blissey house unconscious after being knocked out in the local Dojo. Having treated a large variety of pokemon previously she was able to identify him as a reborn ghost easily enough. While he was being treated he told her of his rescue team. She was eager to help a wider range of pokemon than just those in her small hometown and also get away from her family. After making the necessary arrangements she set off to join them.