
2 years, 10 months ago


a blue-haired loser…

( fallen lower than the sea… )

nickname n / a
pronouns any
d.o.b Nov.24
age ~19 YRS
species dragon (water)
residence alt. Earth
occupation student
status alive


A small stringed instrument bearing some resemblance to the harp


unknown (tbd)

Some might call Lyre a quintessential water dragon. He uses magic, he has a somewhat difficult personality, he’s pretty smart, and he likes to sing. Of course, generalizations like these are worthless, but if you were to ask a desert-dwelling dragon what their thoughts on the water dragons were, an image of someone like Lyre might pop into their head. His soft gaze and distant mannerisms belie a rather dark obsession though; an obsession with the Immoral Magics.

I thnk I've read about that...

These ‘Magics’ are quite unlike the simple water-wielding abilities Lyre himself uses, they are deep and intricate and almost impossible to reverse. Unfortunately for him though, he was cursed with one of these dark spells, and ever since he has been suffering the full brunt of what that entails. His body grows weaker by the month, and soon he will be a husk of his former self. That is, unless he can find a way to cure it once and for all. His obsession with the Immoral Magics does not rise from a deep evil within himself, rather from an aversion to it, and a desperation to get rid of it.

Meant to evoke a vast, “underwater” feeling
A combination of lost and hopeful
Because my boy is both of those things








5'3 / 160cm

( design notes )

  • His fingernails are usually painted gold, it’s hard to see though because I picked bad colors.
  • The little white thing that looks like a ribbon is actually his tail!
  • The interior of his cloak is white.
worth: ~$65 (estimate)

  • soups
  • singing
  • poetry
  • libraries
  • water
  • talking

  • Immoral Magics
  • gratuitous hatred
  • silence
  • running

  • death
  • uncontrolled power
  • huge objects (megalophobia)

  • getting rid of their curse!
  • learning all he can about Immoral Magics!

( Personality )

curious cautious
organised careless
energetic reserved
friendly aloof
anxious confident
not intimate, cool or reserved

This trait is kind of to be expected, given his circumstances. He’s highly introverted and tends to keep to himself, although that doesn’t mean he dislikes talking. He doesn’t have many close friendships, only surface-level ones. Instead of forming close bonds with people, they prefer to sit back and analyze people from afar.

having a belief in a person's honesty or sincerity

They’ll give people second, third, fourth chances, even (or maybe, especially) when those chances don’t seem deserved. You might say to him, “this is a good way to fall victim to another of the Immoral Magics,” but he’ll just stare at you with a dark and complicated look in his eyes. It seems he is unwilling to give up his trust.

spending a lot of time studying or reading

A useful trait for any student to have. The only issue is that Lyre usually studies things unrelated to his classes and ends up critically unprepared for his tests.

fond or given to talking

When he isn’t keeping to himself, he is kind of… incapable of shutting up. Actually no, even when he’s by himself he still talks. So unbelievably annoying.

Skill: Water Manipulation
their main source of magic

A type of magic that lets him manipulate the position of any visible water. He can attract or repel it, or just hold it in the air. With a bit of finesse he can even use it as a weapon! It only really works with water in liquid form, but apparently he can manipulate fog as well sometimes.

Skill: Pinpoint Perception
purely comedic relief skill

He can deduce just about anything, not unlike a detective character you’d see on some TV show. Unfortunately it has a 50/50 chance of actually working, meaning he’ll either be perfectly correct or completely and horribly incorrect.

( trivia )

  • It’s not too uncommon to see him using his special abilities for street performances. The first one is much more popular as there’s no telling if the second one will be worthwhile or not.
  • He bruises easily, but surprisingly is great at staying out of trouble, so he’s rarely actually bruised.
  • In the earlier days of his character development, he was just a really overall happy dude. Of course I scrapped that though, I am so sorry Lyre.
  • His favorite Pokemon is Milotic.

Got any secret insight on how your magic works?

I guess… the same way as everyone else! Except… oh actually, no, don’t get me started… There is a very distinct difference between a natural magic like mine (most dragons have a natural magic actually, it’s uncommon that they wouldn’t) and something like, say, the Immoral Magics. Natural magic is, well, natural, and so it requires the same amount of training to master as like… a muscle. The Immoral Magics are a taught magic, so they require extra training to perfect! And even then, they’re incredibly finicky. Sometimes taught magics don’t mesh very well with the caster, which can cause a potentially lethal backfire! Immoral Magics can be especially lethal, which is why I want to rid this world of them. The less people that practice it, the safer we all will be. Although, that’s not to say every taught magic is bad, in fact…

[he keeps talking and refuses to shut up]
[at least he's passionate?]

Are you more of a morning person or a night person?

Neither. I don't sleep. Next question!

I noticed you like singing. What types of songs do you like to sing?

Anything, really. Although I am much more confident with slow, somber songs. If it’s a little bit melancholy, then it’s for me. That said, I’m not opposed to singing faster songs. They’re actually much more fun, I’m just not as good at them. Oh—if you meant genres, I like rock. I know that’s really broad…I’m not a music person, I dunno…

What are your hobbies?

I like to read, and I like to cook. And… yeah, I guess I like reading cookbooks. A lot of people assume that my favorite type of book is a textbook, but I actually really like magazines! There is one particular magazine I’m subscribed to that publishes articles about everything under the sun, every edition is a surprise! And some are noticeably better than others!

Ever been in a relationship?

Uh honestly… what do you think. I can hardly keep a friendship, I doubt anything would change in a romantic relationship. Besides, I’m too busy for something like that. I’m married to my research, or something like that.

Why is Milotic your favorite Pokemon?

I hate to be so cliche, loving a water-type pokemon when I use water-type magic, but… ughh, I can’t help it. It’s so pretty! And absolutely hilarious that it evolves from Feebas of all things. I hope I can one day evolve from a weirdo Feebas into a super cool Milotic that everyone loves hahaha…

Don't worry, it's no bother at all!
The Beginning

Suspendisse accumsan erat eget elit fringilla, feugiat placerat enim pharetra. Sed in malesuada ex, vel congue orci. Curabitur lacinia imperdiet odio, et maximus nisl semper blandit. Aliquam lobortis risus at ex sagittis, vel tristique augue rhoncus. Nunc sit amet ultricies sapien. Praesent eget sem quis ipsum tincidunt gravida eu vitae odio. Praesent commodo ipsum augue, at aliquet eros pharetra id. Maecenas ac sodales odio, non facilisis quam. Sed commodo dui vel sapien feugiat, vel malesuada ipsum egestas. Proin maximus leo sem, et imperdiet dolor porta non. Quisque mattis auctor felis, et dictum sem feugiat id. Aenean ex quam, tempor id velit volutpat, pretium maximus mauris. Vivamus non turpis tristique, lobortis metus quis, tincidunt dui. Fusce vulputate, massa ac sagittis pellentesque, nibh nibh vestibulum libero, hendrerit tempus ex nulla eleifend odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In rhoncus ut felis eget pretium. Cras interdum risus vitae pellentesque sagittis. Nunc at sem neque. Duis pretium diam et maximus suscipit. Nullam cursus fringilla orci sed euismod. Integer in nulla consectetur ipsum finibus hendrerit. Morbi vestibulum viverra metus, et bibendum risus scelerisque vel. Nam ultricies dignissim ante in mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras rutrum lectus quis arcu interdum mattis.

The Now
Water magic very cool.

Morbi ipsum lacus, laoreet sit amet volutpat vitae, commodo ut dolor. Nunc lacinia lacus ac libero laoreet pellentesque. In pretium sapien quam, vel placerat velit tristique vitae. Nullam laoreet a leo sit amet lobortis. Vivamus mattis lorem ut varius luctus. Aliquam vitae tortor massa. Morbi convallis neque nec ultricies bibendum. Fusce eu lorem risus. Integer quam purus, ultrices vitae erat at, convallis ultricies massa. Vestibulum sed consectetur arcu. Fusce fringilla gravida accumsan. Ut lobortis quam nec massa congue, et semper est rhoncus. Aliquam eleifend euismod erat ac malesuada. Nunc bibendum lorem massa, sit amet hendrerit sapien semper id. Curabitur iaculis nisl in enim pharetra, venenatis faucibus velit accumsan.

Suspendisse a odio ac leo tincidunt cursus nec in lorem. Phasellus at lorem mauris. Suspendisse mollis odio id urna iaculis tincidunt. Sed molestie felis id accumsan accumsan. Quisque vulputate laoreet faucibus. Ut augue nulla, laoreet vel aliquam eget, lobortis et eros. Suspendisse risus augue, fringilla vitae quam vestibulum, elementum ullamcorper justo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque in risus commodo enim pretium rutrum eu at turpis. Ut nibh neque, tincidunt ut mauris eget, pretium eleifend lacus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque nec dolor sodales, accumsan lacus luctus, laoreet turpis. Ut accumsan diam ipsum, quis convallis quam porta ut. Suspendisse accumsan commodo sem.

Etiam placerat eros eget scelerisque tristique. Integer pulvinar semper mauris, eget rutrum justo accumsan eu. Sed ultricies sollicitudin aliquam. Pellentesque luctus ligula turpis, in accumsan libero faucibus in. Nulla sem ipsum, placerat in fringilla nec, consectetur vitae felis. Mauris bibendum pretium ante. Vestibulum dignissim eros nec elementum malesuada. Donec ac arcu turpis. Praesent ultrices, felis vel sollicitudin varius, nisl velit euismod purus, vitae scelerisque arcu elit sit amet libero.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

( an ally )

"They have a tendency to slander my name…"
"Lyre is a really bad study partner"


Lyre’s quite fond of them. They’re in similar classes and interested in similar topics (namely magic), and are both subscribed to the same silly magazine. The two may not spend too much time together overall, but Vielle is friendly and that’s all Lyre needs. And they’re both named after instruments… but I don’t think that’s relevant to their relationship at all.

Since Vielle’s magic comes from music, they’re often playing music. And since Lyre likes to sing… yeah I trust you get where this is going!

  • Lyre doesn’t like to spill the intricacies of his curse to just anyone! Vielle knows all about it though.
  • They argue a lot, but over dumb things, like who was the better protagonist in a book they’re reading together.
AU friendship


(If they were in the same story…) Lyre thinks highly of Rose, but doesn’t entirely trust them. And for good reason; Rose is incredibly suspicious. Similarly, Rose finds Lyre’s obsession with magic a bit worrisome.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus.

relation here

Phasellus massa augue, sagittis ut volutpat at, vestibulum ac mauris. Sed sed lectus vel odio malesuada scelerisque vitae id neque. Etiam nisi nulla, sagittis laoreet dignissim ac, egestas non ipsum.

relation here

Quisque gravida accumsan aliquet. Pellentesque sodales dolor a hendrerit scelerisque. Sed semper eget nulla ac semper.

relation here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet molestie eros vitae luctus. Pellentesque condimentum enim ut sapien sollicitudin, sed porta metus pellentesque.