
2 years, 9 months ago



✧ Royal Gardener.

“They… they aren’t human, but they have more humanity than both of us combined.”
Name. Undisclosed

— known only to Alois and The King

Alias. Rose

D.O.B. Apr.22

Pronouns. they / them

Relation Status. -

— has a thing for Alois tbh

— monogamous

Occupation. Royal gardener

— only has the job because they live with the King

Residence. The Palace

HTML. jiko

The guardian of the King's royal rosebeds, and overall someone who's quite friendly with most of the nobles in the palace. They are well-liked by most (either because of their looks, their dedication, or whatever), but there are a collection of folks who want their head on a platter for one reason or another.

They go by their alias, “Rose,” because they work in the King’s rose gardens. They did not come up with this alias, but they could not come up with a better one to replace it. Seriously… it’s a bit on-the-nose, don’t you think?

✧ First Face : The World.

A rather taciturn and aloof individual, Rose rarely initiates conversations with people they aren’t familiar with. They aren’t exactly unfriendly, but generally their greetings are more on the “polite” side than the “warm and welcoming” one.

They tend to be somewhat nitpicky, and their oftentimes blunt remarks can be off-putting to some. They aren’t trying to be rude, but sometimes they may come off as such.

Though they dish out quite a bit of sarcasm at times, they aren’t great at reading it. So if you respond in tandem with their snark, you might get a weird look from them in return.

✧ Second Face: Close ones.

They are even more sarcastic with friends, and much better at reading the people they’re close with as well. While not very affectionate generally, they’re definitely more touchy and talkative with those they like (Alois).

It should be said: they don’t have many friends, so few people will see this side of them. Also, the King technically falls into this category, being sort-of an adoptive parent, but Rose feels very little affection toward him.

✧ Third Face: True Reflection.

Strangely enough, they’re more talkative alone than with other people. Since they dislike being alone, they’ll fill the silence with their own voice, sometimes holding entire conversations just with themselves.

Their facial expressions are reserved for other people. Even during intense personal debates, their expression stays neutral and unaffected. If someone were to spy on them, they might get freaked out. So, don’t spy on them.

tear into them

and leave

no remains
Species. Human

Designer. yo

Obtained via. initial creation

Worth. -

Design Notes.
  • Refer to this sheet for belt, glove, and hairpiece details.
  • Feel free to change their outfit up, but keep a similar fancy vibe if you don’t mind. Dresses/skirts are ok (encouraged), suits are even better. Techwear also works :)
  • I love gore art of them! Please include thorns (if you want)!!


Standing proud and elegantly, adorned with more flowers than they find appropriate.

art by crabstronaut



Build. tall and slender

— 5'11 / 180cm.

— Pretty light, not very muscular at all, but they try to hide it with multiple layers of clothing.

Scars. hidden (on their hands)

— Thanks to an embarrassing misuse of their sword, and also the rose gardens.

Voice. low but clear

— Raised by the King himself, so of course they talk in a pretty “regal” way.

— Some have said their voice has a patronizing tone to it.

Eyes. gold

— Their eyes are sort of… reflective? Sometimes, in low lighting, their pupils will glow white, almost like a cat’s. It’s pretty scary.

Fashion. expensive tastes

— They rarely wear anything casual, even when working. Their closet is full of suits and dresses, even their pajamas are made of pricey materials.

Scent. roses

— self-explanatory

Accessories. gloves, sword, hairpiece

— The gloves are for covering their scars.

— The sword is mainly for decoration; they are not very proficient with it.

— The hairpiece was a gift from the King, they wear it to keep up appearances.

ah, being destroyed
distorting the truth.

art by crabstronaut






Likes. Alois; purple; dressing up; fancy events; sweets; the King (sometimes)

Dislikes. snakes; vermin; getting dirty; shady behavior; the King (sometimes);

Fears. mind control; brain-washing; basically anything that involves other people getting inside your head;

Ambitions. enact their grand revenge plot on the King; get Alois to like them lmao;

Mental Health. Grows steadily worse as the story progresses.

Beliefs. Retribution will come to those who deserve it. Even so… it’s alright to take matters into your own hands.

Hobbies. The main ones are gardening, baking, and journaling. They love growing flowers, but have a strange aversion to vegetables. This means they will never bake zucchini bread, and that is a big missed opportunity for them. They journal to combat their less-than-stellar memory, and to keep track of all the dirt they have on their enemies.

  • They have a major sweet tooth, but of course they try to hide it.
  • They probably have the best stamina out of everyone in the palace. They could genuinely work nonstop for an entire day and be fine. It’s pretty scary.
  • Alois is their only friend lol

a mirage-like reality

"Something you need to ask?"

01. What's the lie you say most often?

"I lie a lot about the King when I’m at palace banquets and whatnot. He wants me to talk about him in a good light… even if I don’t believe he’s a good person."

They only freely discuss their opinions on the King when they’re with Alois.

02. What do you notice first in the reflection versus what most others first notice looking at you?

"I couldn’t tell you what others notice first, but Alois often comments on my hair when we see each other. Because of him I’ve started caring about it more… So for me, I guess I notice my hair first."

They aren’t very conscious of their appearance, so unless others bring it up they won’t either. In truth, when looking in the mirror their eyes are drawn to the flowers in their hair, but they would prefer not to admit that for various reasons.

03. If you were suddenly challenged, would you rather run away or stay and fight?

"If it’s Alois, of course I’m staying to fight! Others though, it depends on how it would affect the King. I know that Alois knows his own strength, and we can take care of each other if worst comes to worst, but the King needs my help keeping his image intact."

Anyone who knows Rose’s relation to the King and values their life would hesitate before challenging them, but the few who actually go through with it rarely get a chance to actually fight. Rose admittedly isn’t that great of a fighter, so they use the excuse of “protecting the King’s image” to get out of duels.

04. Are you proud of who you are?

"Not particularly. I’m not a very good person."

Despite their confidence, they’re always caught up in some turbulent moral dilemma that drags their self-esteem through the mud. While they try to not judge people with black and white terms like “good” or “evil,” they always tell themself, “whatever ‘good’ really means, it’s not you.”

05. Are you afraid of death?

"Who isn’t?"

Rose tries not to think about death. Somewhat difficult when it follows them and everyone they love like a shadow.

06. What does a perfect world look like to you?

"A world without the watchful eye of a corrupt ruler."

They staunchly believe that if the King did not have his status as a monarch, he would be a very lovely person.

07. What do you see in an ideal partner (romantic or platonic)?

"Someone smart and resilient. If I was to stay with someone for the rest of my life, I’d need them to match my pace—if they’re too far ahead or too far behind me, I won’t be able to stay by their side. Um… someone like Alois, essentially."

Rose will always acknowledge Alois as an equal. That’s part of the reason they like him so much, actually.

08. Is there somebody you haven’t been able to forgive? What did they do? Do you want to forgive them?

"Take a wild guess."

The King, of course. Rose wavers between seeing him as a father and seeing him as a captor. Rose can’t forgive him for that split view they have of him—even if you ignore everything else the King has done, the internal conflict he’s caused Rose is the thing they hate the most about him.

09. Do you think the future is hopeful? Why or why not?

"As long as we take matters into our own hands, then of course!"

They want to be a proactive person. It helps them stay optimistic!

10. What is your darkest childhood memory?

"I don't remember my childhood very clearly."

It’s true, their childhood memories are muddled and indistinct, although they have a sense that something bad happened when they were younger. They know that the King is capable of manipulating memories though, and they have suspicions about that.

the story at a glance.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Etiam ac pulvinar diam. Maecenas placerat sed dui at egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec hendrerit ligula. Nam nibh tortor, sodales ut tincidunt volutpat, lobortis id neque.
  • Nullam ut eros ante. Suspendisse gravida faucibus porta. Aliquam elit urna, consequat ac lobortis eget, vestibulum ac sapien.
  • Etiam ac pulvinar diam. Maecenas placerat sed dui at egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque nec hendrerit ligula. Nam nibh tortor, sodales ut tincidunt volutpat, lobortis id neque.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings.

  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Chapter Zero.
The Forgotten.

Keep this as first paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam dolor quam, mattis nec auctor quis, viverra eu sapien. Sed finibus posuere urna non dapibus. Nunc elit eros, egestas gravida leo ut, dictum rhoncus purus. Suspendisse potenti.

"Curabitur nec gravida est?"

"Curabitur pellentesque, mi at varius mollis, tortor nisi interdum sapien, ut vestibulum eros ante a purus."

Nullam velit ante, bibendum quis risus id, posuere pulvinar sapien. Aenean eu interdum lorem, sit amet porttitor libero. Maecenas sed accumsan neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Mauris pharetra sodales odio nec sagittis. Nullam quis viverra nisi, quis molestie lorem. Sed ornare hendrerit rutrum. Phasellus auctor libero ut pellentesque dictum.

Maecenas a risus dolor. Phasellus accumsan, ligula et efficitur pretium, enim metus vehicula orci, eu elementum purus odio non lectus. Sed gravida, nibh quis facilisis luctus, libero arcu fringilla libero, vitae maximus orci nisi eleifend sapien. Donec blandit massa vitae est dignissim, eget mattis velit sollicitudin. Quisque placerat dolor mauris. Nullam tristique tortor lectus, eget dictum neque consectetur vel


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings

  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Chapter One.
The Gardens.

Keep this as first paragraph. Proin dictum tempor lacus. Sed et felis augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. In a magna a nibh ornare lacinia ut quis nibh. Aliquam vestibulum dolor eu ipsum pretium, nec maximus libero malesuada. Integer arcu est, aliquet sed varius ac, dictum sit amet nibh.

Duis id magna et diam porta lobortis eu at felis. Fusce vestibulum sapien cursus, ornare nisi at, viverra tortor. Mauris accumsan elit non justo laoreet posuere. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse maximus ullamcorper tellus.

"Quisque sed finibus augue. Integer ac tortor congue, pellentesque tortor vitae, semper ante."

In imperdiet turpis in justo rutrum, eget porta felis vulputate. Fusce sodales nisl libero, quis mollis lacus laoreet in. Quisque vel sagittis est. Curabitur eu est ac ipsum egestas volutpat.

"Proin lobortis convallis ultricies. Donec commodo finibus mi. Nulla hendrerit orci ut libero scelerisque, vitae accumsan lorem varius. Cras auctor vitae nisl non elementum. Donec magna eros, placerat sed finibus eu, interdum vel nisl."

Curabitur ut purus dignissim, tincidunt tortor a, posuere diam.

Sed gravida aliquet bibendum. Nullam sed sapien porttitor, eleifend libero eget, malesuada velit. Proin commodo id erat sit amet interdum. Nulla ac sapien viverra justo rhoncus consectetur et in ex. Aliquam bibendum vitae nunc sed posuere. Cras sit amet fermentum nibh. Maecenas accumsan eu leo quis scelerisque. Nullam non urna eu dolor finibus fringilla vel eget sapien. Pellentesque semper consectetur sem ut pharetra.


✧ WARNING: no explicit warnings.

  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  • lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Chapter Two.
The Present.

Keep this as first paragraph. Mauris mauris nisi, faucibus sed nisi pellentesque, posuere convallis augue. Nunc pulvinar, nisl ut consectetur auctor, lectus urna varius est, ut scelerisque sapien tellus ultricies massa.

Donec congue in ligula non elementum. Mauris suscipit, nibh lobortis finibus malesuada, massa mauris dapibus lacus, sed elementum nunc massa nec sapien. Quisque eleifend libero ut eleifend commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Cras ac egestas elit. Vestibulum mi magna, convallis in placerat ac, iaculis quis ipsum. Fusce tempor convallis diam, at semper dolor gravida sodales. Nam et tincidunt sem. Nullam hendrerit mi risus, et commodo diam laoreet ac. Pellentesque hendrerit nulla et purus condimentum molestie. Phasellus pretium ex sit amet nisl aliquet molestie.

Pellentesque eu dictum quam. Vivamus eget lectus ligula. Etiam consectetur felis nec nibh porttitor, vitae laoreet nunc placerat. Etiam mattis nisl quis lectus feugiat convallis. Pellentesque convallis eleifend tempus. Proin ac diam a magna tincidunt volutpat id vel libero. Donec finibus justo sed leo ultrices, sed volutpat quam posuere.

"Nulla libero ex, tristique et imperdiet ut, sollicitudin ac ante. Curabitur fringilla sodales auctor. Duis nec quam arcu. Nullam venenatis diam nulla, vehicula ultricies magna viverra faucibus. In mauris purus, commodo a orci pulvinar, tincidunt rhoncus eros."

Nam gravida quam vitae bibendum eleifend. Nulla quam nisl, vehicula non dapibus vitae, tristique nec orci. Sed nec nunc vitae quam sagittis accumsan. Cras auctor sapien nec egestas ullamcorper. Donec vel hendrerit lectus. Quisque venenatis nisi tellus, at suscipit augue elementum et. Sed urna sapien, eleifend sed rhoncus eget, porttitor sit amet dui. Phasellus pretium quis ligula id dictum. Sed efficitur lectus quis massa dignissim semper.

Sed felis ante, dignissim vitae dolor vel, euismod porttitor diam. Sed at suscipit ante. In consequat augue sit amet est congue vestibulum. Sed ut laoreet nunc. Nam nec egestas nisl, sit amet fermentum ex. Donec non molestie nisi. Proin semper purus eget consequat imperdiet. Proin vitae nunc ut enim commodo malesuada. Maecenas molestie consequat nibh, ut sodales sapien tristique non. Curabitur maximus rutrum rutrum. Nullam porttitor elit eget eleifend tristique. Pellentesque vitae leo dui. Duis imperdiet, ligula ac placerat aliquam, leo augue imperdiet ex, efficitur cursus odio elit sed lectus.

Proin ut diam tortor. Ut eu lacinia arcu. Maecenas a iaculis tortor. Vivamus sed vestibulum enim. Ut posuere velit tortor, quis venenatis nunc blandit ut. Morbi vel urna elementum, pulvinar est at, suscipit massa. Nam consectetur rhoncus lorem, quis mollis sem fringilla sed. Phasellus at ultrices massa, a porta lorem. Fusce lectus nisi, hendrerit sit amet laoreet sit amet, auctor eu tellus. Phasellus varius aliquet mauris, at gravida tellus porta eu.

"Maecenas pharetra blandit orci a laoreet."

"I would trust him with my life. I want to get him out of the palace."

— Rose's thoughts towards Alois

"They’re a very lovely person! Even when they tell me horrifying secrets."

— Alois's thoughts towards Rose

( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )
( now. )
( then. )

✧ First Encounter and Impressions.

While they aren’t aware of their shared history, the two of them actually met years ago, when they were both very young. They were friends for a little while, then grew distant when Alois left for some reason.

The first encounter Rose actually remembers happened when Alois mistakenly started working in the King’s forbidden gardens, and Rose, in a fit of anger, spilled all the secrets that the King was hiding in that room. It was definitely a rocky start, to say the least… but it sparked their friendship.

✧ Attitudes and Dynamic.

They’re very close now! Their friendship has only strengthened over time as they learn more of the palace’s secrets (and since the palace has no shortage of secrets, they’ve had a lot of time to bond).

They will often challenge each other (refuting the other’s knowledge/theories, never really a physical duel), but these challenges come from a pursuit of the truth rather than a distrust in the other.

✧ Hopes for the Future.

Rose is lowkey in love with Alois, and hopes that their friend will feel the same. They refuse to acknowledge these feelings though, and so the status quo remains intact.

At the end of the day, Rose just hopes Alois will stay safe… and stay friends.

  • Since neither of them have very clear memories from their childhoods, neither of them remember how close they actually were when they were younger. They used to be best friends!
  • Alois is the only person that Rose can genuinely fully trust.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


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