


2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Naomi Suzuki


Mom (typically used in a joking manner)






September 1st








Half Japanese/Half White

Blood Type









High School Student


Personality Summary: 

Naomi is a very well-grounded young woman, and considered to be quite mature for her age among many. Naomi is typically calm and collected, and is an excellent student. Beloved by her teachers and peers, Naomi's desires are to serve them and others. She has a strong desire to help others and wants nothing more than the people around her to be happy and healthy. However, she does have a slightly sarcastic and playful side that comes out every once in a while.


Callie - Close Friend/Mentee Figure - Callie's optimistic attitude and ability to see the best in everyone has really drawn Naomi to her. While she admires Call's kindness, Naomi sometimes worries that her naivety will get her taken advantage of one of these days. Naomi strives to look out for Callie as much as she can, and hopefully prevent such manipulation from ever happening. 

Cassie - Friend/Mentee Figure - Like with Callie, Naomi is fond of Cassie strong spirit and sense of optimism. However, she wishes Cass would refrain from getting into so much trouble and dragging Callie into it with her. Naomi knows Cassie doesn't have any bad intentions and doesn't wish for others to get hurt, so Naomi encourages Cass to be more thoughtful and less impulsive when making potentially damaging decisions. 


Felix - One Sided Friendship/"Patient" - Aware of Felix's inability to experience any emotions, Naomi has made him her pet project in being able to get him to lead at least a semi-normal life. She is hoping that the experiences she has whilst "rehabilitating" Felix can aid her in one day becoming a psychologist. Over time, she felt she has developed a relationship with him that was more than just of an aspiring doctor and patient, and likes to believe that they are friends. 

Jett - Acquaintance - Naomi sees Jett's abrasive demeanor and his constant rudeness to others, and desperately wants to help him come to terms with his emotions. Unfortunately, she hasn't had too many opportunities to speak with him, and their few conversations usually result with Jett storming off. Despite her failed attempts, Naomi still really wants to help him. 

Joe Bean - Friend - Joe Bean has proven to be very kind and reliable in Naomi's eyes, and hence she trusts him. She appreciates all that he does from keeping Callie entertained and out of trouble  to simply providing her a hand whenever she may need it. Naomi is rather fond of him. 

Klaus - Friend - Similarly to Joe Bean, Naomi loves how kind Klaus is to everyone around him and how he keeps Callie safe. She appreciates all the help he gives her on service projects and the like, and she feels honored that Klaus feels comfortable to come to her about his anxieties. Naomi is glad that she can provide him with a safe place to talk about the less pleasant things going on in his life. 

Maple - Friendly Acquaintance - Naomi regrets not having gotten to know more about Maple during a shorter time frame. Naomi is patient, and understands that she needs to take her time to get to know the young doe, so not to frazzle her. Naomi has had a few good conversations with Maple before, and strives to one day break her out of her shell, even if it takes awhile. 

Mary Sue

Resc - Close Friend - Naomi and Resc are very similar in the sense that they want to help others, so they have naturally spent quite a bit of time together. Naomi gladly accepts Resc's offers to help her on any of her service work, and in turn offers the same help with Resc's projects. Since he is also working in the medical field, Naomi goes to Resc a lot for advice and to hopefully find other professionals to network with. 

Vicci - Friendly Acquaintance - Vicci's attitude and history of manipulation not only have Naomi worried for those around Vicci, but for Vicci herself. Naomi wonders if the life Vicci lead before they met has caused a lot of her narcissism and manipulative behavior. Still, Naomi is more concerned that Callie, who spends a lot of time with Vicci, will get caught up in her "unpleasantness." She still is very polite to Vicci, and they have even shared some positive moments with each other, in spite of Vicci's very open opinion that Naomi is a total buzzkill.