Joe Bean



4 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Joe Bean (surname TBD)


Joe, Bean, Jojo, Joey, Joey Bean






(TBD, but I'm thinking sometime in the spring or summer)




(again, TBD)





Blood Type









190ish lbs (still figuring this out, he's a lil chunky tho)


Personality Summary: Joe Bean is a very happy dude. He's naturally optimistic and always tries to see the bright side of things, even in tough situations. He's fairly outgoing and actively tries to make sure everyone feels included and comfortable. Joe Bean knows how to read a room and individuals as well, so if someone prefers to be left alone, he will tell and won't pressure them to do anything that would make them uncomfortable. Joe is a talented baker who has been baking with his father ever since he was a kid. He did take a break from baking during his adolescent years while his mother took custody of him and forced him into theater. As uncomfortable as Joe Bean was during that time, he holds no ill will towards his mother, it's just not in his nature. Joe Bean is a kind, patient, and forgiving man. 


Callie - Close Friend - While Callie's initial interest in Joe Bean may have been because of the delicious treats he can create, Joe doesn't mind one bit. He's glad his baked goods can help bring him closer to others and help make more friends. Callie is a kindred spirit to Joe Bean, as they are both fun loving people who want everyone to be happy. While she admittedly more rambunctious than him, Joe Bean can't help but see the similarities. He strives to protect her from those who want to take advantage of her kindness, so he plans on sticking by her side as a friend. 

Cassie - Friend - He only ever sees Cassie around with Callie and they've never really talked one on one, but he likes her nonetheless. Although, Joe Bean does wish Cass would be a little more careful at times and stop putting herself and others in harm's way. She doesn't seem too happy about being pestered, but Joe has found a good way to appease her is by simply offering food if she doesn't participate in an activity that could cause bodily harm. 


Felix - One Sided Friendship - Joe Bean is technically unaware of Felix's lack of emotions, but he can still sense that Felix cannot feel things to the same extent of others. Joe still suspects that there may be some emotion hidden deep within Felix, and if searched for, it could be found. In any case, Joe Bean enjoys the conversations he has with Felix, and certainly considers him a friend. Even if Joe is certain those platonic feelings aren't returned. 

Jett - Friendly Acquaintance - Joe Bean suspects that Jett is a very troubled boy, and that is the reason for at least most of his angry outbursts. Despite all of the times Jett has cursed Joe Bean out for miniscule things, he continues to be polite and act friendly towards Jett. Joe hopes that his kindness will one day have some positive effect on him. In the meantime, Joe Bean isn't planning on forcing any relationship between them like Callie is. Joe Bean would much rather Jett open up to him on his own time. 

Klaus - Friend - His relationship with Klaus has been mainly derived from Callie being friends with both parties, but Joe Bean and Klaus do interact when Callie isn't present on occasion. Joe Bean has recognized Klaus to be someone of good character who wants the best for Callie, just like him. Joe appreciates how kind Klaus is to her and everyone else around him. Bean hold a good amount of respect for Klaus in his heart. 

Maple - Friend - Maple and Joe Bean go back, so naturally she's more comfortable around him than with other people. Joe remembers how his baked goods and Maple's fondness for them was a good icebreaker for them. Bean is glad that the skittish young doe can feel relaxed in his presence since she is normally rather shy. Joe Bean's hope for Maple is that she can make new friends even in a scary new environment. 

Mary Sue

Naomi - Friend - Naomi's kindness and strong desire to help others instantly drew Joe Bean to her. He finds it impressive how determined she is in all her endeavors, including becoming a therapist some day. Joe Bean's admiration of her has made him want to help her achieve her goals. Although there is typically not much he can do, he helps out with service projects whenever she needs. 

Resc - Friend - The friendship between Resc and Joe Bean is but a simple one. They are both optimistic people who want to help others and make friends, so they have quite a bit in common just looking from a personality stand point. With these similarities, Resc and Bean get along rather well, and they try to help each other out whenever they can. Simple, yet sweet. 

Vicci - Friendly Acquaintance - Hearing about Vicci's past of manipulating others for her gain has made Joe Bean a little wary, but he tries to pay no mind to rumors and judge based off of his personal experiences. While he can sense that Vicci may not have the best of intentions, Bean can also tell that there's a hidden part of Vicci that wants to do good and have good relationships with others outside that of a mistress and her pawns. After blowing off her initial manipulation attempts with kindness, Joe Bean and Vicci have gotten closer in positive way.