


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






Appears Male


Multiple Worlds, as he can travel portals.

Voice Claim

Similar to 'Darkness' from Legend:


Hukka's design was purchased from haitta.

Hukka is a Hell hound/Demon.  Created originally as a sort of Guardian/Overseer in Hel, had other intentions and escaped to do his own bidding. Once a very powerful entity during the Dark Ages/Medieval Times.  Was easily summoned by witches and warlocks but was not easily controlled by them.  Often ran amok after being summoned, devouring the summoner, gaining more powers.  The more devoured, the more he was able to remain on Earth.  Possessed innocents and devoured them along with causing chaos.  Would devour whole herds of livestock.  Souls were his lifeline.  Children misbehaving or staying out too late would be told by their parents that if they 'didn't behave, the Hukka would get them'.  There was some truth to this myth;  Hukka was not prejudiced as to who his victims were.  He could tamper with souls as well; possession was one of his favorite games.  Loved ones were often pitted against one another with glee or people possessed to simply walk off and never be seen again.  Sometimes one would be possessed to stir up serious trouble.  One night, he attempted to possess and eventually devour a very pious priest/shaman but was bravely defended against.  The priest/shaman's cries were heard and the men of the village came to help and Hukka was attacked.  The priest/shaman had enough energy to banish him from the plane and Hukka disappeared, weakened and furious.

Although Hukka can still visit the human world, he does not have the power he once did.  He visits for short periods of time, stealing energy and souls if he can of his summoners and/or victims if he is lucky.  He sticks to the shadows.  He roams the spirit plane mostly, attacking and devouring unsuspecting victims.  The only one who can stop him is Harlock.  Hukka had a short love affair with another hell hound.  It did not last long and he was a less than perfect mate, often abusing the other mentally and physically.  Their union resulted in a daughter.  Hukka is aware of her, and makes contact with her on occasion.  If he has any sort of feelings, they are for her, but they rarely surface.

Music Inspiration:
