


2 years, 11 months ago


BEFORE CONTINUING- None of the themes/behaviors/personalities of any of these OCs reflect my own views. There will be dark themes, purely for storytelling reasons. If you truly agree with any kind of hateful, ableist, or predatory views/behaviors, get the fuck off my page.

This character is MEANT to be a villain. He is uncomfortable, wicked, and gross. As stated above, I do not agree with any of the actions written about in this story. There is some joke art of him, but I don't feel comfortable with people other than those who know me well making jokes about him. He is inspired by not only real, terrifying concepts and behaviors, but loosely off personal experiences. That being said, if you're okay with reading about that, enjoy the story!


  • Neglect/Abuse
  • Obsessive behavior
  • Sexual harassment
  • Stalking
  • Attempted Murder
  • Murder
    • Explicit Imagery of:
      • POSSIBLY Blood
      • POSSIBLY Gore or Death




Dolion Ward




August 15th, 1989








"Blinded by me you can't see a thing, just call my name 'cause I'll hear you scream."
Master of Puppets - Metallica

Master of Puppets controls the mind and body of either a stand or person, leaving them completely at Dolion's mercy. Speech and actions will be directly and manually controlled by Dolion himself, as if they were literally his puppet.

This ability manifested due to Dolion's paranoia, and is a direct reflection of his selfishness, obsession, and desire to be the one in control of any given situation.


While he is unassuming and well-mannered on the surface, Dolion is an incredibly selfish and unpleasant person to be around for too long. He will manipulate others either via the use of his stand or his own wits to get what he wants, regardless of how it will affect others. He feigns friendliness around those who he believes can further his goals, but otherwise his kindness only extends to basic politeness with strangers. His insecurities with inferiority drive him to make himself out to be grand and charming to others, and when that fails, to seize control by force.

  • Reptiles
  • Hot drinks
  • Routine
  • Loud music
  • Strong smells
  • Cold weather
  • Small talk
  • Dimly lit spaces

Dolion was born as the eldest son to a family in a quiet, small town near the woods. Although his childhood initially was peaceful and unassuming, it began to shift as his father began to introduce exceedingly strict expectations onto his son. Dolion’s childhood closeness with his younger brother, Fynn, quickly dissolved as he began to develop a superiority complex in an attempt to appease their father. He built himself a facade of charm, dominance, and savviness to cover up the deep insecurities his father’s expectations had inspired within him. He would go out of his way to harshly criticize and berate the younger brother he’d once been so close with, hoping the show of force would prove that he was worthy of approval. He went as far as to completely change how he dressed himself out of desperation to be the perfect son, believing everything he was doing was right and fair.


One autumn evening while on a walk to clear his head, Dolion came across Onyx Huxley and immediately found himself enamored with her. He called after her, and followed her for roughly half a block, trying his best to allure the girl with honeyed words. Without warning, as he gained on her in pace, she quickly turned to slash at his face with a pocket knife she’d pulled from the front pocket of her pants. The wound left him stunned, but furious. He grabbed her wrist and forced the knife back into her own face, leaving her with a permanent slit in her left brow. She managed to beat him until he could barely stand, having to support himself on a nearby mailbox just to get up after their fight. When he returned home, the new gash in his face earned him a screaming session from his father, and from that moment on, Dolion decided that Onyx Huxley was the most wretched creature to walk the earth. He made a point to lie about the events of how he got the new and permanent scar on his cheek and spread rumors about the girl in an effort to ruin her life the way he felt she’d ruined his. A few months after the incident, Dolion was alerted to the fact that his younger brother had formed a strong friendship with Onyx. Furious with jealousy, Dolion went out of his way to harass the two whenever he could, follow them at a distance when they spent time together in town, and find new reasons to scream at his brother whenever he could. After about two and half years of suffering through their friendship, Dolion eventually would come to the conclusion there was only one way to sate his intense jealousy and hatred; to get rid of Onyx. For the next few weeks, he carefully observed Onyx’s habits, behaviors, and hobbies. Her own love for plants inspired Dolion to find a particularly cruel and ironic way of ridding himself of her presence. To his delight, he realized poisoning the girl would also potentially frame Fynn for the murder, leaving himself free from legal blame. Dolion carefully opened one of the bags of tea Fynn kept for Onyx for the rare occasions she came over, and placed the leaves and petals of Oleander flowers inside it. The color of the red oleander was close enough to the deep pink of hibiscus, and its aroma of apricots would mask that the herbs had been tampered with. Dolion ensured he would be working on the same night his parents were out on a business trip, knowing Fynn would jump on the opportunity to have his friend over. However, when the police contacted Dolion at work a few hours later, his delight turned to confusion when they alerted him that Fynn had been found dead in their backyard. He feigned grief convincingly enough to rid himself of suspicion and had already built himself an alibi, but his confusion only grew as the police informed him his brother had been found with animalistic gashes, with Onyx nowhere to be found. His fury at the failed murder attempt turned to paranoia and delusion, and after developing his stand Master of Puppets, Dolion isolated himself as much as possible from his hometown by moving into the city. A few months after the tragedy, Dolion would come across a journalist named Dante, who managed to catch him alone and question him about the events of his brother’s death. It was clear Dante had caught on that there was foul play at work, rather than an animal attack and random disappearance. Enraged and terrified about suspicion spreading, Dolion utilized his stand against the journalist, forcing him to not only shred all the evidence and his drafts, but to contact all his loved ones and boss and ruin his own reputation and relationships. To make a final point, he forced Dante to take the nearest sharp object and drag it across his cheek to match the scar Dolion himself had. A few hours later, still furious and highly paranoid, Dolion tracked down Dante’s own fiance and once again utilized his stand to force the man to kill himself to make the murder appear as a suicide. Dolion now works as a successful financial manager, abusing his stand power to force others to do the hard work for him in order to further his own career with minimal effort. He is still incredibly obsessed with Nyx, and his spare time is spent desperately trying to track her so he can kill her.


(work in progress)


Although he was once enamoured with her, he now despises Nyx and is obsessed with hunting her down to kill her. He still holds some feelings of attraction, but refuses to acknowledge them in favor of eliminating her.

Dolion's brother. Although he grew to abuse Fynn and view him as a nuisance, he still felt grief when his brother died, although he would never admit it. He views his brother's death as a justified reason to be chasing after Nyx.

Dolion's cousin. He absolutely despises Setta and will become immediately aggressive in his presence.

Dolion's cousin. He holds a slight bit more respect for them because he is the owner of his own establishment(s).

Another of Dolion's cousins. He respects her just a bit more simply because she doesn't belittle him or express disgust with his presence.

Dolion's uncle. He dislikes Jane quite a bit, and actively avoids them. While he isn't scared of him, he's unnerved by their presence.

Dolion's cousin, he usually doesn't pay him much mind.

Dolion's cousin, he usually doesn't pay him much mind.

Dolion's cousin. He doesn't like children in general, but Faye especially creeps him out.

  • Dolion carries a handgun on himself at all times that he's named "Disposable Hero".
  • Dolion rarely does anything himself if it requires a fair amount of effort. Often, instead, he forces others to carry out tasks for him with his stand.
  • Dolion has a soft spot for reptiles, especially snakes.
  • Dolion has a pet corn snake named Sandman.

code by icecreampizzer