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∙ Quick Summary ∙

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sit amet leo dictum, consequat felis at, placerat lorem. Vestibulum purus nisi, dignissim in lectus ac, ullamcorper ultrices mauris. Aliquam ac diam sed nisi dignissim posuere ac eget orci. Nunc porta tincidunt nibh et iaculis.

∙ Magic ∙

Every living being possesses a very small level of passive magic, usually manifesting only briefly as a sort of "sixth sense", or heightened abilities. However, most beings do not possess enough to develop refined powers. Those who develop powers of their own attain them in one of two ways; Through passive or direct absorption and accumulation of magic in their bloodstream, or by being granted specific abilities through a more powerful entity. It acts much like physical matter; It is never created nor destroyed, only transferred. Killing anything with powerful magic and consuming their blood is often the fastest way of strengthening one’s own abilities. Humans are typically only capable of developing one power in their life, daemons and lesser gods usually boast about 2-5, while fully developed gods can wield an indefinite amount.

Powers that are developed through strong magical content in the blood can range wildly in function and manifestation, but can usually be roughly categorized based upon the traits of the specific power. The most common magic category is Clairvoyance, which is often disregarded and assumed to be sleight of hand (think: fortune tellers, psychics, etc.). This category includes but is not limited to mind-reading, foresight, telepathy, and so on. Teleportation may also fall into this category. Alteration is often the second most common type, which includes magics that create illusions or manipulation of the physical world (dimension hopping, telekinesis, etc.). Influential magic is far less common, and only rarely manifests. This magic can alter the mind, emotional state, or physical behaviors of a person (usually by command). This kind of magic may also change aspects such as a person’s luck or the reality of superstitions/myths. Mending is a magic sub-category of both Alteration and Influential powers, and is far more specific in its effects, and gives one the ability to repair, heal, or reverse any sort of damage or injury. Finally, Bestial magic is a magic usually only reserved for the Gods themselves; it is power designted with the purpose to kill and drain magical content from another creature’s blood. While this type of power may manifest in a variety of ways, it always provides a single result; death.

∙ The Old Gods ∙

Ancient beings hungry for nothing but power, these beasts engaged in constant war with one another for the purpose of inheriting the magical essence of their foes. These mighty beasts once roamed the Earth in the hundreds, demanding respect and worship from the daemons they created and the humans they terrorized. However, one god would rise above all; it mangled its enemies and drank from their blood, leveled cities and wiped out entire ancient species, and eventually came to rule Earth as its own with no being powerful enough to challenge it. That was, until through the combined effort of several lesser gods, its very being was shattered into millions of pieces that would shower over the Earth, bringing life to the land it ravaged. While most of these stories are lost to time, most gods became inspirations for most religions within the modern world. It’s uncertain if any gods remain, as most were brought down by the great beast during its reign and in the battle against it, but the magic still lingers within the Earth, biding its time until one day it can manifest into something greater once more…