


Miette is a kind and gentle but withdrawn dog who ventures in her van as a freelancing photographer & artist.





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M I E T T E / S K O R P A N

BREED Ger + Aus Shepherd mix

POWERS Wings/Kintsugi



SIGN Scorpio




  • classical music
  • Halloween
  • Corvids
  • Autumn
  • Coffee
  • Travel
  • True crime
  • Ornithology
  • Photography
  • Crafting & sewing
Story elements are based on her anthro form, whilst supernatural powers only apply to her feral form.


Her kinstugi healing powers make her blood appear like that of melted gold and wounds will mend back into a golden crack only for a moment later appear completely unharmed. The only exception are wounds caused by herself which heal like that of regular scars, the only hint of her powers remaining is a golden shimmer.

She can also summon large, raven-esque wings from her back markings. These are affected and powered through emotion; a positive mind making them stronger and possible to wield. Due to Miette's mental state she will at times struggle to wield them but the joy of flying and a lack of negative attachments to the experience of flight makes it a rare occurence.


A reserved but caring canine with a rather unexpressive demeanour not fully matching her good-hearted nature; Miette holds a strong compassion and desire for closer bonds and a meaningful life but struggles to overcome the destain and apathy she tolds towards herself.

However she finds deep comfort and joy in nurturing her creative side and even in good moods she enjoys being a lone wolf more often than not. Once she gets to open her heart to others she's calm and levelheaded and a good listener who likes to help and provide for others.

Miette is quite indifferent to everything around her; finding it hard to pour in passion and care into anything beside her work. This also extends to her own well being, leaving her stuck in bad habits despite knowing how to improve them. As well as friendships, many of which have slowly dwindled out over the years.

She's also habitual and dislikes drastic changes, especially the ones out of her control. So it was fortunate she managed to take the leap of faith and move out and into her own van; heading towards many new and unpredictable tomorrows.

BACKSTORY (warning - SH mention)

With a rather uneventful, normal but happy upbringing, only really halted by an early development of self doubt and low self esteem. Miette had always been an independent leader type in a sense that she would prefer to work alone and take action rather than to follow others' lead.

She always deeply loved to create and it would consume most of her waking time wether it was arts or other engaging handicrafts. Her dedication remained unwavered and with hard work, education and improvement she found herself able to work as a freelancer.

Her teenage years were the most difficult, changes and new coupled with more pressure and self awareness made her spiral into multiple mental disorders. With that she also shut herself in- and away from others more, during her lowest point she also aquired her self inflicted eye-wound.

With a long journey of continued recovery, mostly done on her own she took the big step of moving out and seeking freedom and better days travelling, focusing on herself and her passions. She's come to find new friends that has helped her greatly along the way and which she visits whenever the occasion occurs.

Meeting Chai

Through her travels one of Miette's favourite traditions has been to try out new cafés in cities she's come to visit, with the goal of tasting various coffees and spending work time amongst some needed noise and life.

After her van broke down and she had to stop by another new town the silver lining presented itself as a small, cozy café with the best coffee she had ever tasted as well as a new friendship that would change her life for the better.

Miette had noticed the cheerful mutt that was the barista and café owner, but only took in her presence shortly when receiving her coffee before diving her nose back into work. However she found herself returning for the good drinks often and with time came introductions, the occasional small talk and forming a friendship.

By the end of her temporary stay they had become great friends; Miette loved to sit and work, keeping Chai company during shifts. Chai in return knew Miette's favourite orders and could hear her arrive just be the way the door bell would pling. Once it came time to leave she promised she'd return every so often during her van ventures.


Chai Best friend

Despite their semmingly opposite energies they share many interests, personality traits and passions; clicking instantly once conversation went beyond surface formalities.

Miette deeply admires and appreciates Chai's kind, supportive and cheerful nature, returning back to visit her, her town and café is the highlight of her year.


Isla Best friend

A friendship first built online for many years; finally getting to meet up built the bond even stronger. Miette feels safe and able to be herself, they share many calm cozy times as well as fun moments of laughter.

She loves to stop by isla's café & library whenever she's in the area, and Isla is there waiting with tasty drinks ready for catchup-time. They both bring a bookmark made by the other anywhere they venture.


Cinnamon Best friend




Lilla My Best friend




Arai Best friend




Rocky Best friend




Jovie Best friend



"Gold with it's empty touch"