Zendiria's Comments

Wta entry

Name; Birch 

Personality: Jolly, Clumsy a bit, Adventurous, Cheerful, Playful, Goofball


Birch was born in the middle of the forest, among leaves, vines, and trees. He grew up knowing that the forest is his home. He loves to climb trees, swing on vines and jump from branches to branches. Birch usually likes to stargaze on top of trees as he finds it peaceful and relaxing. He also is fond of eating berries and mangoes that he finds scattered around. He is great at scavenging and digging for things that are burried underground. Birch likes to build things with branches, leaves and vines and experiment with them as well which usually turns into such a mess but he just laughs it off. 

This character has such a nice design!! I think I'd name them Zendiria. They seem to be very cheerful and bubbly. I think they like to have fun and goof around but if a situation is dangerous, they have immense psychic powers that activate when someone they care about is in trouble. They like hanging out in new places, enjoying the experiences different settings can create. They'd probably get along well with some of my other characters like Chris, learning about the world together. Zendiria isn't the biggest fan of sports but they enjoy jogging in quiet places. They also like running races for charity. Zendiria enjoys both the rural and urban places in the world, so they probably enjoy visiting the restaurants where Rose plays piano, enjoying the contrasting environment from the forest with Chris. 

If I got this character I'd definitely make/commission art for them, I really really like their design.

That sounds so cool! I’ll transfer em your way!

Thank you so much!
