


6 years, 10 months ago


Alias Hideaki [英明]
Real Name Guanyu [冠宇]
Age 23 yrs old
Gender Male
Birth Date July 12th
Li Hua ★ ★
Rin ★ ★ ★
Hinata ★ ★ ★


While many believe Dark-type pokemon to be rather cryptic and solitary, Hideaki prefers a much flashier persona. Some would describe his aura as warm and inviting, while others find him a bit gaudy and vain. He is outgoing and very personal in that he enjoys striking up conversation and learning new things. Some might find him a bit overbearing, as he's a huge fan of physical contact - whether it's shaking hands, hugs, or clapping a hand on one's shoulders for their attention. He is rather patient, or at least tries to be, for his temper can become rather dangerous to him and anyone around him. This conflicts with his uncanny habit of pushing boundaries and starting arguments from time to time...


Being the older of two siblings, Guanyu was fortunate enough to have more time with his and Li Hua's biological father. Their father, a Leafeon, was strong-willed and rather eccentric in a way. He provoked thought in his children and made sure they were never too busy to have fun and experience new things. Guanyu's father was a respectable man with immense love for his family; his passing would be the most devastating event for the young Eevee.

When his mother remarried, Guanyu held a little resentment in his heart for his step-father. He was a kind and loving man, for sure, but he wasn't the man his father was. He lived to please the family rather than challenge and uplift it. It sickened Guanyu... Saddened him, even. The Eevee took it upon himself then to leave the tea shop his family worked so hard to maintain in favor of new experiences. He hated the routine of busywork and barely making enough money to sustain such a large family. He craved something more.

It wasn't until they were on the road to the Sun Empire that Guanyu picked up a hobby to his liking (and benefit). It was rough trying to move a family of seven across the country to who-knows-where, and even harder to sustain funds for the trip. Guanyu knew running makeshift pit stops wouldn't do them any good, so he resorted to pick-pocketing. At first, it was for harmless loose change or trinkets he could trade or sell for better things. He made up excuses to his family that he was doing honest work - helping other travelers move, carpentry, babysitting, and whatever else he could come up with to justify his income. On occasion, those lies would be true, but what once was a hobby slowly turned into an occupation. Perhaps, even an addiction. Somewhere along the line, he'd evolved into an Umbreon, but his memory remains foggy even today over how or when it happened. For simplicity's sake, he chooses to believe his newfound passion is what changed him.

By the age of 18, he and his family made it to the Sun Empire and he fell madly in love. The culture and the land were so vastly different from the Jade Imperium, and yet it still managed to feel like home. He couldn't wait to see more of it... so he parted ways with his family, abandoning what would be his duty to the family business. He left on a whim, so getting a grip on life was a little rough at first. He relied on pick-pocketing and seeking treasure based on hearsay to keep him afloat. Eventually his escapades led him to the land of Noir Vale where he decided to make base. This was his fresh start and, in order to celebrate his new home and seemingly bright future ahead of him, he felt it necessary to adopt a new name.

And so, Hideaki was born.

Height 6'1
Orientation Pansexual
Pokemon Umbreon
Ability Inner Focus
Occupation Treasure Hunter
Sucker Punch
  • Gold jewelry
  • Rings in particular
  • Meandering around town
  • Meeting new people
  • Sun Empire culture
  • Seafood
  • Physical Contact ❤
  • White/Colorless gemstones
  • Feeling restricted or tied down
  • Routine tasks
  • Being provoked into anger
  • Ripping or dirtying his clothes
  • People who rely on others to make them happy
  • Only close loved ones know his birth name. He prefers Hideaki.
  • His step-father is a Gogoat while his mother is a Chesnaught.
  • He has one Chespin sister and three Skiddo half-brothers.
  • He prioritizes escape and stealth tactics rather than combat, but he keeps up with training to keep his defenses up.
  • When angered and/or pressured into fighting, his sweat takes on poisonous properties and becomes dangerous if inhaled/ingested/touched. The poison only kicks in when extremely angered or agitated.
  • He only has "ring" tattoos on his arms, but his ear markings and tattoos glow in the moonlight or when extremely happy or satisfied. Some say his hair has a glow to it as well, but who can say for sure, it's black hair.
  • Despite leaving his family on rough terms, Hideaki actively sends them money and small treasures to keep them financially stable.