Li Hua



6 years, 10 months ago


Name Li Hua [栗花]
Alias Kuribana [栗花]
Age 20 yrs old
Gender Female
Birth Date February 15th
Guanyu ★ ★
Zhen ★ ★ ★ ★


From afar, Li Hua seems like an aloof young woman -- detached and wise beyond her years -- but in fact she is grounded and highly interested in the “now.” She is adventurous at heart and holds a passion for learning and experiencing. Despite not being able to travel as much as she’d like to, Li aims to learn about the world through the many guests that frequent her tiny tea shop. She approaches life with a smile, though there are times when it may be deemed inappropriate to do so. Li Hua may often come off as highly apathetic, as she finds dealing with hardships and heavy feelings a bit challenging. She'd much rather brush off negative feelings than dwell on or face them.


Li Hua grew up in a rather large family, consisting of a brother from her immediate family and three half-brothers on her father’s side. She lost her biological father to illness at a young age, but her mother continued running their family tea shop where she eventually met Li Hua’s step father. Fortunately Li and her step father get along well, and he even does his best to provide for the family business despite being the one married into it.

Li Hua and her family lived in a crowded little home above their tea shop. This shop was nothing more than a little hole in the grand walls of Jade Imperium’s Divine Capital, but even so it was always lively and full of new people every day. Li Hua, being the second eldest of her siblings, was just old enough to help run the shop at the age of 13. She thoroughly enjoyed it and found socializing with customers and eavesdropping on the latest gossip to be fulfilling. Travellers from all over stopped by for tea, so Li always heard news and interesting tales from just about every corner of Jade Imperium.

It was through this chain of gossip that she heard of the impending disaster slowly but surely makings its way for the Capital.

Li Hua’s step-father, though aware of his wife’s reluctance, urged the family to flee before the disaster hit the Capital. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe in the Imperium’s ability to fend for itself, but even he couldn’t put a hundred percent of his faith into the possibility they would all come out unscathed. Li Hua’s mother did not share his views, but had no other choice but to close shop and lead her family to safety.

Relocating a family of seven was no easy feat, especially when they had no clear destination in mind. They traveled aimlessly for two years and established countless temporary homes along the road in that span of time. Often times they’d make homes out of outposts where they would offer tea in exchange for pocket change or tips on nearby places. Familial bonds were tested many times over as stress, fatigue, and the day-to-day struggle to live weighed on everyone. It was Li Hua’s duty as big sister to protect her brothers and keep them out of trouble. Because of this, she often bottled up her own feelings and opinions on their hardships in favor of keeping a light atmosphere for her brothers to make the most of.

By the age of 15, Li Hua and her family made it to the Sun Empire. She’d heard many rumors about its radiance from other refugees and travellers, so a part of her hoped such rumors would be true. Maybe her family could finally have a permanent home at last…

As though fulfilling her wishes, Li and her family slowly but surely established roots in a small village within the lands of Scorched Mountain. The family picked up various jobs over the course of three or four years to earn enough money to branch out farther into this foreign land. Once more they started up the family tea shop - only this time they expanded their menus to include teas they picked up on their travels.

By the age of 20, Li Hua was old enough to run the shop in her parents places. Her brothers did not share her interest in tea making, so they branched out into different fields of study. This didn’t bother Li Hua too much. She liked her job.

Still, a small part of her yearns to travel again - under better circumstances, of course.

Height 5'8
Orientation Pansexual
Pokemon Chespin
Ability Overgrow
Occupation Teahouse Hostess
Seed Bomb
  • Gardening
  • Apricots
  • Crafting makeshift firecrackers
  • Entertaining visitors
  • Listening to stories
  • Wandering through town
  • Broken tea sets
  • Windy weather
  • Staying in one place for too long
  • Disrespectful customers
  • Facing hardships
  • Whistling noises
  • Her step-father is a Gogoat while his mother is a Chesnaught.
  • She has one Umbreon brother and three Skiddo half-brothers.
  • Li picked up various tiny skills in an effort to entertain her brothers, one being able to craft firecrackers out of apricot seeds.
  • Her tea shop is called "Ochaeri" (オチャエリ) as a pun for "okaeri," meaning "Welcome Home"
  • Her personal favorite teas include fruity oolong and traditional green tea.
  • To reflect the spot on the back of a Chespin's head, Li Hua has a small beauty mark on the nape of her neck, hidden just under beneath her hair.