


6 years, 10 months ago



  • Name Eudora Grey
  • Nicknames ---
  • Gender Female (cis)
  • Sexuality Ace
  • Age 34
  • Height 5'6"
  • Occupation Seer

Eudora knows what she wants, and she knows what she needs—at least that's what she says. There are a lot of things she isn't certain on, and a lot of things that haunt her, but she will do all in her power to pretend otherwise.

You're a fool, just like everyone else; you think you know what's right, but you don't. I am the one who knows. And I can help. 


thin and pretty

closer observation finds that she looks unwell, bony and wan

constant bored or judgmental expression on her face (resting)


Eudora is confident in her ability to help others, to the extent that she pushes her advice even when it is unwelcome. She does not have absolute knowledge nor authority in many subjects, but that does not stop her from asserting her opinions, which she presents as unquestionable. Any doubt toward her is met with disdain and dismissal. Her confidence stems from her apparent psychic visions as well as her intense desire and need to keep other people on the right path.

In this way she is highly protective, in an often abrasive way. She does not sugarcoat things when it comes to leading people to the apparent correct conclusions; if she finds a fault in one's logic or behavior, she will point it out without hesitation. This leads many people to dislike her, but if she notices this she does not care, so long as they listen to her. Her aggressive honesty does help some people realize their own problems when they come to Eudora for help, which only reinforces in her that she is doing the right thing.

Despite how she acts outwardly, she is unable to direct this same treatment to herself. She is self-critical and believes she is at fault for every bad thing that has happened. Over time, she has developed the ability to suppress these thoughts with the knowledge that she is helping people—she is doing good. Even if others think something to be bad, Eudora justifies to herself that it was the right move. This focus on others leads her to neglect herself, partially because she feels she deserves it. If only she could show everyone that she is worth something, that she is capable of giving people the solutions they desperately need... Maybe then she could forgive herself.

Any personal thing she does for herself is surrounded by guilt. Paying attention to her own desires would only lead to neglect of others who are certainly in worse shape than she is. So she pays attention to everything, has opinions about everything, has solutions for everything—unless it pertains to herself. She acts confident in her own abilities and knowledge and hides any deeper, more personal part of her. To her friends, the few of them that there are, her whole identity seems to have developed to be about anything but herself. The extreme certainty in herself that she presents seems egotistical, but she is not boastful, and careful listening reveals that she never speaks of herself beyond the fact that she is the one who knows what is right; she does not do this for prestige or a sense of superiority. She does this because she doesn't want anyone to suffer because of her lack of insight.


  • Being in control
  • Rain
  • Journaling
  • Poetry


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Eudora Grey grew up with money. Her parents were wealthy business owners [what kind?], and were often busy with work-related issues. Their hushed conversations and frequent meetings with their lawyer made Eudora increasingly suspicious, but she never interfered or attempted to pester them about what was going on. Instead, she turned this onto herself, believing herself to have some sort of problem or deficiency that would cause her parents to ignore her and talk behind her back. She was highly self-critical, and often this manifested in her believing that she did not deserve what she had.

Matters did not improve when her parents died. It had been ruled an accident, but with the family lawyer poking about, Eudora theorized that maybe it was something more. This led her to fault herself for not paying attention more to their business; perhaps she could have done something to help if she hadn't been focused so much on herself. She determined then to help others whenever she could, even if that meant sacrificing her own well-being in the process.

Her apparent psychic abilities—manifesting as sudden visions and voices—which became more frequent as she grew up—and her dreams about people she knew paired with her already prominent self-inspection to create the basis of her business as a seer, through which she now interprets her visions and dreams to advise her clients on the future.

She grew up with Hadley Towers and Zhenya Zima, the two people she continues to be close to, although their differences have begun to push them apart. Their friendship began as one fraught with insults, with all three of the friends exhibiting their own self-deprecation that led the others to reinforce it. As they became older, these friendly jabs became more hard-hitting and harmful, though Eudora, Hadley, and Zhenya still try to remain friends.

This proves more difficult than it normally would have been when Hadley dies at the High Point cliff. Without any solid proof as to the cause, and Eudora being the last person to see him after meeting him up there, both Zhenya and herself blame her for what happened, though Eudora's memory of that day is hazy at best.





