


6 years, 10 months ago


Gendernonbinary man (he/they*)
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a Pith pretending everything is fine
  • likes to think he's laid back; actually stressed quite often
  • filled with a worrying amount of underlying dread
  • often seen as confident and skilled
  • surprisingly modest
  • impulsive and reckless; tends to disobey orders
  • craves attention, bad at asking for it
  • calm, cool, and collected exterior; barely-keeping-it-together interior
  • artist, likes to draw nature
  • travels across the Flood on his motorcycle to find cool new places
  • he is a Pith:
    • artificial plant-based organism developed from the same plants used for power / electricity
    • gets energy from the sun, stores it in his core
    • can access the energy to power electronics
    • cannot "hack" things, usually just short-circuits things already powered
  • *(only people who know him well can refer to him with they/them but you, dear reader, may do so if you wish)
  • **(top of mask / head, doesn't include "hair")

Pictoris lives in a world covered by the Flood, a vast ocean that has drowned out most of what was previously here. There are still the remains of cities and mountains poking above the water, and new settlements have been formed around these. The sun has become a large source of power, and special plants are beginning to be used in place of standard electronics.

Pictoris spends most of his time traveling around the Flood to explore and escape his problems. He is well-liked back home but he often gets into trouble with authority.

One day he finds an overgrown building of unknown purpose, with a nearly dead robot outside. Without thinking he gives the robot some of his core energy, reviving Apolinary from before the Flood.


  • a pre-Flood robot revived by Pictoris and now adjusting to this new world
  • Pictoris doesn't know what to think of him at first, but the two become close friends and bond over mutual feelings of loneliness and uncertainty with regard to their places in the world
  • also Pictoris has a crush on him hehe