


2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Belle
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human

A mysterious woman with even more mysterious goals, she claims to be simply looking for someone but whether that’s the truth remains to be seen. Belle is standoffish and no-nonsense she simply doesn’t have time to be playing games with anyone regardless of what side they claim to be on. She appears and disappears at seemingly random and gives away very little when questioned. She seems especially avoidant of the girls under Anya’s mentorship and when they bring Anya up she visibly tenses but says nothing. What’s more startling to the girls is that she appears to be wearing the mask of one of the creatures but has no signs of being infested by one. Underneath the mystery and the cold shell, Belle is a woman filled with regret and finds herself unable to trust anyone anymore. She is well aware that she is throwing away her compassion and is troubled by that, but she’s too deep in it to stop now.


Mona+Nila- Highly interested in these two, they act erratically with no set bias, Belle figures they must know something she doesn’t. Has been observing them for a while, plans to approach once she sees an opening.

Darcy- Interested in her but she seems just as stubborn and secretive as Belle is so Belle has been waiting to see how receptive Mona and Nila are before approaching Darcy. Particularly interested in how close Darcy and her group seems to be with the creatures.

Ram- Reluctant partners in finding the truth and finding their respective loved ones. Belle does not talk to them unless needed.

Anya- Belle resents her and is disappointed in her. Belle cannot believe she is still playing along with the hero shtick after everything that happened, like, genuinely horrified and hurt by this.

Ceres- She hasn’t forgotten Ceres, she refuses to forget her, and is going to find her.

Castilla- Someone Belle cares for deeply. Even if Belle becomes unrecognizable to herself she wants to do everything in her power to bring Castilla and Ceres home.