
Arkhe (Ar-kee)

  • Nicknames: Wise Eyes that See All Secrets, ᎠᎾᎦᎵᏍᎬ (ah-nah-gah-lees-guh/Lightning)
  • Species: Au Ra (Xaela)/werepanther mix
  • Gender: Two-spirit
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Age: 27
  • Birthday: October 21st
  • Height: 7'
  • Relationship Status: Taken (Rekrito Verezo)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Parents: Hialeah and Tsiyu
  • Power type: Varied, but very limited in any abilities unrelated to his extreme strength and chlorokinesis
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good, leans True Neutral
  • Voice claim: Ray Chase (English), Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese), FFXIV AU Accent
  • Face claim: Cherokee Jack
  • FFXIV World: Seraph (Dynamis)
  • MISC: Song playlist

Personality: Sassy; Witty; More emotional internally than he can show; More perceptive and cunning than he portrays; Hides his suspicion and distrust of others; Really patient, but can suddenly snap from anger unexpectedly

About: Arkhe's a lone wolf that ran from his home village near the Southern-Eastern Hell border in Uvaria at a very young age, seeking to start anew after losing everything he once knew. These days he works as a mercenary, taking on jobs to keep food on the table and sweet treats in his pockets on the go. Even now, he genuinely doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, so he just takes it easy and stops to smell the flowers every chance he gets. He doesn't care about the usual "petty infighting" (his words) among other Xaela outside of the villages he hops between during jobs, and is accepting of outsiders of all kinds and others of his people alike while he travels here and there.

Extra Info

  • He may have a few elements from the Final Fantasy series, but his lore doesn't tie in with it at all, and is intended as a standalone character
  • In the portrayals of him being in the Final Fantasy universe, however, his "canon" classes are Dark Knight and Viper, his guardian deity is Menphina, The Lover - keeper of the twin moons and the goddess of love, and his "official" ship is with Sidurgu
  • When he was little, he was unable to feel emotion. Due to his village being on the smaller and poorer side, no assistance could be found to see if there was an underlying cause, though his parents loved and cared for him all the same
  • His older siblings had been sucked into a very dangerous cult when Arkhe was a child, and when he was 8 years old, he was forced to endure watching them murder their parents. That situation was also the first time Arkhe had ever felt true emotions that he could identify as he felt the rage take over, and he slaughtered his siblings in cold blood. That was when he ran from his village for good, leaving everything he once knew behind and leaving no trails to be followed, and the investigative case opened cold and inconclusive
  • He's neurodivergent; he has comorbid autism and ADHD, though the ADHD symptoms only began showing after he was on the run and he began feeling emotion. He's also got dysgeographica as well as undiagnosed ASPD. He's gotten professionally diagnosed for his autism and ADHD in his adult years and has medication to assist him when needed
  • He's a drag queen, and tends to befirend a lot of other fellow Au Ra drag queens, kings, and monarchs and perform with them
  • As he's grown older, he's become quite the hopeless romantic, and desires to find someone to fall in love with. Children will ALWAYS be out of the question due to the mere thought drudging up memories of his past, but even then he wants to settle down with someone for the long haul
  • He may be VERY good in a fight, but after a certain amount of time has passed in a fight he gets genuinely annoyed, especially if he actually had plans but had to set them aside. He's had countless times where he planned on baking some yummy sweet treats and had to fight in long battles that left him too tired to bake after he got home, leaving him grumpy for a few days afterwards
  • He may eat almost anything presented to him, but he much prefers sweets, or spicy and/or savory foods
  • He's hypoglycemic, which contributes to his constant eating and a majority of the things he eats and drinks being sweet and sugary
  • His scleras can change in brightness depending on how he feels/his intentions, much like a chameleon and its own color-changing. This is something Arkhe has learned to control, however, and usually keeps his scleras white unless he's feeling either extremely annoyed or depressed (they turn a deep grey for this), or beyond angry (they turn black, along with his irises turning red enough to hide his limbal rings despite the glow they can emit)
  • His teeth regrow twice a year. He has a habit of pulling his teeth out on accident when bored and absentmindedly wiggling them, and he's gone through multiple rows of teeth doing this in his lifetime. Thankfully he has at least 64 more regrowths to go as long as he lives, so he isn't at risk of making himself toothless
  • He has an uncommon blood type. His blood type is DH, which can receive transfusions from A, B, AB, and O safely, but will kill anyone with those blood types if they try to receive the DH type via poisoning and heart failure
  • He's a lycanthrope, a werepanther to be exact. His in-between hybrid form takes the appearance of an anthropomorphic black panther, though he also can transform into a full panther. He's also much larger than the average werepanther due to his Auri genetics, and being taller than average by even those standards. His Auri genetics also make him unable to fully blend in when transformed, due to his eyes becoming red and even sometimes glowing in the dark
  • His approximate size when in his full panther form is around 6 feet tall at the shoulder, around 15 feet long from nose to rump, and his tail is around 5 feet long
  • People have half-jokingly compared him to people that would push the nerdy kids in lockers in school when he asks how he comes off to them, and he can't help but feel insulted due to acknowledging that he has pretty much has an addiction to watching anime and reading manga. He even has lots of anime figurines purposefully displayed in his bedroom to top it all off and prove the point
  • He knows how to pick pretty much every lock you could think of, and sometimes secretly teaches children and teens in abusive situations how to pick locks, among other barricade-breaking techniques, to escape their situations. He feels proud to know he's saved a lot of lives doing this
  • He has a fascination with the elderly. He has no clue why their physical features and differences intrigue him so much, but he genuinely enjoys them. They feel almost sentimental to him somehow, and every time he holds the hand of an elderly person, feels how different their skin is and sees it closer, it fills him with a sense of comfort he doesn't really understand
  • His last name is Vitaceae (Vih-tay-see)
  • His middle name is Buyantu, his tribe name
  • His tribe all have two first names; one given that they mostly use within the tribe, and an optional one for outsiders if they so wish to use it. Arkhe's tribe name is ᎠᎾᎦᎵᏍᎬ (Anagalisgv), though he's always preferred to use his other name

Character rules:

  • Arkhe is Indigenous and his culture and tribe's clothing are based on a mix of Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Choctaw inluences. If you try to put him in the New World set or any other racist/cultural appropriation outfit, I will beat you over the head with a rock
  • NSFW is definitely permitted, but I'd like to be credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content of any kind is made. A note about this is that while I'll allow NSFW of him in his full panther form, due to him still being able to express consent, I don't want bestiality fantasies played out with him. It's weird enough to non-furries that don't get that there are ferals that can consent, don't make it worse
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer